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    posted a message on Falchion, Blades of Honor [FANTASY][ROLEPLAY][RACES][MAGIC][CLASSES][FACTIONS]
    Quote from Mcfellan

    In Game Name:Mcfellan

    Location: USA,Virgina
    Age:14 (but mature for my age)
    Why do you want to join our server?:It's good to find a good RP server and ive tried to run some in the past but sometimes my ops take over
    How will you benefit our server?:Well I try to do the best at what ever profession I get, and try to watch others and try to help them if needed or requested.
    Do you understand the rules?:
    Yes i understand and accept the rules.

    Roleplay Character Name: Tovren Relisk
    Race:Wood Elf
    Worship (if any):Hammurabi
    Character Appearance:Clothed in dark green and brown cloth and serious
    Character Background Story:For many generations my family wandered until finally they stumbled into a camp of elfs which then they settled down and worked various professions and during my early years me and other elf children played in the dark caves and abandoned mines.Then a group of norns burned our forest and captured many, but few escaped but some died of illness.Later on we scattered because of dense forest and untrusting judgment .Low on food I stumbled away from my party and never could find them eventually I found a city.I still don't trust many and seem to treat norns less kindly and take what work comes to me.

    Here is my app you guys didn't see it...
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Falchion, Blades of Honor [FANTASY][ROLEPLAY][RACES][MAGIC][CLASSES][FACTIONS]
    Skipped over my app? almost at the bottom of 85
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Falchion, Blades of Honor [FANTASY][ROLEPLAY][RACES][MAGIC][CLASSES][FACTIONS]
    In Game Name:Mcfellan

    Location: USA,Virgina
    Age:14 (but mature for my age)
    Why do you want to join our server?:It's good to find a good RP server and ive tried to run some in the past but sometimes my ops take over
    How will you benefit our server?:Well I try to do the best at what ever profession I get, and try to watch others and try to help them if needed or requested.
    Do you understand the rules?:
    Yes i understand and accept the rules.

    Roleplay Character Name: Tovren Relisk
    Race:Wood Elf
    Worship (if any):Hammurabi
    Character Appearance:Clothed in dark green and brown cloth and serious
    Character Background Story:For many generations my family wandered until finally they stumbled into a camp of elfs which then they settled down and worked various professions and during my early years me and other elf children played in the dark caves and abandoned mines.Then a group of norns burned our forest and captured many, but few escaped but some died of illness.Later on we scattered because of dense forest and untrusting judgment .Low on food I stumbled away from my party and never could find them eventually I found a city.I still don't trust many and seem to treat norns less kindly and take what work comes to me.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    Any more people
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    Quote from NUCLEAR_ZOMBIE

    3.Desired job:um archer? wasn't a list
    4.Previous servers:well a whole bunch
    5.Do you accept the rules?:yes
    6.Why did you want to join the server:i like survival servers
    7.Did anyone recruit you for the server?If so who?:no
    8.Have you ever griefed:I don't know what "griefing" is so no. OK i learned definetly not.

    whitelisted and sorry im late just been lazy today but it was a good day

    also griefing is when you destroy other peoples things
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    Okay guys server was reverted to my old server, just to see which 1 people want to play on
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    You guys could not connect cause i use bukkit and they take awhile to releaseAlso should i use my map from my most successful server you know before my ops toke over -_-
    Quote from Kozie5645

    1.IGN: wizzard5345
    2.Gender: Male
    3.Desired job: Alchimist/Archer
    4.Previous servers: I used to play on other servers til they closed
    5.Do you accept the rules?: Yes
    6.Why did you want to join the server: I am bored of minecraft and want to be with a good server
    7.Did anyone recruit you for the server?If so who?: No.
    8.Have you ever griefed: Yes, but for specific reason. Not just cause I wanted to.
    9.Additional info (optional): Nothing much to say beside that, I want a good server with nice admins.

    Quote from Dougyissmart

    1.IGN: Dougy2000
    2.Gender: Male
    3.Desired job: Black Smith
    4.Previous servers: None
    5.Do you accept the rules?: Yes
    6.Why did you want to join the server: I Never ever been on a server
    7.Did anyone recruit you for the server?If so who?: No.
    8.Have you ever griefed: Never in my life
    9.Additional info (optional): I have once built a piston/redstone tv

    Quote from Yadaization

    1.IGN: Yadaization
    3.Desired job:solitary farmer or warlord
    4.Previous servers:cant really name them but maybe 4
    5.Do you accept the rules?:hell yea
    6.Why did you want to join the server:because i belive in a no greifing fun expirience
    7.Did anyone recruit you for the server?If so who?:nope not yet
    8.Have you ever griefed:nope

    Quote from xzxzMatt

    1.IGN: xzxzMatt
    2.Gender: Male
    3.Desired job: Moderator (Not an Op, but someone who is of higher rank)
    4.Previous servers: I run my own and I have played on countless (never banned)
    5.Do you accept the rules?: Yes
    6.Why did you want to join the server: I got bored of my own
    7.Did anyone recruit you for the server?If so who?: No
    8.Have you ever griefed: No
    9.Additional info (optional): I am great with bukkit and especially permissions. I am also good at building redstone structures.

    added also i observe people people i trust with mod or op whateverWow that was alot of whitelisting
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on 1.2.3 Server with an old map we had before updates
    Hello this is mcfellan while bukkit is down im going to be running an old server file i still had from ages ago and i hope you guys enjoy what people built a while back.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server RP Unwhitelisted for now
    Anyone else
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server RP Unwhitelisted for now
    Well right now my rp is developing but we need people to join first so we can set up community and for now it is free cause we need players to join but rules are basic like respect operators and dont grief

    We are a bukkit server and currently have iconomy and lwc so it is harder for people to steal items from your chest and we have currency

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    Come on people free for now
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Minecraft Server
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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