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    posted a message on EternalCraft

    Highly recommend this one - great group of players, great group of mods/admins, and great survival setup - the farm worlds and buying/selling options create the right balance of survival and convenience. My name is Mbaqanga, happy to welcome any newcomers to the server!

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [Challenge] Color Wheel
    A fascinating yet absurdly hard challenge. 30 minutes? The blue dye alone could take an hour....if you're lucky! I would propose the scoring for this challenge be modified to make each color have different point values. Blue wool should be worth more than white wool, and purple wool more than blue wool, etc.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Party Items! (Fireworks, Grills, etc.)
    After slaving away in the mines day and night with your friends, bravely fighting off creepers and narrowly avoiding lava pools, it's time to kick back and celebrate a successful diamond haul. This thread will suggest some party items to liven up the Minecraft social scene.


    < ><T>< >

    D = Dye (any color)
    P = Paper
    G = Gunpowder
    S = String
    T = Stick

    Fireworks are available in any color that exists in dye form - the color of your firework is determined by the color dye you use. In order to use your firework, plant in the ground with right-click, then light it with flint and steel. In 3 seconds, your firework will launch 20 blocks into the air and explode into a colorful burst of light. Fireworks can also be lit using redstone instead of flint and steel, allowing for elaborately choreographed firework shows!

    Barbeque Grill:

    < >

    I = Iron Ingot
    C = Cobblestone
    P = Wooden Plank

    A grill is a variant of the furnace. It can only cook meat (Raw Porkchops and Raw Fish, and Raw Chicken and Raw Steak if they are added in future patches), but the benefit is a grill can cook two pieces of meat at the same time using only one fuel source. Opening a grill gives you a menu that looks like this:

    [ ] [ ]
    ====> [ ] [ ]
    [ ]

    The grill is not only a crowd pleaser for hungry guests at parties, but also an effective way of preparing nourishment for long journeys. It is an efficient use of fuel, as the fuel lasts for just as long as it would in a furnace, but the grill can not be used to heat anything other than food.


    P = Wooden Plank
    I = Iron Ingot

    A keg is used as the container for ale.

    Boiled Water:

    Boiled Water is an ingredient for ale. It is created by putting a bucket of water in a furnace.

    Keg of Ale:


    < ><K>< >

    W = Wheat
    B = Boiled Water
    K = Keg

    [The buckets holding the Boiled Water are returned after creating a Keg of Ale.]

    A Keg of Ale is a key ingredient to any party. It is the liquid variant of cake. To use a Keg of Ale, place it on any solid block. A Keg of Ale has 12 uses before it is drained. Once the Keg of Ale is drained, the empty Keg may be used again for another batch of Ale.

    Drinking Ale not restores 1 heart. However, if the player's health is already full, the player's maximum health will be temporarily increased be 1 heart. This may be done up to a maximum of 3 times for a total of 13 hearts. Each additional heart lasts 60 seconds. However, each time a player takes a swig of ale, he becomes inebriated, causing blurry vision and difficulty walking. The more the player drinks, the worse the effect becomes.

    These items should help jump start your next SMP barbeque, gala or pool party. If you have suggestions for any other items, please contribute them here.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Terraforming
    Could you elaborate on what you mean by terraforming here?

    Actually, your thread reminded me of another issue I have with town-building in SMP. I hate how everyone loves building towns by just using a command to create a giant, flat space for a generic grid town. Real towns are built into the terrain. Things like mountains and water features make a town have more character and feel more realistic, but so many people ignore the terrain entirely when planning a town, and they're missing out on a lot of natural beauty.
    Posted in: Discussion
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