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    posted a message on No portal in my Stronghold

    I have had a bug in the java version where the end portal room was closed off from the rest of the stronghold, separated by walls of stone. However, when I loaded the same seed in another file, it was not closed off. There was a path leading to it. Has this ever happened, where you load the same seed on two different files and there's a difference in the generation of terrain?

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Microsoft/Mojang Deal Confirmed.
    Quote from Calico»
    One of the few things I am worried about is Microsoft turning Minecraft into a first person shooter by adding guns into one of the future updates. Or adding a monthly fee being. Or a charge for every new update.

    This is Microsoft, not EA.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on For those complaining about Microsoft

    They OWN minecraft, what version is irrelevant.

    If you're playing offline, they can't do anything. But to be safe, make a backup of all the jar files from all the versions up till now, so you can load one of them while playing off line.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on For those complaining about Microsoft
    Give it a chance. Maybe Microsoft will be nice and not mess Minecraft up. But if it does, remember, you always have access to 1.8 and earlier versions, which are from Mojang, not Microsoft. So if you really don't like Microsoft's Minecraft, then you don't have to update. There might be some servers that will still be in 1.8 or earlier.

    Also, you have to consider Notch's decision. Notch is not an idiot. Perhaps he knows what Microsoft has planned, and it isn't that bad. But remember, you always have a chance to stick to Mojang's versions. And if Microsoft DOES add some extra charges, you can still stick to single player versions 1.8 and earlier, where Microsoft can't touch you, and you don't have to pay anything.

    Finally, let's think about what Microsoft will do. Maybe they are smart enough to not charge players anything extra, because they will look at how much money Mojang made despite players only making one payment of 26 dollars. Microsoft might continue with that, and money wise, things will stay the same.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on WEIRDEST THING HAPPENED!
    Actually, mineshafts CAN spawn in a superflat world. You just have to put them in the preset. When you create a new world, and you make it superflat, you can click on "customize" and turn on certain structures.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Villager scam
    So one villager offers to give you an emerald for 9 gold ingots. Another villager in the same town will give you a leather helmet for 3 emeralds.

    So basically, 27 gold ingots will give you a leather helmet. But 5 gold ingots will give you a golden helmet, which is better than a leather helmet in every way (better protection, better durability, better enchantibility)

    Meanwhile, there is a villager that trades an emerald for 21 coal, and another one which trades an emerald for 19 coal. Seriously?

    And then there's a villager that trades 11 arrows for an emerald, and another which trades 10 arrows for an emerald.

    The villager trades are so unbalanced.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Why do people hate creepers so much?
    To be honest, creepers aren't that bad. When I start out in Minecraft and I have just a stone sword and no armor, I don't mind fighting zombies, spiders, and creepers. Creepers need to get within close range to be a threat, and they take a while to execute their attack. This makes them easy to fight off.

    On the other hand, skeletons are a pain. If you don't have armor yet, I suggest avoiding any skeleton battles. I consider skeletons more dangerous than creepers.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How long do you think Minecraft will survive?
    Given that it pretty much has infinite replay value for a very cheap price (30 dollars for infinite replay value makes it the cheapest video game), I can see it last a VERY long time. Even after Mojang stops updating it, there will be players still playing, and people will make mods to make things more interesting.

    Take Super Mario World for example. That game was made a long time ago. But thanks to SMWCentral, people are now making lots of romhacks, so the popularity remains. Similarly, even if Mojang were to shut down, people would continue making mods to keep Minecraft interesting.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What's so special about Mesa?
    So from what I heard, Mesa is supposed to be a rare biome (when I first encountered it, I was about 20000 blocks from spawn). But why is it so rare? What is so special? In my opinion, it is the worst biome. The only useful thing would be the cacti.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on List Your Favourite Biomes!
    My favorite biome would be the swamp. Lots of trees for wood, lots of sugarcane for sugar and paper, lots of mushrooms for mushroom stew, and slimes. There's also an immediate source of water. The only downside is that endermen are hard to come across, you need to go to a desert if you want luck with them.

    Jungle biome is good for those who want lots and lots of wood or want to live really high. Desert is good for people who want to hunt endermen, but the lack of wood makes you have to go somewhere else when you run out. Plains and savannah are good due to an abundance of animals, as well as villages. However, plains has a shortage of wood.

    Mesa Biome would be the worst biome. The only good thing about it is the abundance of cacti, which can be made into cactus juice. However, the lack of wood makes it a very empty biome.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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