post your screens in the comments(spoiler tags please), and they will be chosen based on overall beauty,badassery, composition, and rep. (so rep the good ones folks!) Videos welcome too!
Most of my screenshots come from various worlds I find on PMC. I lose track of which ones, and I apologize. I always try to remember to ask for permission to use them in my op, but am horrible at linking to them. If you see a build you recognize give me a link to the project and I will add credit.
V2.06 : changed ore blocks (still a work in progress), added ctm support for ore, changed night sky again, new lightmap that creates shadows, modified nether and the end a bit more, new mojang logo and splash screen, other ui tweaks, a few items.... AAAAAAAND... I compressed the out of the 256x pack and lowered the file size by a bunch.
V2.05 : another change to concrete, mossy, added new dirt, grass, and added ctm support for grass, new nether textures..more I'm forgetting...
V2.04 : slightly changed concrete textures, redid mossy cobble and mossy stone bricks, tweaked the stonecolor.png a bit and added all the concrete textures to it's color properties, added test hooks to crafting table, took out the ugly wheat, and added an even uglier default edit. lol
you enjoy it! Feel free to leave any comments or
suggestions on my page, I love feedback!
To install textures for Rei's Minimap: after installing the mod, drag the reifnsk folder
from the pack into your minecraft.jar.
To install the 256x shaders I use for GLSL:
after installing the mod, drag the files from
shaders.zip into the shaders folder inside your
I suggest running minecraft with 2gig or more of
memory allocated to java. To do this easily:
open a new text document and paste the following in
it then save as minecraft.bat :
for 2gig:
@echo off java -client -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:
+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -
XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -
XX:SurvivorRatio=12 -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -
Xincgc -Xmx2048M -cp Minecraft.exe
net.minecraft.LauncherFrame exit
for 4gig:
@echo off java -client -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:
+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -
XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -
XX:SurvivorRatio=12 -Xnoclassgc -XX:UseSSE=3 -
Xincgc -Xmx4092M -cp Minecraft.exe
net.minecraft.LauncherFrame exit
put your new bat file in the same place as your minecraft.exe (don't delete it), and use the .bat to start minecraft instead.
To use alt textures, just copy the animations to tp zip. For the textures themselves, use gimp/PS and set grid to 256, and snap to grid..you can copy/paste to your hearts content. Alt textures do not have glsl support yet(make sure to put a copy of a solid block into place on terrain_nh.png when you use alts,and change them on terrain_s.png as well), but I'm tracking all of the normals/specs down to add them to another sheet in the same spots for ease of use. (and making new ones for the textures from my old pack I stuck in there

I have limits to what I can visualize and create, and I want this pack to be for everyone, so I'm opening it up to community involvement.
Will return news after i play
I can't download it.
It says i don't have a compatible browser.
I won't even download Google Chrome to get this(Antivirus reacts to it) :/
If you have a good PC.
Some Originality!!!
Download Now!
It has finally come...
Some updates, like Wool, Bed, Pumpkins, Jack o Lanterns and Pumpkin Helmet View.
Also, new link will be provided
Updated Download Link!
You asked for it.
TIME ELAPSED: 30 seconds.
Not really.
Just a thought
The originality is great, i just suck at cracking up jokes.
(Note, Never make jokes again)
Endstone still looks like the same?
He said "GBA sucks."...
I said "YOU suck."
Okay. I didn't understand you?
Thanks, but you still have to wait more.
More surprises are to come.
That's fine. The biome doesn't matter, the textures are what's important here.
Pokemon didn't have biomes right?
I have school today, so no new updates. Sorry.
Awesome job, but i won't use it. My eyes could hurt by Repetitive patterns.