• 3

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod

    Dear fellow blocky shinobi,

    Let me start off by stating that I have not abandoned the mod or youtube channel and plan on returning once i have more time, however it has come to my understanding that many of you are wondering about my whereabouts and why I've gone silent over the last few months, so I feel like I owe you all an explanation.

    This entire project has been a crazy ride, and so many more people than i could have ever imagined have and still are enjoying the mod and videos, which makes me extremely happy.

    However, suddenly being a "content creator" with people enjoying the content you create is something that takes you by storm, so it's to be expected that I will make mistakes regarding this, and this radio-silence is one of those.

    My role in this lovely community was clear, I create and you all enjoy what I make (at least that is the goal) so when i had to take a break from working on the project this summer i expected to be able to get back to it by autumn, however that didn't end up being the case sadly enough.

    This summer I graduated and started looking for a job, aswell as trying to figure out all the needed papers for me and my girlfriend (Miori from the youtube series) to move in together, which isn't that simple seeing as we currently both live in a different continent.

    Since all these things end up taking a lot more time than I initially expected, I felt like I should stay silent until I can fully come back to creating since I thought me posting anything would give people false hope of me starting to create again. As a result my initial idea was to just stay silent until i can start work once more, so that you wouldn't all feel too excited about new updates until they actually start rolling in again (i know how hard it is to wait on things).

    I see now, partly thanks to a member of the community who went far to reach me, that this was a wrong way of thinking and I should just communicate what's going on.

    As such i shall try to occasionally post on my twitter since it's a quick and easy accessible platform, i sadly don't have enough time to come online on the forums or discord at the moment as I'm trying to get everything in order asap, but realistically this will probably take a few more months at least.

    I appologize for not communicating better with you all and hope you will be here when I can finally start things back up!

    Also I can't thank you all enough for the continued support even in this time without any content!

    Hope to hear from you all very soon!


    Twitter link: https://twitter.com/Mathioks1?s=09

    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    Quote from steveultra3»
    hey the chakra bar was also my idea too

    You are right!
    I'm sorry I forgot to mention you, post has been updated!! ^^
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 4

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    Update :

    As proposed by FrozzenX and steveultra3 (so sorry about forgetting to mention you! ^^), I have started adding in a first try for a chakra bar.

    I didn't want to make it too big, nor make it so that it's in the way of any other bar you might have from other mods ( if so, just install the HUD replacer mod )
    So here are the first pictures!
    As of now it works with all the jutsu that are already in the game, I also made an item that replenishes a bit of your chakra, and am looking into an item that would be a rare drop from mobs that will increase your max chakra capacity on use.
    Your chakra bar replenishes after time.

    ( The update is scheduled between this friday and sunday )

    first pictures
    The full bar

    The bar going down after a few jutsu

    The empty bar

    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    Quote from FrozzenX»
    Would be nice if you add a way to improve your Rasengan. I mean like if you use it lots of times (Or probably get more chakra?), you will be able to create a Big Ball Rasengan! That would be nice.

    hmmmm.. I can actually work with that!

    damn man, you are giving me some great ideas!
    I won't be able to add these in immediately, but they seem like nice finishing touches for when I have everything in there! :D
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    Quote from steveultra3»
    if the no items thing works then please make the chidori a 6 block forward charge attack (seeing how it works in the anime and manga) and it deals lightning damage for every mob you charge at (not you pass through mobs) same for rasengan apart from it instead of lightning damage it flings them in the air and they take fall damage and land a few locks away from you (make them really strong but heavily draining the chakra bar something else to add) if that's not too hard (if it is then sorry and please consider that in you're free time on when to do it)

    This is some good feedback!
    Thank you, I will try to get the chidori and rasengan done ( was planning on adding rasengan asap anyway )

    As for the Chakra bar, It is indeed a bit harder, but I think I might have an idea on how to do this, but I'll first focus on getting everything I've added up till now to be completely balanced out before adding in new things.

    I just got back from my trip, so I'll start working on the next update asap,
    the next update will probably just be a small one, I'll try to add in your chidori idea already, but cannot promise that yet,
    I'll mostly add crafting recipes and try to make some models if I find the time,
    Since once I get a susano'o model, I actually have everything coded for it to be implanted already! ^^

    Thank you for the feedback!! ;)
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    Quote from steveultra3»
    oh ok my main question was jutsu items

    okay, well yeah, I'll see how things go, cause I can indeed see how the way it is now might not be the most handy thing ever.
    though I hope that configurable keys will fix that once I find out how to implement that, if not, I'll probably go over to your idea of the items ^^
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 3

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    Quote from steveultra3»
    maybe better jutsus and no items that represent the jutsu? also maybe try to team up with sekwah41 and join in his development where you can then make his mod 1.7

    *CAUTION* wall of text coming up :P

    Thank you for the feedback, it is really appreciated!

    - I was thinking about adding the jutsu as separate items, but then again I wanted to conserve space in the inventory since having about 6 jutsu will easily clog up your inventory.
    I will keep this in mind tho, and if a lot of people liike this idea better I will implement that, or maybe even just make two versions, who knows :P

    - for the second thing you said, ofcourse that would be a good idea, but the thing is that
    1. I really just want to wok on this at my own pace and use it to learn programming myself
    2. I checked out Sekwah's mod, and looking at it, it is obvious that his programming skills are far above mine, he will most likely make a mod that has really in depth implemented features ( for example like the running animations etc ) where as I just want to make a mod that's more " on the surface " and just adds in a lot of things that will increase the ' naruto-feel ' in minecraft.
    It is kind of hard to explain, but I hope you understand this part :P
    - And lasttly, as I've stated before, my schedule is really tight, and very changeable, sometimes I would be able to put in 4 days of work in a row, and then suddenly I won't be able to do any in 2 weeks, so with this, I wouldn't want to work together with someone, cause this would only make it extra hard to communicate or get things done on the expected times.

    Hope this clears up your questions,
    any other suggestions are more than welcome!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    Quote from mathiaszijnbro»
    This is great I would recommend to any Naruto fan, I'm really enjoying playing this mod.

    you have an idea when you'll update with crafting recepies?


    Haha thank you man!
    Right now i'm on a trip, but i'll try to get an update out before februari 13 ;)
    Quote from G2Xx»
    Very nice mod for the beginning, thx and good job.

    Thank you, i'm glad you like it, means a lot ^^
    Quote from steveultra3»
    finally a good naruto mod that isn't 6
    sorry 1.6

    thank you, glad you like it! :D

    Thanks for the support guys!
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 8

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    Quote from FrozzenX»
    Heh, no problem! I really like this mod! I also found a bug that some of the elements can't be desabled - Shadow Style and Insect Style... When you use them you have to kill yourself to get rid of the effects.

    Yes, I am aware of that, those are in the WIP tab, as you might have found out, the shadow-style only generates a wall of iron barbs, and the insect style a wall of spider webs, that's because i have only added them to show that they are coming in future updates

    If I recal correctly you should be able to turn them off by pressing the 'O' or 'P' button though! ;)

    Thanks for the feedback, that is always appreciated!

    have fun :D
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 20

    posted a message on Naruto-Anime Mod
    I wouldn't call myself God, but you're welcome haha

    Just kidding :P

    But thank you for the support ^^
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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