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    posted a message on Cops and Robbers 3: Escape from Alcatraz map! HELP!!!!!!

    The latest release (part 4) was released 4 years ago so there is no version that will work on 1.13. Why don't you just play on whatever version it works on?

    I could take a look at it but I can't promise anything because it's probably huge and complex, and besides I don't know if you're allowed to rebuild the map without the creator's permission.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Iron Pressure Plate-triggered Iron Doors

    The thing you created with the comparators is called a pulse extender and you can use more comparators to extend the pulse even longer.

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Counting Players With a Score

    You can't count the players without a scoreboard. There is no magical command to count the players based on their tags, this is why Mojang implemented the scoreboard system.

    To count the players you would have to have an armor stand with a "city_1" tag on it and run this:

    /execute as @e[tag=city_1] at @s run execute as @a[distance=..20] run scoreboard players add city1 1

    this would then set the score of a fake player named "city1" to the player count in the current city.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Exploding Eggs?
    Quote from cringeryan»

    OK, this works, but how do I make it not destroy blocks?

    Quote from Hidiety»

    Summon a creeper with mob griefing disabled.

    Exactly what I wanted to say :)

    /execute as @e[type=egg] at @s unless block ~ ~-1 ~ air run summon creeper ~ ~ ~ {Fuse:0}

    and do this for all sides

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Need help!! new commands syntax is confusing...


    /execute as @p[distance=..2] at @s if block ~ ~-1 ~ minecraft:red_wool run tp @s ~ ~ ~

    this will teleport any player within 2 blocks of the command block that is executing the command to ~ ~ ~

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on How can I do this? [1.13]

    Fairly easy, but the blocks don't have to move right?

    In this example, I'm placing the blocks when the player holds a stick (for debugging purposes, you can change that)

    execute as @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:stick"}}] at @s unless entity @e[tag=center] run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^ ^5 {Tags:["center","blockPlacer"],NoGravity:1}

    so now we have the center amor stand which will summon the other 4 armor stands

    execute as @e[tag=center] at @s unless entity @e[tag=right,distance=..5] run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~1 ~ ~ {Tags:["right","blockPlacer"],NoGravity:1}

    execute as @e[tag=center] at @s unless entity @e[tag=left,distance=..5] run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~-1 ~ ~ {Tags:["left","blockPlacer",],NoGravity:1}

    execute as @e[tag=center] at @s unless entity @e[tag=down,distance=..5] run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~-1 ~ {Tags:["down","blockPlacer"],NoGravity:1}

    execute as @e[tag=center] at @s unless entity @e[tag=down_right] run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~1 ~-1 ~ {Tags:["down_right","blockPlacer"],NoGravity:1}

    now that all of the armor stands are in place, it's time to place the blocks

    execute as @e[tag=blockPlacer] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ air run setblock ~ ~ ~ minecraft:oak_planks

    the blocks are now placed and all that's left to do is use a scoreboard timer to count up to 2 seconds and remove the blocks and the armor stands

    execute as @e[tag=center] run scoreboard players add @s timer 1 

    I'm counting from the central armor stand only to increase performance

    and now remove everything

    execute as @e[tag=center,scores={timer=50..}] at @s run execute as @e[tag=blockPlacer,distance=..5] at @s if block ~ ~ ~ oak_planks run setblock ~ ~ ~ air destroy

    execute as @e[tag=center,scores={timer=50..}] at @s run kill @e[tag=blockPlacer,distance=..5]

    I've included some screenshots for you to look at as well. You might need to change the timer value from 50 to whatever suits your needs.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Execute for specific coordinates

    Here you go, try this:

    execute as @p[distance=..5] at @s if entity @s[y=20,distance=..0.1] run effect give @s minecraft:slow_falling 2 1 true
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on teleport a player to a location saved in scoreboard as x y z values

    just what i was looking for... thx

    just wondering... does modifying the Pos[] array change the real location like a tp does? and why can't i modify a real player's location like that?

    Yes, it modifies the real location and I don't know why Mojang doesn't allow modifying the player data, probably because you would be able to set the players location in unloaded chunks or past the world border.

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Can someone help me

    The code below is the best idea I have but it is super glitchy and unusable. I posted it anyway so maybe you can play around with it and make something out of it, good luck

    summon an armor stand

    /summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {Tags:["ylimit"],Invisible:1,Invulnerable:1,NoGravity:1}

    The following two commands need to run all the time so run them in a command block chain

    /execute store result entity @e[tag=ylimit,limit=1] Pos[0] double 1 run data get entity @p Pos[0]

    /execute store result entity @e[tag=ylimit,limit=1] Pos[2] double 1 run data get entity @p Pos[2]

    and finnaly, teleport the player to the armor stand

    /execute if entity @a[...item detection code...] run execute as @e[tag=ylimit] at @s tun teleport @p ~ ~ ~

    Essentially what you're doing here is making the armor stand follow the player on the x and z-axis and then teleporting the player to the armor stand, therefore the player can't move up unless the armor stands moves up.

    the problem is making the armor stand move with the player while the player is teleporting.

    EDIT: maybe it would be better to move the armor stand instead of the player

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Can someone help me

    Just use the new ^ ^ ^ so you don't have to detect which way the player is looking

    /execute as @a[scores={itemUse=1..}] at @s run tp @s ^ ^ ^5

    I used a score as criteria but you use whatever you have for item detection

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Armor Set Detection? [1.13]

    By tag, I guess you mean name or lore?

    Here you go:

    execute if entity @a[nbt={Inventory:[{Slot:100b,id:"minecraft:diamond_boots",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"name\"}",Lore:["lore"]}}},{Slot:101b,id:"minecraft:diamond_leggings",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"name\"}",Lore:["lore"]}}},{Slot:102b,id:"minecraft:diamond_chestplate",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"name\"}",Lore:["lore"]}}},{Slot:103b,id:"minecraft:diamond_helmet",Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:"{\"text\":\"name\"}",Lore:["lore"]}}}]}] run ...
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on teleport a player to a location saved in scoreboard as x y z values

    Since you can't modify the player's location directly, you have to summon an armor stand and modify it's location and then teleport the player to the armor stand.

    step 1 -make an armor stand

    /summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {NoGravity:1,Invulnerable:1,Invisible:1,Tags:["point"]}

    step 2 -move the armor stand to the location stored in your scoreboard objectives

    /execute store result entity @e[tag=point] Pos[0] double 1 run scoreboard players get <player> <x objective>
    /execute store result entity @e[tag=point] Pos[1] double 1 run scoreboard players get <player> <y objective>
    /execute store result entity @e[tag=point] Pos[2] double 1 run scoreboard players get <player> <z objective>

    you can also create fake players to be placeholders for your scores if you don't want to assign them to a real player, like so:

    /scoreboard players set x_loc_holder <x objective> <cordinate> 

    x_loc_holder is a fake player, now you can use this player in the previous command to get the x

    step 3 -teleport the player to the armor stand

    /tp <player> @e[tag=point,limit=1]
    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Execute store. How to change a armor tand Pose on scoreboard value

    Try changing the scale factor from 0.1 to 1 and check that all the values are what they should be, such as "IceTroll_anim_go"

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on Reveal the health and class of a player

    Instead of writing the health value manually, you can add a score parameter to the tellraw command, the syntax goes like this:

    /tellraw @a [{"text":"Player health: "},{"score":{"name":"<selector>","objective":"<objective>"}}]

    <selector> - @a,@p...
    <objective> - your health objective

    this will insert the value of the health objective into the message, so if the player's health is 7 it will display: "Player health: 7"

    hopefully, you can implement this in your commands

    Posted in: Commands, Command Blocks and Functions
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    posted a message on What should I create?

    Fancy doors for your house, hidden crafting table or chest, retractable lights, mob traps, secret doors flush with the wall... You'll think of something

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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