I may have begun playing on 1.2.3, but the Older versions got my interest.
After playing a while on the older versions, i updated to 1.2.5.
I'm like, "What".
It is highly unlikely there will be a 16x version. We wouldn't be able to capture all the detail in that resolution. If we did make another version, it would probaly be higher (64x)
SInce it's a community pack, i might be able to do something with 16x, so those people with low specs can rejoice.
I'll do that after the pack is 100%
Hi Dex, mind if i know who's next in line?
I don't need to rush you, but my friends are itchy to see it, we're gonna have a huge LAN Party soon and i forced them to move the schedule.
I just wanted to know so my friends would cool down.
I used it instead of my friend, we traded skins. You did a nice job
Can you make me that^ skin?
It's for a friend.
Thanks a ton!
What i meant was, every 16x pack to exist will be effective.
If you don't like the packs here then you'll have to stay with the Default.
All 16x Packs below are okay.
Just install Optifine and set everything to their lowest possible settings.
I got excited for nothing.
I was ready to download it, but not until i not until i noticed the post date.
After playing a while on the older versions, i updated to 1.2.5.
I'm like, "What".
SInce it's a community pack, i might be able to do something with 16x, so those people with low specs can rejoice.
I'll do that after the pack is 100%
You got my +1
It makes me wanna write a Scribblenauts Mod.
Also, will you be making a 16x version?
Thanks Man!
I really appreciate this!
My friends will no longer wait, and i wonder what's the sorry for?
I wonder how i can repay you for this
I don't need to rush you, but my friends are itchy to see it, we're gonna have a huge LAN Party soon and i forced them to move the schedule.
I just wanted to know so my friends would cool down.
It's worth the try, i'll just live with the color of the sand.