It's funny, about ten minutes ago I was thinking "Oooook, Mojang, that's more than enough content for one freaking update. All I really care about are the books so just release 1.3 with the bug fixes and let us goof off with all this huge update while you make the rest..."
I come to the forums, first thing I see:
Snapshot 12w24a is Ready for Testing!
Initial reaction: *facedesk*
After applying the bandages from initial reaction: "Meh. At least the Ender Chest is getting tweaked..."
...I JUST now saw this...
Condemn it >_>
The edit button is your friend, buddy. Don't neglect it. *shot*
At least, I'm pretty sure that's how that works...something like that lol
I can only imagine how horrible it is for the non-staff players to have the server just abruptly shut down without any knowledge why besides "We'll be working on a secret project for two weeks or more" XD
...Condemn it 1. the first actually interesting and involved RP event in probably a MONTH since I got back and I missed it because of school >_> 2. They better not have closed the server for the secret project yet! I told them time and time again, if Insane gives the "ok" to my expanded lore encompassing what exactly that secret project entails, we're going to need to do a major RP event before the closing to WORK on said project.
EDIT: ...Oh yeah, I just accidentally let it slip that an expanded lore is involved in this secret project. Oh well, it's not like it spoils too too much =3
Maybe, maybe not. We'll see tomorrow. I have a lore-related idea to prevent this that I will present to the staff tomorrow.
Everyone hold your breath(?)
Well, for the moment might as well just take care of the most immediate problem until I get some answers *loads shotgun and seeks out the idiot who grief'd my cow farm*
^That's Insane's account for the server.
...Bad news is, the server is down seems Maz's bad luck extends beyond the short story XD Ah well, I need to download a few things and transfer files and all that happy good stuff anyway. I will expect confetti when I log in after my unwanted hiatus of PC MineCraft *shot*