Though people probably already figured that out or have forgotten about it by now.
The pack is now open for reproductive use. You may freely take any content from this and use it, so long as you make some form of linking to me and the original author, Sodio. I'd also appreciate a message to me, and definitely a post here, telling where to find the new pack.
I might return to the minecraft community at some point, though that remains to be seen. If I do however, it will be as a modder, I have no plans to continue this should I return.
Sorry I didn't deliver for you guys on this. I hope someone somewhere has kept it going or made a better version. Have fun mining.
I just quoted the addition to the main post for this bump. I really hope someone sees this and picks it up from me.
Oh man, the amount of hours spent playing Monster Hunter is probably the only one that rivals the amount spent in minecraft. I hope you find time to keep working on this. Keep up the good work.
Im glad to see support, and I do plan on updating this... eventually. I havent really done much of anything minecraft related in quite some time. But when I get around to doing it, well you know where to find the thread.
WhAt? YoU dOn'T lIkE mY lEtTeRs?
FrEeDoM tO tHe PeOpLe!
........nope. I dont.
Also, I feel you can convey more through what you say rather than how it looks.
(unless you look like the above example, THEN nobody takes you seriously, except we all know steelfeathers was making a joke so its fine :laugh.gif: )
The only real reason this exists is when adfly was discovered. It went from making texture packs to making money.
Doesn't it irk you? Doesn't it make you wonder? Im all for respecting rights, and respecting an artists work, but after reading the OP, I am well aware that is not the goal of this group. The primary goal is to make sure adfly revenue goes to the author above all else.
I like the asking for donations, when running a website really isn't all that expensive, espically for a smaller community as the texturers. Personally, I just seem another scam, like a million others. I also like the communist imagery, dispite communist having no apperent point in this.
All in all, its about the money. This group will petition this forum to hell and back, as long as it results in higher revenue.
At first, I thought adfly was nice, a little way to give back to someone for giving me something. But now? Now its just a tool, to make money. This "Union", as it calls itself, isn't around to protect art, just protect money.
Im all for making money, but I really don't think Im for a group of people petitioning and trying to seize control of one section of the forums, for it.
WHAT!? YOU DARE TRY TO TAKE MY FRACTIONS OF A PENNY AWAY!?... what id be saying if I really thought that, dude most of us dont give a damn about that. I say people cant use my work for adfly just because I hate the thought of it, selling someone elses work, not because im going to miss those potential extra pennies. And our main foundation was against the forum restructure, since you seem to have missed that. I recommend thinking before you post, it helps keep the internet a nicer place.
And as per your later post about wanting member posts, not leaders, here you go, im a member, and a fairly inactive one at that.(which is why this is so many pages after your post, I just found it while reading up)
for one thing, I'm not seeing much weird orange grass out there.)
Now wait, my post wasnt aimed at your pack, it was aimed at that specific statement you wrote, that I quoted so you could tell which one.
Im not saying your pack isnt different... it definately is different, I just dont get it. (Honestly, I have no idea what audience your aiming for here, but whatever, I suppose someone somewhere would like it)
EDIT: A clarifying point, "simple" is considered overdone, its been called overdone for as long as packs have been, but some people still make ones others like. I try not to judge others work negatively, so long as it is their own. My only tick is if and when people steal the work of others.
And, as far as I'm concerned most packs just look veeeeery close to one another.
ehh, ill debate this.
At 16x that may be more true, but at higher resolutions, its definately not. Some people make AMAZING art for minecraft textures. Though it is true that alot look at least somewhat similar, thats just the fact that theres not alot of ideas to run with at such low resolutions. (not an insult to those artists who still manage to do works of beauty) Which is why you have to find a niche to do, something thats not already overdone.
These 502's are getting unbearable, it took me like 4 refreshes to load this page just now.
In other news, im putting serious thought into starting work on some gui for when we start putting together the union pack.(whats the status on this anyway?)
Yeah pretty much, 0 commments and 30 or so downloads. Though I don't have my work on the texture pack central yet, despite applying for the third time yesterday.
Hmm, I guess I got lucky then, he had me up fairly quickly, good luck to you on getting on there.
And yeah, thats why I let my pack just sit down on page whatever, because its not worth the pain to try to bring it up, the people who download it never comment. And I still get downloads, so I guess people like it enough to do that at the least.
I know I personally haven't changed the cake and tnt from default (or the items, mobs, etc) but I put an adfly link on my pack last I really hope that's not what you mean, haha. :3
I consider those non major, pretty much if you edit the naturaly ocuring blocks I think your fine. Besides, its hard to make good square tnt, I mean that -> is exactly what I imagine square tnt would look like, lol
And anyway, we all know you put alot of work in your packs steelfeathers, and we all love your work too :wink.gif:
However the line on original work(vs the default) in a GUI is alot harder to draw, as theres alot of elements there :blink.gif:
I just quoted the addition to the main post for this bump. I really hope someone sees this and picks it up from me.
Im glad to see support, and I do plan on updating this... eventually. I havent really done much of anything minecraft related in quite some time. But when I get around to doing it, well you know where to find the thread.
Be careful with this, theres no text and the mods will actually remove this and add warning status if you only image post.
except the word "revolution" wasnt in the post! *dramatic music*
........nope. I dont.
Also, I feel you can convey more through what you say rather than how it looks.
(unless you look like the above example, THEN nobody takes you seriously, except we all know steelfeathers was making a joke so its fine :laugh.gif: )
Hey, I have a format, and its great.
Its just that it happens to be the standard format.
Oh god, I dont have time to make a shelter im far too busy lately :blink.gif: ...
WHAT!? YOU DARE TRY TO TAKE MY FRACTIONS OF A PENNY AWAY!?... what id be saying if I really thought that, dude most of us dont give a damn about that. I say people cant use my work for adfly just because I hate the thought of it, selling someone elses work, not because im going to miss those potential extra pennies. And our main foundation was against the forum restructure, since you seem to have missed that. I recommend thinking before you post, it helps keep the internet a nicer place.
And as per your later post about wanting member posts, not leaders, here you go, im a member, and a fairly inactive one at that.(which is why this is so many pages after your post, I just found it while reading up)
Now wait, my post wasnt aimed at your pack, it was aimed at that specific statement you wrote, that I quoted so you could tell which one.
Im not saying your pack isnt different... it definately is different, I just dont get it. (Honestly, I have no idea what audience your aiming for here, but whatever, I suppose someone somewhere would like it)
EDIT: A clarifying point, "simple" is considered overdone, its been called overdone for as long as packs have been, but some people still make ones others like. I try not to judge others work negatively, so long as it is their own. My only tick is if and when people steal the work of others.
ehh, ill debate this.
At 16x that may be more true, but at higher resolutions, its definately not. Some people make AMAZING art for minecraft textures. Though it is true that alot look at least somewhat similar, thats just the fact that theres not alot of ideas to run with at such low resolutions. (not an insult to those artists who still manage to do works of beauty) Which is why you have to find a niche to do, something thats not already overdone.
Ehh, im not a fan of rust, but the plank itself looks awesome. But if your going for a rusted/decayed feel that would most likely fit it well.
Also, this thread really died down, we were doing tons of pages a day and now were down to like 3 tops, i actually kind of miss it. :mellow.gif:
In other news, im putting serious thought into starting work on some gui for when we start putting together the union pack.(whats the status on this anyway?)
Hmm, I guess I got lucky then, he had me up fairly quickly, good luck to you on getting on there.
And yeah, thats why I let my pack just sit down on page whatever, because its not worth the pain to try to bring it up, the people who download it never comment. And I still get downloads, so I guess people like it enough to do that at the least.
If your packs have an audience anything like mine, 0. I get hundreds of downloads a day, and no comments :mellow.gif:
I consider those non major, pretty much if you edit the naturaly ocuring blocks I think your fine. Besides, its hard to make good square tnt, I mean that ->
And anyway, we all know you put alot of work in your packs steelfeathers, and we all love your work too :wink.gif:
However the line on original work(vs the default) in a GUI is alot harder to draw, as theres alot of elements there :blink.gif: