Highly recommend this one - great group of players, great group of mods/admins, and great survival setup - the farm worlds and buying/selling options create the right balance of survival and convenience. My name is Mbaqanga, happy to welcome any newcomers to the server!
What is your experience with Minecraft? (how long, building style and so on): I started playing during Beta 1.2 (early 2011) and my style in the past tended towards city building - that is to say, I liked building the cities and infrastructure (on the first SMP server I played on, I built a highway connecting the major buildings, for example), although now I prefer to build more open farm areas. My style tends towards working with the environment. Rather than flattening a ton of space, I prefer to incorporate the natural hills and environmental features into my design.
Why are you interested in joining the server, and why should we whitelist you?: Some of the past few servers I've tried haven't been to my liking. Vanilla is cool - why have separate worlds and teleporters when you can build minecarts? I like trains - you get to see more of the world that way.
Can you show a picture or a video of you builds?: No, unfortunately I never document anything I build!
Do you have a youtube channel, and are you recording your gameplay?: No.
Are you able to talk on Teamspeak?: Yes.
Anything else you want us to know?: Trains - I like them.
Minecraft Username: Mbaqanga
How did you find us?: On this forum, I applied previously but it seems I got reset with 1.5?
What do you like the most about us?: An active community where the main world is well-policed to make sure it doesn't become a wasteland
Any suggestions for our server?: None at this time!
What world should be used for gathering wood/mining (hint: read our features)?: Farmworld!
How did you find us?: I was just browsing through the Survival Servers part of the forums and bumped into your thread!
What features attracted you to this server?: The server's strict anti-grief policy, as I find griefing is what drives people off serves.
The Timbermod is also a nice touch, as the floating trees lazy lumberjacks leave around are a real eyesore.
Any suggestions based upon your first impressions?: Not having visited the server yet, I have none at this time.
What command should be used if you need to report griefing or need help?: /modreq
Anything else we should know about you?: I've previously been a mod on a couple small servers that I don't think exist any more (they were Synapse SMP and CrystallizedCraft), but have less time to moderate these days due to having started Grad school, and as a result am just looking for a nice, friendly place to build!
IGN: Mbaqanga
Age: 24
Timezone: Mountain Time (GMT -7)
Experience & Play Style (screenshots are welcome): I've been a mod on two previous servers. I tend to move between being a farmer or joining towns for a more communal experience.
Tell us some more about yourself: As I'm currently in grad school, I don't have much time to be on, so I won't be by any means a hardcore gamer. I'm just looking for a more casual experience.
How much experience do you have with Minecraft? How long have you been playing? Have you played on any other servers in the past, perhaps ones with similar concepts? List a few if so.
I've been playing Minecraft since January 2011. I have no experience playing on an RP server, although the server I used to mainly play on is moving in an RP direction (races, classes, Angelic and Demonic factions). The servers I have mainly played on before were heavily city-oriented.
What is your in-game name?
What aspect(s) of Antioch appealed to you the most? Why?
Reading your wiki and perusing your forums gives me the impression that the RP on this server is much more thought-out and developed than other servers I've seen. I'm especially impressed with the goal of creating a language to fit the setting. I'm a bit of a language-geek and I think a unique language will help create a unique setting on the server.
What do you think you can contribute to the growing community of Antioch?
I hope to help in developing realistic, atmospheric towns, something in which I have some prior experience, which I will go into in the next question.
How do you rate your creativity? Perhaps on a scale from 1-10. Do you have any Minecraft creations you would like to share with us? Feel free to post below.
I don't think I can come up with a number from 1-10, but I'd say I'm fairly creative when it comes to urban planning. I've built two cities in the past. Sadly, I'm not a picture-happy fellow, and didn't take screenshots of either before the server went down (in the first case) or the map was reset (in the second).
My first town was called Oasis, a desert-themed town to take advantage of the newly-implemented sandstone in Beta 1.2. I found a little patch of water in the desert, which I felt was a plausible place to start a desert town (around the only source of water for miles). I drew in about 11 or 12 residents at the time.
My second town, which was far more elaborate, was called Waterfront. It was built in the style of a port town. The basis was a natural harbor, around which we built a dock and houses made primarily of logs and white wool. Whereas every other town on the server looked like a New York City-style grid, I was determined to build complementing the environment, with a comparatively little amount of terraforming. The result was a beautiful, more realistic looking fishing village. This also drew around 10-12 residents at its peak.
How actively do you play Minecraft? Could you consider yourself "addicted?"
I will pop in at least once a day, for how long depends on what I'm doing and if other people are around. I'll stay on for hours if I'm doing something good.
In Antioch, each player can possess a unique back-story due to the flexibility of the lore. Could you provide us with a picture of your Minecraft skin? Do you have any thoughts as to the background of your character, perhaps reflecting your actual personality?
As for my background, the only thing I'm sure of is that I want my character to be a worshipper of the sun. I like the idea of a naturalistic, logical religious belief (after all, you can see the sun, it provides warmth and grows your crops). And as in the world of Minecraft, the sun also serves to set skeletons and zombies on fire, protecting you from the dangers of the darkness, it seems all the more reason to worship the sun.
Have you read over our rules and agreed to them?
Absolutely. As a side note, I didn't catch any passwords or secret codes in the rules list, but some servers like to do this to make sure everyone read them carefully :tongue.gif:.
Fantastic find, this is exactly the type of island I was hoping for, especially since it has reeds, allowing me more decoration possibilities. That cave system does indeed lead into a large underground ravine that goes down to around Y14. Great work!
-In Game Name: Mbaqanga
-Age: 23
-location(Country): Germany (From America, but live in Germany atm)
-Read and Understand rules?: Sure did and sure do!
I'm looking for a list of seeds that spawn you in unusual locations. My interest in this was sparked by a seed found by CelicetheGreat of the GameFAQs forums:
This seed spawns you inside a small cavern with no natural exit. You have to punch your way to freedom. I've also heard of seeds that spawn people in dungeons. Any sort of seed that spawns you somewhere strange or dangerous is what I'm looking for in this topic. Thanks!
Highly recommend this one - great group of players, great group of mods/admins, and great survival setup - the farm worlds and buying/selling options create the right balance of survival and convenience. My name is Mbaqanga, happy to welcome any newcomers to the server!
How did you find us?: I've played on the server before (about half a year ago), want to get back in but seems my rank has been reset
to guest.
Are you willing to join and talk with us on Mumble (voice chat)?: Yes.
Any suggestions for our server?: Haven't played on the new server yet so can't suggest anything!
What world should be used for gathering wood/mining (hint: read our features)?: Farmworld!
Location and age (18+): USA, 25
What is your experience with Minecraft? (how long, building style and so on): I started playing during Beta 1.2 (early 2011) and my style in the past tended towards city building - that is to say, I liked building the cities and infrastructure (on the first SMP server I played on, I built a highway connecting the major buildings, for example), although now I prefer to build more open farm areas. My style tends towards working with the environment. Rather than flattening a ton of space, I prefer to incorporate the natural hills and environmental features into my design.
Why are you interested in joining the server, and why should we whitelist you?: Some of the past few servers I've tried haven't been to my liking. Vanilla is cool - why have separate worlds and teleporters when you can build minecarts? I like trains - you get to see more of the world that way.
Can you show a picture or a video of you builds?: No, unfortunately I never document anything I build!
Do you have a youtube channel, and are you recording your gameplay?: No.
Are you able to talk on Teamspeak?: Yes.
Anything else you want us to know?: Trains - I like them.
How did you find us?: On this forum, I applied previously but it seems I got reset with 1.5?
What do you like the most about us?: An active community where the main world is well-policed to make sure it doesn't become a wasteland
Any suggestions for our server?: None at this time!
What world should be used for gathering wood/mining (hint: read our features)?: Farmworld!
How did you find us?: I was just browsing through the Survival Servers part of the forums and bumped into your thread!
What features attracted you to this server?: The server's strict anti-grief policy, as I find griefing is what drives people off serves.
The Timbermod is also a nice touch, as the floating trees lazy lumberjacks leave around are a real eyesore.
Any suggestions based upon your first impressions?: Not having visited the server yet, I have none at this time.
What command should be used if you need to report griefing or need help?: /modreq
Anything else we should know about you?: I've previously been a mod on a couple small servers that I don't think exist
any more (they were Synapse SMP and CrystallizedCraft), but have less time to moderate these days due to having
started Grad school, and as a result am just looking for a nice, friendly place to build!
Age: 24
Timezone: Mountain Time (GMT -7)
Experience & Play Style (screenshots are welcome): I've been a mod on two previous servers. I tend to move between being a farmer or joining towns for a more communal experience.
Tell us some more about yourself: As I'm currently in grad school, I don't have much time to be on, so I won't be by any means a hardcore gamer. I'm just looking for a more casual experience.
Background Info:
Gender- Male
Age- 23
How much experience do you have with Minecraft? How long have you been playing? Have you played on any other servers in the past, perhaps ones with similar concepts? List a few if so.
I've been playing Minecraft since January 2011. I have no experience playing on an RP server, although the server I used to mainly play on is moving in an RP direction (races, classes, Angelic and Demonic factions). The servers I have mainly played on before were heavily city-oriented.
What is your in-game name?
What aspect(s) of Antioch appealed to you the most? Why?
Reading your wiki and perusing your forums gives me the impression that the RP on this server is much more thought-out and developed than other servers I've seen. I'm especially impressed with the goal of creating a language to fit the setting. I'm a bit of a language-geek and I think a unique language will help create a unique setting on the server.
What do you think you can contribute to the growing community of Antioch?
I hope to help in developing realistic, atmospheric towns, something in which I have some prior experience, which I will go into in the next question.
How do you rate your creativity? Perhaps on a scale from 1-10. Do you have any Minecraft creations you would like to share with us? Feel free to post below.
I don't think I can come up with a number from 1-10, but I'd say I'm fairly creative when it comes to urban planning. I've built two cities in the past. Sadly, I'm not a picture-happy fellow, and didn't take screenshots of either before the server went down (in the first case) or the map was reset (in the second).
My first town was called Oasis, a desert-themed town to take advantage of the newly-implemented sandstone in Beta 1.2. I found a little patch of water in the desert, which I felt was a plausible place to start a desert town (around the only source of water for miles). I drew in about 11 or 12 residents at the time.
My second town, which was far more elaborate, was called Waterfront. It was built in the style of a port town. The basis was a natural harbor, around which we built a dock and houses made primarily of logs and white wool. Whereas every other town on the server looked like a New York City-style grid, I was determined to build complementing the environment, with a comparatively little amount of terraforming. The result was a beautiful, more realistic looking fishing village. This also drew around 10-12 residents at its peak.
How actively do you play Minecraft? Could you consider yourself "addicted?"
I will pop in at least once a day, for how long depends on what I'm doing and if other people are around. I'll stay on for hours if I'm doing something good.
In Antioch, each player can possess a unique back-story due to the flexibility of the lore. Could you provide us with a picture of your Minecraft skin? Do you have any thoughts as to the background of your character, perhaps reflecting your actual personality?
I just recently picked out this skin: http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/10187/diablo3-monk/
As for my background, the only thing I'm sure of is that I want my character to be a worshipper of the sun. I like the idea of a naturalistic, logical religious belief (after all, you can see the sun, it provides warmth and grows your crops). And as in the world of Minecraft, the sun also serves to set skeletons and zombies on fire, protecting you from the dangers of the darkness, it seems all the more reason to worship the sun.
Have you read over our rules and agreed to them?
Absolutely. As a side note, I didn't catch any passwords or secret codes in the rules list, but some servers like to do this to make sure everyone read them carefully :tongue.gif:.
IGN: Mbaqanga
Job: Farmer or Lumberjack
-Age: 23
-location(Country): Germany (From America, but live in Germany atm)
-Read and Understand rules?: Sure did and sure do!
This seed spawns you inside a small cavern with no natural exit. You have to punch your way to freedom. I've also heard of seeds that spawn people in dungeons. Any sort of seed that spawns you somewhere strange or dangerous is what I'm looking for in this topic. Thanks!