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    posted a message on How to use redstone?

    Mumbo jumbo has a ton of YouTube videos that are good for beginners

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    posted a message on gen x minecrafters: do your parents play minecraft?

    Old fart here. Depending on life demands sometimes I Minecraft a little and sometimes a lot.

    My main interests are technical designs and recently started writing mods to fill needs not yet addressed.

    Let me know here if you setup something.

    For a server, I strongly recommend using Famcraft. It is a family oriented server I found when looking for a server for my grandson (so as adults we need to behave when playing there) and fell in love with it. It is managed better than any server I played on since early Beta. Combined with Discord and setting a team base in a nice and little occupied area would suit any team very well.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What can we learn from Minecraft's survival mode first night?

    Agreed on iron sword. It is the very first thing I make once I find iron.

    Also, it is not hard to make an iron farm reasonably early in a world. From that point on stone no longer makes sense, even if you don't mine for diamonds.

    As a matter of fact, other than a diamond pickaxe early on, I don't bother with diamond tools until I can make decent enchanted ones and I have an XP farm to repair them on. Even a simple skelly farm will do for that purpose.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What can we learn from Minecraft's survival mode first night?

    I learned that knowledge is king. know what you are doing and it is a cakewalk.

    And to spend that first night setting up an "in the hill" starter base and mining after having spent the day getting food and wood.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Volcano Survival Island Map (1.19.1, 1.19.2) – A Simple Survival Challenge

    The above are all good.

    Also, if you need to move fast between the same locations you can use a teleportation mod, there are many of them. Even minimap moda like Xaero Minimap tend to have teleportation. Others look like portals.

    Finally, for fast up/down movement I really like Quartz Elevators.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Attack on Titan: Shiganshina Map (1.19.1, 1.19.2) – Recreation of Shiganshina District
    Quote from eiche_brutal»

    The player icon is still shown on the map. Look for the white dot.

    Most times it is in one of the corners.

    If you can determine your position, you can set sail for the correct cardinal direction.

    That means if the dot is shown in the south east corner, you have to travel north west.

    A cool addition to that are mods which make the compass show north.

    You can of corse also use journeymap or debug screen.

    I tent to not use the debug screen for orientation.

    While it's not bad having it, i don't think it's a good method for orientation in general.

    Mojang could have added coordinates shown when holding compass or something like that.

    It is a mess ever since i've started playing and most of the info shown is like a ton of useless information in your face!

    I startet playing 1.13.2 & still have to "filter" my coordinates in vanilla minecraft from the debug screen of doom! :/

    Thank you, I had not noticed the player's dot and did not realize how far those treasure locations could be. You were not kidding about "setting sail" in the appropriate direction.

    For location and direction I use Xaero's minimap. I also configure what I want it to show me in the info lines, like current position, biome and time of day.

    For chunk positions (and much more) I find miniHud very useful. Once I told it to show the chunk border overlay it was trivial to find the center of the chunk and dig down to the treasure.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Attack on Titan: Shiganshina Map (1.19.1, 1.19.2) – Recreation of Shiganshina District
    Quote from eiche_brutal»

    There is a trick to it. Open the debug screen, walk to chunk 9 0 9 & dig straight down.

    It is always in 9 0 9.

    I used to litarally destroy the beaches too. Now it's easy diamond hunting.

    That seems like a cool method once I find the right chunk.

    But how do I find the right chunk?

    I found the map in a shipreck and none of the nearby lands looks like what is shown on the map.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on How to detect container content changes? Hopefully similar to neighborUpdate().

    I made a block that needs to be notified when content of the container (barrel, chest, hopper, etc) that it is attached to changes.

    When I attached to a barrel I was able to use neighborUpdate() so that I *ONLY* checked when the content changed.

    But neighborUpdate() does not get called for chests or hoppers (and probably others).

    I could check every tick but that would cause lag since it would check even when there is no changed in a chest and I plan to attach these blocks to every chest in my vault.

    How can I get notified when the attached container changes, similar to neighborUpdate()'s behavior?

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Attack on Titan: Shiganshina Map (1.19.1, 1.19.2) – Recreation of Shiganshina District

    TBH treasure maps confound me. I never - and I mean absolutely never - found any place near the location where I found it that looks anything like what the map shows.

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    posted a message on HOT TAKE on exploration

    I kind of agree with OP. When in 1.18 I noticed that the same few biomes kept repeating over and over for a looking distance my immediate reaction was "this is as boring as watching grass grow and I am finally going to need a world generation mod".

    More importantly, the lack of biome variability prompted me to stop caring about cheats when it comes to getting biome-specific resources. I virtually never used /give before this, and now I use it in almost every world.

    Mojang used to keep things interesting, but I got the impression that Microsoft seems to think that "pointless grind/repetitive tasks" add something to the game. WRONG!!!

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The game yells at me every time I log in

    You read the screen before getting to your world?

    You are definitely a better person than me. I pay absolutely no attention to what goes on before I am in game, and consider it worthless spam. I prefer to check my messages while that goes on :)

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on should we boycott microsoft over the chat reporting system coming to java?

    It depends. Does the chat reporting system report to Microsoft or the server owner?

    Reporting to the server owner is perfectly valid, as they are the ones that set the rules.II would totally support it. As a matter of fact most family friendly servers already use mods for this purpose.

    Reporting to Microsoft on servers that are not run and managed by them is just plain stupid, as this is a sandbox game and not just a kiddie game. If someone is running an adults only server then they might choose to go for total freedom of speech and allow any kind of language.

    Of course... I suspect that most people won't care one way or the other and it is likely that a boycott would only have a minor impact.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Running two worlds, side by side

    I need to copy (and modify as I do it) designs from an old 1.18 *single-player* world to a new 1.19 world. I know I could use a tool to copy the design and drop it in the new one, or that I could run the old one in my laptop while I work the new one in my desktop. But both solutions are a bit clunky.

    I was going to ask if it is possible to launch Minecraft twice on the same desktop (different monitors) and then decided to just try it. This is what I found:

    • Yes you can!
    • The first world you launch will NOT be saved, only the last one. But that is not a problem since I am just looking at stuff on the old one.
    • I tested and verified the behavior. Changes on the world that got launched last DO get saved.

    So, I decided to share the info as others might have the same need.

    And remember... launch the world you are NOT going to change first.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Basic knowledge: Are all server mods usable in single-player?

    The minecraft design model always has a server and a client... even in single-player. And I noticed that I could use some mods advertised as server mods in single player.

    Does that mean that we should usually (or possibly always) be able to use server mods in single player, so long as they match our mod infrastructure?

    (for example Fabric server mods being usable in single player if I use Fabric, but of course not Spigot mods since I would not have Spigot in a single-player Fabric world)

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on 1.19 Fabric mod to draw circle overlays?

    bump... no answers after a week.

    I hope there is a mod this in 1.19. If not... mod writers might want to consider it a hint. It is quite common for the first mod to release in a version to win. Best of luck.

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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