Quote from Melonslise»
Well the synchronize method is only called by my setCurrent() and setMaximum() methods in the capability so I'm not even sure why it's being called at login in the first place.
Because CapabilityMana#readNBT calls CapabilityMana#setCurrent and CapabilityMana#setMaximum. It should set the values directly instead of using the setter methods.
Well it is kind of an update of LambdaCraft in the sense that it uses the textures and models from LambdaCraft. Otherwise I wrote everything from scratch and it can be considered a whole other mod.
Why don't you then?
Project Lambda is an ambitious project aiming to re-create the classic shooter masterpiece, Half-Life, often debated to be the best game of all time that revolutionized its genre, in Minecraft. It is a complete rewrite and overhaul of LambdaCraft, permission for which was kindly granted by its owner KSkun.
Warning: Project Lambda is still in beta so expect a few issues, hopefully no game breaking bugs though. I am looking for testers so I urge everyone to report any found bugs on my github issue tracker.
Here in case the widget isn't working.
No videos as of yet ;(
Please refer to the wiki for now to check out all the current and planned features, changelogs as well as view and report bugs.
Gigaherz, WeAthFolD, Diesieben, Jglrxavpok, Vase of Petunias, Jamie's White Shirt, Therealfarfetchd, Henry Loenwind, Absolem Jackdaw, Latvian Modder, Tterrag, Lemon, Gamebuster, Wouter, Xzeroair, many others and the whole MMD discord.
Project Lambda's code is licensed under the Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License.
Using the mod in non commercial mod-packs is encouraged and doesn't require permission, but I would appreciate if you informed me about your mod-pack.
I might include that feature. But I'm quite busy with other things including other mods and it might be quite a while until I get back to this one.
So you're just asking for people to write your mod for you?
If you want a place to start then look at the ItemPotion class and try to figure out what its methods (methods for the animation, use and use duration, etc) do and adapt them for your class. The methods are commented so it shouldn't be too hard to understand. Most of your logic and effects can be handled in onItemUse or onItemUseFinish (like in ItemPotion).
Since EntityFireball is an abstract class it cannot be used in-game. Look at some implementations like EntitySmallFireball or EntityLargeFireball to see how they implement EntityFireball (you'll most likely want the large one since it explodes on impact).
*cough* ItemDoor *couch* vanilla source *cough*
net.minecraft.block contains all the blocks including slabs, take a look at BlockSlab's code and save yourself the trouble. I don't see how you failed to find any tutorials even though there are plenty of topics regarding this simple question.
Show how your handler and where you open the gui for a player.
1. You need to create two items. In each of their onItemRightClicked methods check if the player is sneaking and if so change their current held slot to the opposite item.
2. Best way to do this would probably be to subscribe to the ItemTossEvent and change what item is being thrown. To subscribe to an event mark the class with an @Mod.EventBusSubscriber annotation, add an @SubscribeEvent over the event's method and make the method static.