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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from AlphaeusXVIII»

    You should check out Automagy, it has a golem workbench and redcrystal that works a lot like redwire, and other stuff I assume you would like :)

    Only Thaumcraft is true. All the other is a heresy)

    A thaumium anvil fueled by vis (in stead of xp?) sounds like an interesting idea, though I think it should still use the normal materials to repair the items.

    I writted: "Viz AND thaumium (ingots) as resource material. This makes Thaumium to be spend more.

    Thaumium-edged traveling trunk is a cool stuff to have. Fill the papers, for one to me to own, please)

    The balance of game IS that once you have some of thaumium you do not need lot of it: thanks to the repair enchentment. All you need, to handle well Viz and nodes. What i suggest for the balance of game IS it's own way of repairing items of thaumium, well, yes, thaumium anvil, or thaumium forge or something. So, repair enchantment IS for the voidmetal only, and thaumium items repaired by the special device, that uses thaumium ingots as resource. Using Terra essence, i think? It is always a headache, to get rid of it)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Quote from Sto3IV»
    How I can get chicken nugget?

    Macdonalds or KFC could help?)))
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers' Construct 2
    Excuse me for my impatience, but is everething going oK, with implementing crossbow, longbow, etc? i mean, it is a fun to watch how Dire bolting Soaryn with crossbow, but hey, we all ready to use this wondrous gear as well... )
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on BiblioCraft [v2.4.5]-Bookcases, armor stands, shelves, printing presses, seats, clocks, the Atlas and more! Updated 06/21/2018
    Dear author.

    There is some feature with the display cases, i found discomforting. You could put it on the wall, on the floor or on the table, but when you putting them on the floor (half block height) - they are too low, and when you putting them on the table they are too high. (one and half block height). Is there any way to place them horizontally, to make upper side be just one block height? this position is perfect for observing items, displayed inside - just like in museum horizontal showcase.

    Or is it an idea for separate item - glass showcases?)

    Another idea are about something, that is good for nine by nine people))) I mean, sometimes architecture is pretty depended on symmetry, and there is no way to place a double bed - it looks ugly, when unsymmetrical to the whole room. What about a single-person WIDE BED? it will take three blocks wide, two blocks length, but in fact will take only half of block range at the each side of the middle. Wide bed could be nice for those who build something just little more pretentious then miner quarters.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Tinkers' Construct Suggestions
    Quote from DrCheeseburger»

    That is so overpowered it's funny.

    You do realize that a Rapier with the strength and durability of a Cleaver would blow apart everything in its path, right?

    You do realize that Flint is a cheap and effective material, right? We don't need to use Iron. And another thing, katanas aren't heavy, therefore it wouldn't require such a high amount anyway.

    I would suggest giving it low durability in exchange for a new status effect, Bleed. It causes mobs to lose 1 HP every second for 3 seconds per hit. How about this: Katanas are made by combining a pure iron Rapier (full health), a Sword Blade (dictates material required to fix), and one long guard. The result has high damage, a low health modifier and double the strike speed of an average sword (but not the quick strike ability of the Rapier)

    Regardless of the materials used, the katana will have Stonebound I (signifying the fact that katanas go dull very quickly) but will have Decapitation II.


    In addition, i could say, that katanas are really good at cutting naked people, but after it met first holland cuirases, sold by sailors to the japans, that caused lot of grief to the weaponsmiths) Katana is a good sword, but nothing special at all. Just... a blade, not a legend or myth) Sharp, but fragile.
    The only good is a self-sharpening ability of blade, so it could have in-built jagged ability. As well, as bonus damage versus non-armored creatures.
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Tinkers' Construct Suggestions
    Already posted this suggestion, but at the wrong place, so i just put it here down.

    It is smeltery and casting what allows to craft first black-gunpowdered bronze cannons. As well, as first harquebuses, muskets and blunderbusses. Lot of gunpowder falls from creepers. I believe, that inventive mind of Tinker would never stops at primitive bows, reasoning it with "keeping the atmosphere of game unchanged". Damn it, there is nothing more atmosphere-killing then Tinker, wielded a bow, when there is so much gunpowder.

    Mod needs some flintlocks, much more then all that misc and armor stuff. Or it can be some arbalestas, something like crossbow, but shooting some bullets - that could be explosive. Add some Thermal expansion integration - and arbalest could shoot now all those florbs)))))

    Well, but i am voting for flintlocks. At least, cause casting and firearms-crafting is very relative......
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
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    posted a message on Thaumcraft 6.1.BETA26 [no longer being developed]
    Weeeeeellllll.... This could be a funny replacement for the magic carpet. Well, at first sight it is a chimera, but if to think... Just imagine: Night sky. Full moon. Witches, skeletons, zombies and creepers - all around landscape. And... there is shadow casted on the moon - shadow of flying train... )

    If it is not a single minecart, but a chance to compose a full flying trains - this could be very, very cool)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on ExtrabiomesXL Universal 3.16.3 for MC 1.7.10
    Quote from Keybounce

    I don't know about the 172 port, but I do know that it is very possible to have a vanilla overworld and EBXL biomes in mystcraft ages in 147/164. This is how I have my own world set up.

    In the config file, just set the biomes to disabled.

    Like that. Nothing goes into the overworld, and all the biomes are available for mystcraft.

    I can do that. ))) Thanx, that was very helpful)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy 4
    Well, everyone knows, that giving advices is easier then doing the job, and that is why i am excusing for my post firstly.

    But to me metallurgy seems for now like bunch of different digouts without much use. Tools? Well, they are not much differs in fact - i mean hi-tier ones) Mod needs something to work with, some ore processing stuff. And metal processing. For now it is something pretty straightforward. What for i need all that steel or damascus, if i have orichalk-platinum alloy? What should i do with it? Well, Tinkers construct integration saves situation a little, but...

    I think, some limitations could save the mod. Like, if you want to work with fantasy metals - you need firstly some special tools. Like prometeum anvil. igneus tongs and so on. The craft could be more difficult - if TC is all about smelting and casting, metallurgy could be all about smithing and hammering, i believe? And really hard hammering could require really strong anvils and special fetiches around forge.... Just imagine: you laying the head of tool on the crafting grid of anvil, then start hammering it. ( hitting left-clicking with hammer in hand). When head of tool ready, pick it with tongs, and drop to the water barrel. Or spider blood barrel. Or creeper ichor barrel. And so on.... Different tools of different metals could give nice bonuses - like igneus pickaxe could transmute netherrack to netherbrick instantly. Could the shadowsteel armor protect its wearer from the withering? I do believe, that adamantine group weapons so hard, it could halve the armor of victum, due to armorpiercing. And mithril so magical by nature, that it could get even co-exclusive enchantments together. Like protection, and fire protection. It is just some of ideas. The main idea is to add something own, special. Not just primitive "Fortune III" or "Efficiency IV"

    Brass-electrum chests was good, nice alteration to ironchests mod. More decorations are needed - multimetal bars, candelabras of all kinds, doors, lanterns, tables, dishes) The really nice feature could be quicksilver and bronze wall-mounted MIRRORS, as decoration stuff. If they will reflect the player - this could be something not implemented yet to minecraft i believe. All the decoration stuff could help)

    Entities could go as well: different golems. Like black steel golems. Or damascus steel golems. Or shadowsteel golems. ) Some of them could have iron maiden construction at base - to hunt the creepers specially: swallow in one hit and let creeper to explode inside, no harming environment. It is Hephaestus was known as father of automatons - and he was blacksmith and metallurgist) Automaton horse? Automaton dog? ) Yeeeee.......

    Armor. Lots of armor types - is a true potential of this mod: all the other mods about tools, energy and so on. No one really popular mod cares much about armors - just specialized, like modular powersuits and gravisuite. Both are addons to the IC2 (well, MP starts as it) and shows, how much people like to put on something fancy). Armorsmithing could be a really cool feature of this mod)

    Metallurgy itself is pretty blank for now, but it has a wild potential. What i am suggesting is to morph straightforward childish mod that add bunch of non-requested tools, to the full adult mod with it's own workshop, crafting and processing mechanisms, repairing ANY item, using metal dusts, even, own system of research maybe?

    P.S. And about existing: Alloyer could use lava, and different catalysts. Abstractor is something that is really good idea. Grinder could use handheld power, like one from Applied energistics, this adds some balance. And once again: suggesting is easy. I just hope my ideas could inspire modder, not insult him.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Metallurgy 4
    Any chance, btw, about Thaumcraft integration? Aspects, and so on? I could believe, some of the magical metals "could" accept the repair enchantment...And i am sure, someone already asked for that, but... version 1.7.2 - no abstractor, chests and so on. And no use for digget out chems, like phosphor, bitum so on - any info about this situation for the masses? )
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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