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    posted a message on Why do Shaders wreck FPS? And why are they interminable to load?

    My computer is five years old but still powerful, not a store-bought machine but custom made. With 8G total memory, 4G assigned to Minecraft through the launcher, and a 2G AMD video card, I run 150- 300 FPS with a 512X texture pack (forge and optifine running.) But when I apply a shader (and I've tried a lot of them), 90% of my FPS vanishes.

    Shaders don't just slow me down, they cripple me. I tried dropping my texture packs down to 256X, 128X, even 64X, no matter, my game is still crippled. Even at 32X or vanilla graphics I struggle as if with a cheap computer.

    Am I missing something or is this normal?

    And speaking of shaders, omg, what a pain to get one to "activate." When I try to load a shader the game stalls with "not responding" to the point where it can take up to ten minutes to get the shader to kick in. I get this a little bit now and then with texture packs but with shaders it's a nightmare. Same with trying to change any setting within a shader.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Is singleplayer getting "unpopular?"

    Been here since 1.3 and am 100% Single Player Survival with no plans to change.

    Minecraft is an excellent escape from the multi-player game world. Here one can relax without having to deal with other gamers; no teams, no companies, no pressure to show up, contribute, join fights, etc. And while I do enjoy the survival aspect, it's the exercise in creativity that keeps drawing me back, even if only small homes scattered about the countryside and underground offices/storage centers. The game is fun but I'm not fanatical about it.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Worst mods you've ever seen
    Quote from Swift_RIder

    in a server I built a mansion after a year of collecting supplies admin goes on put 1000 tnt carts on a rail in my house blows them up and says trolling builds character -.-

    Trolling doesn't "build character", it "reveals character flaws". How much practice does one really need to be a low class peasant, a bully? Sorry to hear you lost so much of your work.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on My 'pink aisle' experience
    Quote from XbladestormX

    Today I was in my local supermarket, looking at a shelf of PC games. I overheard a little girl ( 5 or 6 ) say to her mother 'Mommy, look how cool this game is, can I buy it' as she was pointing at a copy of Minecraft, and her mother replied 'You're not getting that, videogames are for boys!'. It was a bit of a bizarre experience for me, they left shortly after but I felt like I should have said something. I know this is the 'off topic' section and this is about Minecraft but this isn't about the game itself, it's about the idea that this woman is raising her daughter to believe that there are certain things that girls shouldn't be allowed to do because of their gender. Should I have said something, if so what? Perhaps I'm taking this too seriously, but there must have been a politically correct response that I could have used.


    People like you ---- a dime a dozen --- don't make the world change. That's why the U.S. in particular has been sliding into the trash bin for the last 40 years.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on Why Do People Believe In God?
    Quote from Reptilelord

    I believe in God because of the evidence that there is one. I don't want to get into details, but that is the jist of why I believe.

    Of course you don't want to go into details. That might expose you to the reaction of those who apply critical thinking in their day to day life; you know, "smart people".
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on Why does everyone hate Fox News?
    Quote from Miiralion

    People hate them because they spread total BS without any proof of it at all.

    This is why Fox News is banned in Canada.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on U.S.A or Europe?
    Quote from Thescorpi0n

    As someone from Europe - don't worry, idiocy is not limited to the USA, there's a surprising amount of it here too.

    No doubt stupid people can be found anywhere but at least you're not living in an abyss of religious evangelism and fundamentalism. I live in North Carolina which is a part of America's "Bible Belt", a vast territory that encompasses at least half the country (our "Republican states". These highly provincial people consider Europe (a continent half of them probably couldn't locate on a map) to be an evil, socialist wasteland.

    To a conservative American universal health care = communism. Free higher education is something they've never even heard of but when they discover it this too will be labeled as communism. These self-righteous, moralist bastards would entirely do away will all forms of welfare if given the chance. Their world revolves around money... and how much of it they can keep for themselves.

    Our millions of right-wing clowns would be laughable (God created the world 8,000 years ago, evolution is the work of the devil, gays are sinners, but for the fact many of them get elected to high office (our government is loaded with these morons).

    Sorry to rant but for an intelligent - rational - person who's spent more than 60 years living in the U.S. it just becomes insufferable to be surrounded by this madness every day.

    By the way, a big news story here recently was about a family that fled Germany... seeking "political asylum" here in the U.S. so they could "home school" their children with "creationism" and god only knows what other religious nonsense. Get the picture?
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on Minecraft Gets New Developer, Sells to EA
    Quote from Altainia

    Before anyone becomes outraged: Look at the date.

    Thank you for quickly ending my horror...especially after seeing how EA destroyed my once-favorite franchise Sim City.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on DaftPVF's Mods (Treecapitator, CrystalWing, StartingInv, FloatingRuins)
    Why oh why did you give up IngameInfo? The way you had it set up I could easily use it but now in the hands of some new guy it's turned into a hideous XML monster... utterly useless for those of us who don't know how to use or edit XML files (we're here to play a game, not to learn programming languages.)

    IngameInfo was a hundred times more useful than Floating Ruins... why in the world did you give it up?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on feeling like a old man on minecraft
    I'm a 62 year old misanthrope and Minecraft suits my needs just fine thank you.. single player of course. LOL.

    Games never did hold my attention for long (I read) but I have played them off and on over the years, starting before Zelda but first being enraptured by that amazing (for the time) game. I do enjoy Minecraft but never get terribly far into a game before deleting it (really "them" because I tend to play multiple single player games simultaneously.)

    One thing that amazes me about Minecraft is how different it is each time I return from my long breaks. I started with version 1.3 and there's almost always a new version every time I return from taking a break. I just now returned from yet another break and find we're now in the 1.7s. I'm playing without mods for once and like it, yay!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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