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    posted a message on Catching up with other Staff
    Quote from Beltir»

    I'm a bit behind.
    Retired from MCF, having a kid, no plans on others though. Excited for the kid though, since I get to be a stay at home dad. :D

    Your life is about the change. You'll look back at who you were before it all happened and barely even recognize yourself. XCOM 2 is that good.

    (But seriously, congratulations on the kid!)

    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
  • 10

    posted a message on Catching up with other Staff

    Retired from MCF. Had a kid. Started a business. Bought XCOM 2. Do nothing but XCOM 2.

    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
  • 30

    posted a message on Off Topic Rules

    The Off Topic rules have moved here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/off-topic/general-off-topic/2601570-off-topic-rules

    Posted in: General Off Topic
  • 3

    posted a message on Myth Maker - Redefining Tabletop Roleplaying Games Early Alpha

    Hello Minecraft forums!

    You may remember me from posts like the one above this forum and messages like the ones that used to haunt your inbox.

    I retired when I became a father and as I started a new company working on a secret project. Now that project has entered its very first friends-and-family alpha and I wanted to invite the Minecraft community to see what I've been doing since I left! This is the first public message I've made about the game.

    Myth Maker is a tabletop roleplaying game similar to games like Dungeons and Dragons, only it's attempting to improve upon almost every aspect of the genre. We've not only focused on making the game more engaging (less waiting) than other tabletop roleplaying games, but have added systems to aid in non-combat encounters, integrate interactive storytelling mechanics, and create systems to eliminate the need for a dungeon master entirely!

    If you want to play for free, just click the banner above. New playtests will be available every few weeks that'll add new options and mechanics to the game. As of the first alpha, the core combat system can be downloaded and played with 2-6 players. In the spring we'll be testing the social mechanics. More information can be found at our website.

    Other than a close circle of testers, you guys will be the first part of the public to see the game. I'm very excited to be able to share it with you guys. I enjoyed my time on the Minecraft forums tremendously, and hopefully, some of you will enjoy what I've been doing since I left.

    Note that you have to register to the site to access the downloads. No private information is necessary, though.

    Posted in: General Gaming
  • 2

    posted a message on Far too many sections in CST
    Quote from JohnOptegrove

    It sure seems like that, given that almost nobody agreed with the proposed changes in the feedback thread in their entirety, usually preferring something else.

    You can't please everyone 100% unless everyone is suggesting the same thing. That being said, a few members did post that they agreed with all the changes such as here and here. Most of the other posts agreed on the changes with small alterations. Not a single post was against the changes.
    Quote from JohnOptegrove

    If you're not taking feedback, fine; but put it into an announcement rather than creating a "feedback thread", so we don't have to waste our time giving it.

    If I wasn't taking feedback I wouldn't have made an announcement to get feedback and I wouldn't be responding to your posts now. It's already been pointed out that you wanted even more subforums than were added, so I'm not sure why you're on arguing that 2 subforums is "a billion different sections" and thus "far too many".

    This thread isn't constructive for anyone, so I'm closing it now.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 4

    posted a message on Does the staff seriously not care THIS much?
    Sadly, conversation in the PPNS continued to be hostile despite all moderation attempts. There were always certain users who, despite multiple warnings and bans, continued to break the rules time and time again. Worse, rather than simply cease hostilities, the forum became saturated with thinly veiled insults in place of quality debate. As the forums became more geared towards family friendliness, the PPNS refused to improve.

    The decision about whether or not to close the PPNS has come up several times now, and each time, I've defended its existence based on the idea that the discussion of important topics is something that should be a part of any community. Unfortunately, with each repeated return to this question, I began to doubt the maturity of the PPNS community and its ability to be the forum that it needed to be in order to find a place to belong on the Minecraft Forums. I do not want this forum to be closed, but I have been pushed into a corner where I can no longer defend it. After considering the current toxicity and its refusal to improve, I've been forced to agree with its closure. I have not been forced by citricsquid, Curse, or any of other staff to arrive where I am today. I know it's hard to accept, but it was the PPNS regulars who forced me into this position.

    I'm truly sorry that it came to this. I hope you find another community that is more properly equipped to handle the kinds of topics that the PPNS was created to give voice to.
    Posted in: Forum Discussion & Info
  • 8

    posted a message on PPNS Shut Down
    Due to ongoing concerns regarding the content of this section and the deviation from our core focus (Minecraft) we have decided to shut down the section permanently. As of this announcement you are no longer able to create new threads in this section and in 24 hours the section will be permanently archived. Please use the next 24 hours to conclude any ongoing discussions.

    Moving forward we will no longer allow any discussions of Politics, Philosophy and News anywhere on the forum, do not migrate these discussions to other sections.

    Thank you for your co-operation.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
  • 3

    posted a message on This bad mother makes a baby high
    This section is for serious discussion only.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
  • 1

    posted a message on What do you think would happen if we just found out that the world has only a few years of oil and gas left?
    At current consumption rates we have around 100 years of oil. We have about 300 years of coal. A shortage of oil would only increase that dependency on coal (which we use much more of as it is already). It would have a tremendous impact on transportation, though. You'd see less personal transportation and more public transport. You'd also see a lot less companies operating overseas as well as a reduction in trade.

    Now, if we were to assume we were also about to run out of coal, then we'd probably see a last minute push towards alternate energy. What happens would depend on several factors:
    1) How much fossil fuels were left.
    2) Rate of consumption.
    3) Stockpile of reserve fuel.

    Say all predictions on fossil fuel reserves in the Earth are accurate and we find ourselves running out in a decade or two. That means our rate of consumption is incredibly high and there will probably be no time left to turn it around. Expect a collapse of civilization, especially considering the massive unpreventable rise in sea levels and global temperatures that will occur as a result.

    Say that we were wrong about fuel reserves in the ground and we simply run out early at current consumption levels. This means our paleogeographic and paleoclimatological models are all wrong and there will be no way to predict with confidence what will happen ecologically. Meanwhile, technologically, we may be able to develop some alternative sources of energy, but economic collapse is still almost certain.

    In the end there's nothing good that could happen should we run out of (or stop using) fossil fuels suddenly, so let's hope we don't run out until we can make the appropriate cultural / political / economic / environmental changes needed to support whatever kind of society exists in the post-fossil fuel world.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on Existence of God - Kalam Cosmological Argument
    Quote from king_coco

    Scientism isn't a word. The correct word is science. The -ism suffix there implies that it's merely a belief or ideology.

    You made a great reply, but I do want to correct you on this point. "Scientism" is a word, and it's exactly what you seemed to intuit. It's treating science as an ideology / belief / religion. It's extremely common in the West. You'll find it deeply embedded in "non-religious" communities.

    In publications within the philosophy of science, the term "scientism" is a sort of a derogatory word that refers to the belief of someone who basically accepts anything that "science says" without a proper understanding of the philosophical basis of the sciences. This is a significant part of the population, actually. Interestingly, those who are the most against the use of such a term tend to be its most dogmatic members. This includes notable scientists (such as Feynman and Hawkins), and especially, popularizers of science (such as Dawkins and Tyson). Scientists and popularizers of science who had a deeper understanding of the philosophical foundations of the sciences (such as Einstein and Sagan) tend to avoid this critique. Also worth noting, most historical scientists also avoid this critique as they were traditionally well versed in philosophy (or were philosophers themselves).

    This isn't so much a defense of Shrimpanzee's post as it is a clarification that he is not wrong about his use of that term here (and also to point out that this is a thing, and a widespread thing at that).
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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