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    posted a message on WUMBLE FACTION PVP[Lag-Free][24x7][mcmmo][iconomy][factions][no-whitelist]
    [4/26/2012 8:59:02 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Hi wumbledorf! I’d like to add you on Skype. ๖ۣۜMike
    [4/26/2012 8:59:21 PM] wumbledorf: wumbledorf has shared contact details with ๖ۣۜMike.
    [4/26/2012 8:59:26 PM] wumbledorf: yo
    [4/26/2012 8:59:35 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Hey
    [4/26/2012 8:59:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Why cant i add you to a call?>
    [4/26/2012 9:00:15 PM] wumbledorf: ? its 3am i dont want to wake up my dad
    [4/26/2012 9:00:20 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Oh, lo.l
    [4/26/2012 9:00:22 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol
    [4/26/2012 9:00:30 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Did you check out my staff post?
    [4/26/2012 9:00:31 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: =3
    [4/26/2012 9:00:53 PM] wumbledorf: not yet there are alot
    [4/26/2012 9:00:56 PM] wumbledorf: i already accepted fouo
    [4/26/2012 9:02:27 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Real Life Name - Mike

    IGN - Masashi12

    Age - 13

    When did you join?
    Two days ago.

    When did you make this post?
    April 26, 2012

    Why do you want staff?
    I'd like to build a better spawn or area. There are MANY glitches in the shop which I would like to fix. I will try my best to stop all of the rule breakers and hackers.

    Do you deserve it?
    Well, I've been a mod, admin, and owner on a few server. The server I used to own, Legend Craft was hard to handle with all the hackers. So I've decided to be a normal player until now.

    What time zone are you in?
    Eastern Time Zone

    Rank applying for?
    Moderator or Admin

    Personal Notes
    - I often ask people if they need help.
    - I'm often online when many other staff are not.
    - I've taught server members how to apply for certain ranks.
    - I have taught people how to use Skype, Teamspeak, and how to play Minecraft.
    - I'm extremely active.
    - I only play on the Wumble server.
    - I have Skype and Teamspeak, add me. Zhemasashi

    " Eternity is forever. Our lives are rain, but our bloods are tears. -Mike "
    [4/26/2012 9:02:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: =D
    [4/26/2012 9:07:32 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I think I'm buying a iTune gift card on sunday =3
    [4/26/2012 9:07:45 PM] wumbledorf: yay i like itunes
    [4/26/2012 9:07:52 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Yup XD
    [4/27/2012 3:57:24 PM] *** Call to wumbledorf, busy. ***
    [4/27/2012 3:57:30 PM] wumbledorf: hey
    [4/27/2012 3:57:37 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Hi
    [4/27/2012 3:57:37 PM] wumbledorf: let me send you the config.yml
    [4/27/2012 3:57:40 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/27/2012 3:57:43 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: No talk? =3
    [4/27/2012 3:57:52 PM] wumbledorf: my dad is in the other room
    [4/27/2012 3:57:54 PM] wumbledorf: sorry
    [4/27/2012 3:57:58 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Alright
    [4/27/2012 3:58:05 PM] *** wumbledorf sent groups.yml ***
    [4/27/2012 3:58:08 PM] wumbledorf: alright so
    [4/27/2012 3:58:12 PM] wumbledorf: i want moderator to have acess to
    [4/27/2012 3:58:13 PM] wumbledorf: ban
    [4/27/2012 3:58:14 PM] wumbledorf: kick
    [4/27/2012 3:58:16 PM] wumbledorf: jail
    [4/27/2012 3:58:19 PM] wumbledorf: and mute
    [4/27/2012 3:58:21 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/27/2012 3:58:23 PM] wumbledorf: thanks bro
    [4/27/2012 3:58:24 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Thats it?
    [4/27/2012 3:58:26 PM] wumbledorf: yes
    [4/27/2012 3:58:35 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: alright..
    [4/27/2012 3:58:44 PM] wumbledorf: oh
    [4/27/2012 3:59:09 PM] wumbledorf: and also can you make a member group that people have to get by posting their ign?
    [4/27/2012 3:59:18 PM] wumbledorf: it needs to have the same permissions as default
    [4/27/2012 3:59:23 PM] wumbledorf: and can it be green
    [4/27/2012 3:59:34 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Whats my reward for doing this? >:D
    [4/27/2012 3:59:44 PM] wumbledorf: a god sword and a god pick-axe
    [4/27/2012 3:59:50 PM] wumbledorf: XD
    [4/27/2012 3:59:51 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: =3
    [4/27/2012 3:59:56 PM] wumbledorf: does that sound good
    [4/27/2012 4:00:05 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: armour? :D
    [4/27/2012 4:00:17 PM] wumbledorf: thats too boss
    [4/27/2012 4:00:28 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: You can fonu are the only staff, right?
    [4/27/2012 4:00:34 PM] wumbledorf: yes
    [4/27/2012 4:00:38 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: You need more o.
    [4/27/2012 4:00:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: o
    [4/27/2012 4:00:40 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: o.o
    [4/27/2012 4:00:57 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: When you get off, everyone be breakin' rules >=3
    [4/27/2012 4:01:28 PM] wumbledorf: i know i want like 2 more mods
    [4/27/2012 4:01:55 PM] wumbledorf: oh
    [4/27/2012 4:01:57 PM] wumbledorf: can you give mod acess to warp?
    [4/27/2012 4:02:03 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: sure
    [4/27/2012 4:02:28 PM] wumbledorf: i want there to be an administration hall where mods can post status reports
    [4/27/2012 4:03:02 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Thinking of chooseing me as mod someday? XD
    [4/27/2012 4:03:49 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: oh, do you want mods have access to /unban?
    [4/27/2012 4:10:07 PM] *** ๖ۣۜMike sent groups.yml ***
    [4/27/2012 4:10:13 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: there you go
    [4/27/2012 4:11:39 PM] wumbledorf: back
    [4/27/2012 4:11:42 PM] wumbledorf: thanks i just had dinner
    [4/27/2012 4:11:47 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol
    [4/27/2012 4:12:00 PM] wumbledorf: let me get you your prize in a min after i check it
    [4/27/2012 4:12:05 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: kk =3
    [4/27/2012 4:13:02 PM] wumbledorf: wait
    [4/27/2012 4:13:07 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: yup?
    [4/27/2012 4:13:20 PM] wumbledorf: could you add the commands from default to member and not have any inheritences for member?
    [4/27/2012 4:13:28 PM] wumbledorf: and could you add warp for moderator
    [4/27/2012 4:13:36 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Oh, forgot warps
    [4/27/2012 4:13:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: why without any inheritences? ..
    [4/27/2012 4:14:00 PM] wumbledorf: becuse essentials builder has some commands i dont want members to have acess to
    [4/27/2012 4:14:12 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/27/2012 4:14:16 PM] wumbledorf: thanks bro
    [4/27/2012 4:14:59 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: do you want me to give them warp like /warp place and setwarps?
    [4/27/2012 4:15:36 PM] wumbledorf: just the command /warp
    [4/27/2012 4:15:43 PM] wumbledorf: i dont want them to be able to make warps
    [4/27/2012 4:15:52 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/27/2012 4:17:51 PM] *** ๖ۣۜMike sent groups.yml ***
    [4/27/2012 4:18:11 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: there you go
    [4/27/2012 4:18:25 PM] wumbledorf: thanks
    [4/27/2012 4:18:30 PM] wumbledorf: hold on one moment
    [4/27/2012 4:19:48 PM] wumbledorf: masashi12
    [4/27/2012 4:20:05 PM] wumbledorf: can you fix the double member
    [4/27/2012 4:20:18 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: oh, right
    [4/27/2012 4:20:28 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol, why does it say that o.o
    [4/27/2012 4:20:58 PM] *** ๖ۣۜMike sent groups.yml ***
    [4/27/2012 4:20:59 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: done
    [4/27/2012 4:21:15 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: 8-)Like a baws
    [4/27/2012 4:21:25 PM] wumbledorf: like a blawk
    [4/27/2012 4:21:33 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I aint black XD
    [4/27/2012 4:22:03 PM] wumbledorf:
    [4/27/2012 4:22:14 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Why do you have like 7[Defaut]
    [4/27/2012 4:22:56 PM] wumbledorf: say something on minecraft
    [4/27/2012 4:25:42 PM] wumbledorf: can you fix the numbers/symbols in front of the faction tags
    [4/27/2012 4:26:13 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Well, i don't really know what's causing it unless i know all the plugins or something like that
    [4/27/2012 4:30:15 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Wumble, whats the plugin that causes 7[Default] and all that?
    [4/27/2012 4:30:23 PM] wumbledorf: factions im fixing it
    [4/27/2012 4:30:31 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ..
    [4/27/2012 4:30:34 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: It does that? o.o
    [4/27/2012 4:30:53 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Because groupmanager can do better than 7[Default]
    [4/27/2012 4:30:58 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: it adds colour too
    [4/27/2012 4:31:15 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Yer forgot looting D:
    [4/27/2012 4:31:20 PM] wumbledorf: give it back
    [4/27/2012 4:31:45 PM] wumbledorf: thanks
    [4/27/2012 4:31:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Thanks dude
    [4/27/2012 4:48:44 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: do we have the pvp-log and the pvp-tp plugin?
    [4/27/2012 4:49:13 PM] wumbledorf: we have pvp log can you give me the link for pvp-tp plugin
    [4/27/2012 4:49:22 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Yeah, we need that :/
    [4/27/2012 4:49:37 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: trying to find it
    [4/27/2012 4:58:29 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: got it
    [4/27/2012 4:58:40 PM] wumbledorf: awesome
    [4/27/2012 4:58:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Its the Essentials plugin, in specific, this line:

    # The delay, in seconds, before a user actually teleports. If the user moves or gets attacked in this timeframe, the teleport never occurs.
    teleport-delay: 3
    [4/27/2012 4:59:08 PM] wumbledorf: can you bump the thread every couple of minutes
    [4/27/2012 4:59:09 PM] wumbledorf: its prime time
    [4/27/2012 4:59:18 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/27/2012 4:59:22 PM] wumbledorf: thanks bro
    [4/27/2012 5:06:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: What happened to member?
    [4/27/2012 5:07:09 PM] wumbledorf: its making us lose players
    [4/27/2012 5:07:22 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: How o.O
    [4/27/2012 5:07:33 PM] wumbledorf: dont know i just noticed a drop in players
    [4/27/2012 5:07:40 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol
    [4/27/2012 5:36:48 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: wumb, why isnt the nether portal working?
    [4/27/2012 5:55:38 PM] wumbledorf: nether portals should work
    [4/27/2012 5:57:15 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: not working
    [4/27/2012 5:57:23 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: can you talk in skype now?
    [4/27/2012 5:57:29 PM] wumbledorf: no sorry
    [4/27/2012 6:06:48 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: erm wumble
    [4/27/2012 6:07:14 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: remember when you delet everyone's currency?
    [4/27/2012 6:07:31 PM] wumbledorf: yes you had a **** load, i also have you on no cheat for a violation level of 1024
    [4/27/2012 6:08:32 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: damn o.o
    [4/27/2012 6:08:42 PM] wumbledorf: :P
    [4/27/2012 9:25:12 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: i've been on
    [4/27/2012 9:25:16 PM] wumbledorf: can you make a helper position to shut up remmi
    [4/27/2012 9:25:24 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ..
    [4/27/2012 9:25:30 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: whats remmi doing??
    [4/27/2012 9:25:41 PM] wumbledorf: she wants to be called a helper
    [4/27/2012 9:25:43 PM] wumbledorf: also
    [4/27/2012 9:25:57 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Oh, so she gets it and i don't? I see how it is.. XD
    [4/27/2012 9:26:08 PM] wumbledorf: im trying to make a world borderat 10,000x 10,000y
    [4/27/2012 9:26:13 PM] wumbledorf: you can be a helper too if you want
    [4/27/2012 9:26:19 PM] wumbledorf: the position means nothingt
    [4/27/2012 9:26:24 PM] wumbledorf: im so ****ing tired
    [4/27/2012 9:26:29 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol
    [4/27/2012 9:26:36 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: you need more staff to keep up the server
    [4/27/2012 9:26:38 PM] wumbledorf: all these kids crying for help
    [4/27/2012 9:26:44 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Exactly..
    [4/27/2012 9:26:49 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Thats why you need staff.
    [4/27/2012 9:28:00 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: damn, you keeping all these help questions all by your self..
    [4/27/2012 9:28:24 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Can you talk wumb?
    [4/27/2012 9:28:33 PM] wumbledorf: back
    [4/27/2012 9:28:39 PM] wumbledorf: i just beat leon in a fight
    [4/27/2012 9:28:42 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol
    [4/27/2012 9:28:47 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: you realy need more staff :/
    [4/27/2012 9:28:50 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: really
    [4/27/2012 9:29:07 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: all these little bugs are asking " CAN I GET MY CHAINMAILLL
    [4/27/2012 9:29:20 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: " I WANT ADMIN"
    [4/27/2012 9:29:38 PM] wumbledorf: im so tired
    [4/27/2012 9:29:44 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Dude..
    [4/27/2012 9:29:50 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: You need more mods and admins -.
    [4/27/2012 9:29:52 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: -.-
    [4/27/2012 9:29:54 PM] wumbledorf: i have an idea
    [4/27/2012 9:29:57 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Which is?
    [4/27/2012 9:30:08 PM] wumbledorf: lets make a concentration camp and send everyone in the server to it
    [4/27/2012 9:30:13 PM] wumbledorf: and they all get gassed
    [4/27/2012 9:30:23 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: camp? ...
    [4/27/2012 9:30:30 PM] wumbledorf: yea server gets run over by nazis
    [4/27/2012 9:30:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: XD
    [4/27/2012 9:31:02 PM] wumbledorf: **** MY ASSHOLE
    [4/27/2012 9:31:11 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Dude
    [4/27/2012 9:31:15 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: do you want my help? o.o
    [4/27/2012 9:31:19 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: for the server
    [4/27/2012 9:31:19 PM] wumbledorf: now you know
    [4/27/2012 9:31:31 PM] wumbledorf: the fate of the server hangs on the fate of one deranged 16 year old
    [4/27/2012 9:31:40 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Haven't been a owner or staff in a long time..
    [4/27/2012 9:31:50 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: forgot the stress of it
    [4/27/2012 9:32:07 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So wumb, want me to help out the server? +3
    [4/27/2012 9:32:08 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: =3
    [4/27/2012 9:32:32 PM] wumbledorf: i need u to do these things for me
    [4/27/2012 9:32:40 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So i'm lone fonu?
    [4/27/2012 9:32:42 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: like
    [4/27/2012 9:33:30 PM] wumbledorf: ok
    [4/27/2012 9:33:36 PM] wumbledorf: i need u to make the helper position
    [4/27/2012 9:33:42 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Did it
    [4/27/2012 9:33:46 PM] wumbledorf: it has all the default commands
    [4/27/2012 9:33:50 PM] wumbledorf: nothing more
    [4/27/2012 9:34:13 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Are you sure you don't need my help keeping all the questions from the server? o.O
    [4/27/2012 9:34:16 PM] *** ๖ۣۜMike sent groups.yml ***
    [4/27/2012 9:34:29 PM] wumbledorf: remmi can do that
    [4/27/2012 9:34:33 PM] wumbledorf: shes my *****
    [4/27/2012 9:34:37 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol
    [4/27/2012 9:34:47 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: :/
    [4/27/2012 9:34:49 PM] wumbledorf: my little 11 year old *****
    [4/27/2012 9:34:55 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I'll never be able to do anything
    [4/27/2012 9:34:57 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: you pedo..
    [4/27/2012 9:35:23 PM] wumbledorf: (smirk)
    [4/27/2012 9:35:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: :/
    [4/27/2012 9:35:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I'm bored
    [4/27/2012 9:35:51 PM] wumbledorf: me too
    [4/27/2012 9:36:37 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Wanna give me staff and just **** around? XD
    [4/27/2012 9:37:28 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So she actaully told you she was 11 years old..
    [4/27/2012 9:37:44 PM] wumbledorf: yes i hoped she was 15 and she would send me pics on skype
    [4/27/2012 9:37:49 PM] wumbledorf: that would have been awesome
    [4/27/2012 9:37:52 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol..
    [4/27/2012 9:38:10 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: wanna see porn? Just go to porn websites
    [4/27/2012 9:38:17 PM] wumbledorf: no ****
    [4/27/2012 9:38:19 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Trolololol
    [4/27/2012 9:38:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Damn, i need to be staff bad o.o
    [4/27/2012 9:38:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: no minecraft servers i can play..
    [4/27/2012 9:38:56 PM] wumbledorf: why not
    [4/27/2012 9:39:02 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: All them boring
    [4/27/2012 9:39:16 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: This one is the one that i actaully even made a app at..
    [4/27/2012 9:39:19 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: And forums..
    [4/27/2012 9:39:48 PM] wumbledorf: people are tired of plugin filled server ********
    [4/27/2012 9:39:52 PM] wumbledorf: with lockette and all that gay ****
    [4/27/2012 9:40:04 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Thats ****ing gay, never go on servers like taht
    [4/27/2012 9:40:05 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: that
    [4/27/2012 9:40:38 PM] wumbledorf: as you already know
    [4/27/2012 9:40:42 PM] wumbledorf: i made this server on vacation
    [4/27/2012 9:40:45 PM] wumbledorf: im still on ****ing vacation
    [4/27/2012 9:40:56 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: vacation of what..
    [4/27/2012 9:41:04 PM] wumbledorf: im in ireland for a week
    [4/27/2012 9:41:09 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol
    [4/27/2012 9:41:34 PM] wumbledorf: do you know how to set the world border
    [4/27/2012 9:42:09 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Probably (wasntme)
    [4/27/2012 9:43:55 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/worldborder/ "_" I've been helping you all day, i should get mod or something XD
    [4/27/2012 9:45:28 PM] wumbledorf: we already have worldborder
    [4/27/2012 9:45:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: You dont know how to set it?
    [4/27/2012 9:45:47 PM] wumbledorf: know
    [4/27/2012 9:45:49 PM] wumbledorf: no
    [4/27/2012 9:45:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: -.-
    [4/27/2012 9:46:02 PM] wumbledorf: give me the command to set a 10,000 square foot radius
    [4/27/2012 9:46:07 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: i really deserve mod for helping you XD
    [4/27/2012 9:46:24 PM] wumbledorf: you hack
    [4/27/2012 9:46:33 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: hackers be hackin'
    [4/27/2012 9:46:38 PM] wumbledorf: hell half the people on this server hack
    [4/27/2012 9:46:42 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I know
    [4/27/2012 9:46:42 PM] wumbledorf: i dont give a **** though
    [4/27/2012 9:46:44 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol
    [4/27/2012 9:47:03 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: When i'm staff, why should i even hack? =3
    [4/27/2012 9:47:20 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ./wb [worldname] set <radius> <x> <z>
    [4/27/2012 9:47:33 PM] wumbledorf: i know that can you fill in the numbers
    [4/27/2012 9:47:40 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: -.-
    [4/27/2012 9:47:42 PM] wumbledorf: for a 10,000 square foot area
    [4/27/2012 9:47:43 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I ate ypu//
    [4/27/2012 9:47:46 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: hate you
    [4/27/2012 9:47:50 PM] wumbledorf: im not good with the maths
    [4/27/2012 9:47:53 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: this is torture
    [4/27/2012 9:48:01 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: why am i even helping you? D:
    [4/27/2012 9:48:34 PM] wumbledorf: cmon
    [4/27/2012 9:49:03 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: whats mah reward 3;
    [4/27/2012 9:49:18 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Let see, i have helped you.. 5 times
    [4/27/2012 9:50:40 PM] wumbledorf: i will molest you if you dont help me
    [4/27/2012 9:51:02 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ..
    [4/27/2012 9:51:04 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: In where
    [4/27/2012 9:51:07 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: the server?
    [4/27/2012 9:51:16 PM] wumbledorf: your reward should you choose to accept it
    [4/27/2012 9:51:21 PM] wumbledorf: would be an ounce of my cum
    [4/27/2012 9:51:35 PM] wumbledorf: use it in brownies
    [4/27/2012 9:51:36 PM] wumbledorf: pancakes
    [4/27/2012 9:51:39 PM] wumbledorf: the sky's the limit
    [4/27/2012 9:51:49 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: dude, seriously..
    [4/27/2012 9:51:52 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: why should i help you :/
    [4/27/2012 9:51:59 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: if i dont get any benifits
    [4/27/2012 9:52:31 PM] wumbledorf: i will anal rape you then
    [4/27/2012 9:52:51 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Man, your just bullshitting :/
    [4/27/2012 9:53:05 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I really had enough of this crap..
    [4/27/2012 9:53:25 PM] wumbledorf: ?
    [4/27/2012 9:53:32 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: What is my reward..
    [4/27/2012 9:53:38 PM] wumbledorf: can you just ****ing help me
    [4/27/2012 9:53:49 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: -.-
    [4/27/2012 9:54:05 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: 2 god swords, 2 god picks, 2 set of god armour
    [4/27/2012 9:58:38 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: you there bro?
    [4/27/2012 9:59:14 PM] wumbledorf: yes
    [4/27/2012 9:59:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So yes, or no?/
    [4/27/2012 10:00:14 PM] wumbledorf: i need you
    [4/27/2012 10:00:23 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ..?
    [4/27/2012 10:00:27 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: [Friday, April 27, 2012 9:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike:

    <<< 2 god swords, 2 god picks, 2 set of god armour
    [4/27/2012 10:00:28 PM] wumbledorf: to cum
    [4/27/2012 10:00:30 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: [Friday, April 27, 2012 9:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike:

    <<< 2 god swords, 2 god picks, 2 set of god armour
    [4/27/2012 10:00:31 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: [Friday, April 27, 2012 9:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike:

    <<< 2 god swords, 2 god picks, 2 set of god armour
    [Friday, April 27, 2012 9:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike:

    <<< 2 god swords, 2 god picks, 2 set of god armour
    [4/27/2012 10:00:32 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: [Friday, April 27, 2012 9:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike:

    <<< 2 god swords, 2 god picks, 2 set of god armour
    [Friday, April 27, 2012 9:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike:

    <<< 2 god swords, 2 god picks, 2 set of god armour
    [4/27/2012 10:00:36 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: for helping you out =3
    [4/27/2012 10:02:20 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I'll help you out of you give me 2 god swords, 2 god picks, and 2 set of god armour.
    [4/27/2012 10:06:12 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Deal, or no deal?
    [4/27/2012 10:07:14 PM] wumbledorf: cum gobbler
    [4/27/2012 10:08:31 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I'm leaving the server, its getting real boring :/
    [4/28/2012 11:55:45 AM] wumbledorf: whats up
    [4/28/2012 11:55:56 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: Wumble, cna you talk??
    [4/28/2012 11:56:07 AM] wumbledorf: we can talk tommorow when i get back home
    [4/28/2012 11:56:11 AM] wumbledorf: im taking a flight back to boston
    [4/28/2012 11:56:15 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: Oh, cool
    [4/28/2012 11:56:23 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: The server was lagging every single second
    [4/28/2012 11:56:27 AM] wumbledorf: since when
    [4/28/2012 11:56:34 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: Like, 25 mins ago
    [4/28/2012 11:56:58 AM] wumbledorf: has it been doing that all day?
    [4/28/2012 11:57:07 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: No
    [4/28/2012 11:57:11 AM] wumbledorf: how long
    [4/28/2012 11:57:15 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: For like 15 mins
    [4/28/2012 11:57:21 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: Then you got on
    [4/28/2012 11:57:59 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: Wumble, I want to be mod so i can ban all the hackers :/
    [4/28/2012 11:58:16 AM] wumbledorf: you are a hacker
    [4/28/2012 11:58:21 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: Exactly.
    [4/28/2012 11:58:35 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: I can freecam around and see all the hackers
    [4/28/2012 11:58:42 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: i can detect all the hackers
    [4/28/2012 11:59:28 AM] wumbledorf: look im making you a helper
    [4/28/2012 11:59:37 AM] ๖ۣۜMike: What can that do?
    [4/28/2012 12:00:07 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Wait, wumble, how about i'll give you screenshots of people hacking and you can ban them?
    [4/28/2012 12:00:16 PM] wumbledorf: can you ****ing help me with this world border
    [4/28/2012 12:00:20 PM] wumbledorf: its glitching out and its causing all the lag
    [4/28/2012 12:00:30 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Reward? (smirk)
    [4/28/2012 12:00:36 PM] wumbledorf: a god sword
    [4/28/2012 12:00:51 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: armour?
    [4/28/2012 12:00:58 PM] wumbledorf: no
    [4/28/2012 12:01:05 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: 2 god swords and its a deal
    [4/28/2012 12:01:15 PM] wumbledorf: alright
    [4/28/2012 12:03:05 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: okay
    [4/28/2012 12:03:06 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: go to spawn
    [4/28/2012 12:03:10 PM] wumbledorf: im here
    [4/28/2012 12:03:27 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: stand where im standing
    [4/28/2012 12:03:49 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: now do
    [4/28/2012 12:03:56 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ./wb set 10000
    [4/28/2012 12:04:11 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: then /wb wshape round
    [4/28/2012 12:04:40 PM] wumbledorf: i set it to square
    [4/28/2012 12:04:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/28/2012 12:04:46 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: thats good
    [4/28/2012 12:05:00 PM] wumbledorf: can i do /wb set 7000
    [4/28/2012 12:05:02 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Make me a helper? =3
    [4/28/2012 12:05:04 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: yup
    [4/28/2012 12:05:09 PM] wumbledorf: 10000 too big
    [4/28/2012 12:05:11 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/28/2012 12:05:31 PM] wumbledorf: there
    [4/28/2012 12:05:38 PM] wumbledorf: ty can i give you your prize in a min
    [4/28/2012 12:05:43 PM] wumbledorf: im packing my luggage
    [4/28/2012 12:05:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: sure
    [4/28/2012 12:07:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: We're having a hackers attack!
    [4/28/2012 12:08:16 PM] wumbledorf: ?
    [4/28/2012 12:08:29 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: See all the new people coming?
    [4/28/2012 12:08:37 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Those are all hackers
    [4/28/2012 12:08:39 PM] wumbledorf: yes what about them
    [4/28/2012 12:08:46 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Its called a attack
    [4/28/2012 2:07:32 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: you htere
    [4/28/2012 2:07:33 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: there
    [4/28/2012 2:24:34 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: wumble
    [4/28/2012 2:24:38 PM] wumbledorf: Eyes
    [4/28/2012 2:24:39 PM] wumbledorf: yes
    [4/28/2012 2:24:58 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: zero wants 2 god sword, 1 god leg, and 1 god chestplate
    [4/28/2012 2:25:10 PM] wumbledorf: i know im busy packing after im done i will help him
    [4/28/2012 2:25:13 PM] wumbledorf: tell him that
    [4/28/2012 3:28:11 PM] wumbledorf: can you make donor_1 donor_2 and donor_3 in essentials
    [4/28/2012 3:28:18 PM] wumbledorf: i will give you a full set of god armor
    [4/28/2012 3:28:58 PM] wumbledorf: donor1=blue
    [4/28/2012 3:29:17 PM] wumbledorf: donor2=black
    [4/28/2012 3:29:18 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: in essentials???
    [4/28/2012 3:29:22 PM] wumbledorf: donor3=orange
    [4/28/2012 3:29:26 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: what about group manager
    [4/28/2012 3:29:32 PM] wumbledorf: yes group manager sorry
    [4/28/2012 3:29:35 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: okay
    [4/28/2012 3:29:37 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: donor 2
    [4/28/2012 3:29:42 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: is gonna be black right?
    [4/28/2012 3:29:44 PM] wumbledorf: yes
    [4/28/2012 3:29:45 PM] wumbledorf: no
    [4/28/2012 3:29:46 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: thats not going to look good
    [4/28/2012 3:29:50 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: you can barly see the name
    [4/28/2012 3:29:50 PM] wumbledorf: umm what other colors
    [4/28/2012 3:29:53 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: gray?
    [4/28/2012 3:29:57 PM] wumbledorf: alright make donor 1 grey
    [4/28/2012 3:30:00 PM] wumbledorf: donor 2 blue
    [4/28/2012 3:30:01 PM] wumbledorf: donor 3 orange
    [4/28/2012 3:30:06 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: alright
    [4/28/2012 3:30:09 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: what kind of blue
    [4/28/2012 3:30:11 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: dark or light
    [4/28/2012 3:30:12 PM] wumbledorf: same commands as default
    [4/28/2012 3:30:12 PM] wumbledorf: cyan
    [4/28/2012 3:30:13 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: or nyan
    [4/28/2012 3:30:15 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: cyan
    [4/28/2012 3:30:16 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/28/2012 3:30:20 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: send me group
    [4/28/2012 3:30:21 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: file
    [4/28/2012 3:31:37 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Do you want their name to be donor1?
    [4/28/2012 3:31:41 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: or vip
    [4/28/2012 3:31:42 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: or donator
    [4/28/2012 3:32:41 PM] wumbledorf: donator_1
    [4/28/2012 3:32:53 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Wumble
    [4/28/2012 3:33:02 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Can i get tnt as my reward too?
    [4/28/2012 3:33:14 PM] wumbledorf: k 10 tnt
    [4/28/2012 3:33:21 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: 10? D:
    [4/28/2012 3:33:24 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Only 10?
    [4/28/2012 3:33:30 PM] wumbledorf: yes be happy
    [4/28/2012 3:33:33 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Can i buy tnt form you?
    [4/28/2012 3:34:19 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: and this is the full armour enchants
    [4/28/2012 3:34:19 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Enchanting#Armor_Enchantments
    [4/28/2012 3:34:31 PM] wumbledorf: yes i have the armor info
    [4/28/2012 3:34:41 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So can i buy tnt from you??
    [4/28/2012 3:34:51 PM] wumbledorf: you can donate to get tnt
    [4/28/2012 3:34:58 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: how many?
    [4/28/2012 3:35:08 PM] wumbledorf: 10$ paypal for 2 stacks
    [4/28/2012 3:35:14 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: itunes?
    [4/28/2012 3:35:32 PM] wumbledorf: not accepting itunes anymore
    [4/28/2012 3:35:48 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So this is my reward, full set of god armour and 10 tnt
    [4/28/2012 3:36:38 PM] wumbledorf: yes
    [4/28/2012 3:36:44 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k, working
    [4/28/2012 3:39:28 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Hey, can i become a helper too? I can report hackers to you
    [4/28/2012 3:39:46 PM] wumbledorf: report big hackers not x rayers
    [4/28/2012 3:39:49 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/28/2012 3:39:53 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So its a yes?
    [4/28/2012 3:40:05 PM] wumbledorf: the big tanking diamond fighters are the heart of the server
    [4/28/2012 3:40:15 PM] wumbledorf: they all xray but they give danger to the server
    [4/28/2012 3:40:23 PM] *** ๖ۣۜMike sent groups.yml ***
    [4/28/2012 3:41:25 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: just /manpromote Masashi12 Helper
    [4/28/2012 3:43:23 PM] wumbledorf: can you fix the double donator
    [4/28/2012 3:43:45 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: so can i be helper?
    [4/28/2012 3:43:51 PM] wumbledorf: can you fix the double donator
    [4/28/2012 3:44:07 PM] wumbledorf: it says donator2[donator_two]zerokhaihos
    [4/28/2012 3:44:48 PM] wumbledorf: fix it pleaes
    [4/28/2012 3:44:48 PM] *** ๖ۣۜMike sent groups.yml ***
    [4/28/2012 3:45:36 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: =D
    [4/28/2012 3:45:45 PM] wumbledorf: ty hold on gtg to bathroom
    [4/28/2012 3:50:33 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: so can you promote me to helper please?
    [4/28/2012 3:50:46 PM] wumbledorf: your not very helpful to the other players
    [4/28/2012 3:50:55 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Lol, im not
    [4/28/2012 3:50:58 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ?
    [4/28/2012 3:51:06 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: You don't always know =3
    [4/28/2012 3:52:03 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: >->
    [4/28/2012 3:52:12 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I applyed for admin D: XD
    [4/28/2012 3:52:23 PM] wumbledorf: thanks can u bump
    [4/28/2012 3:52:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Dude, i did o.o
    [4/28/2012 3:54:15 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: You know, i can help you with the "to do list"
    [4/28/2012 3:54:23 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: If i was mod or admin
    [4/28/2012 3:54:26 PM] wumbledorf: i cant see u
    [4/28/2012 3:54:27 PM] wumbledorf: relog plz
    [4/28/2012 3:54:41 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: did you fixed the combat tp?
    [4/28/2012 3:54:51 PM] wumbledorf: people can combat tp
    [4/28/2012 3:54:58 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ;/
    [4/28/2012 3:55:03 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: i really want to fix that
    [4/28/2012 3:55:13 PM] wumbledorf: can u log on
    [4/28/2012 3:55:23 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: not responding
    [4/28/2012 3:55:27 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: just hold on
    [4/28/2012 3:55:44 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: actually
    [4/28/2012 3:55:51 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: teleport to thelegendary mike
    [4/28/2012 3:55:57 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: so he can give me it
    [4/28/2012 3:56:35 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: nvm
    [4/28/2012 3:57:13 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So i'd love to be helper or staff so i can help you with the "to do list" and and i can help other players
    [4/28/2012 3:58:28 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: thanks dude
    [4/28/2012 4:04:29 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So you thinknig about it?
    [4/28/2012 4:11:46 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Their just bullshitting
    [4/28/2012 4:11:55 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: one guy said SNECK HACK
    [4/28/2012 4:12:01 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: when we're crouching
    [4/28/2012 4:35:54 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Dude, can change the faction chest so we can open it while its still claimed?
    [4/28/2012 4:36:02 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: That'll make the server way better
    [4/28/2012 4:40:46 PM] wumbledorf: can you bump the thread now please
    [4/28/2012 6:19:01 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: general is spamming
    [4/28/2012 6:28:15 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: sup
    [4/28/2012 6:28:23 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: hi
    [4/28/2012 6:28:30 PM] wumbledorf: tell me how to ban boats and ender pearls
    [4/28/2012 6:29:06 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ender pearl didnt do anything
    [4/28/2012 6:29:13 PM] wumbledorf: now
    [4/28/2012 6:29:22 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: fine
    [4/28/2012 6:30:29 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: use world guard
    [4/28/2012 6:30:34 PM] wumbledorf: how though
    [4/28/2012 6:30:43 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: do we have world guard installed??
    [4/28/2012 6:30:45 PM] wumbledorf: im in the config
    [4/28/2012 6:30:46 PM] wumbledorf: yes
    [4/28/2012 6:31:28 PM] wumbledorf: im giving you the config
    [4/28/2012 6:31:34 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: k
    [4/28/2012 6:32:20 PM] *** wumbledorf sent config.yml ***
    [4/28/2012 6:32:50 PM] wumbledorf: DOWNLOAD IT
    [4/28/2012 6:32:54 PM] wumbledorf: BAN THE ITME
    [4/28/2012 6:32:54 PM] wumbledorf: ITEMS
    [4/28/2012 6:33:12 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: enderpearls and boat right?
    [4/28/2012 6:33:22 PM] wumbledorf: yes
    [4/28/2012 6:33:37 PM] wumbledorf: its either this or the whole faction is banned
    [4/28/2012 6:33:43 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ok ok
    [4/28/2012 6:33:47 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: just hold it
    [4/28/2012 6:36:06 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: blacklist.txt and it can be found in plugins/WorldGuard/worlds/YourWorldName/blacklist.txt
    [4/28/2012 6:36:08 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: give me that
    [4/28/2012 6:36:52 PM] *** wumbledorf sent blacklist.txt ***
    [4/28/2012 6:41:31 PM] *** ๖ۣۜMike sent blacklist.txt ***
    [4/28/2012 6:41:32 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: try that
    [4/28/2012 6:43:06 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: did it work
    [4/28/2012 6:45:36 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: did it work wumb
    [4/28/2012 6:46:09 PM] wumbledorf: lets see
    [4/28/2012 6:47:57 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: it worked for me
    [4/28/2012 6:58:06 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: what about mah reward now? =3
    [4/28/2012 6:58:19 PM] wumbledorf: your reward is your not all banned
    [4/28/2012 6:58:31 PM] wumbledorf: and invite sirmeowcat to your faction hes my brother
    [4/28/2012 6:58:56 PM] wumbledorf: he wants to join you
    [4/28/2012 6:59:44 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: ..
    [4/28/2012 6:59:54 PM] wumbledorf: invite him
    [4/28/2012 7:00:10 PM] wumbledorf: now
    [4/28/2012 7:00:16 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Dude, im dead serious.
    [4/28/2012 7:00:20 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Give me the reward
    [4/28/2012 7:00:26 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: i spent all my time on that
    [4/28/2012 7:00:33 PM] wumbledorf: are you ****ing with me
    [4/28/2012 7:00:36 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: googleing and all that ****
    [4/28/2012 7:00:42 PM] wumbledorf: are you ****ing kidding me
    [4/28/2012 7:00:49 PM] wumbledorf: you want me to disband your faction now?
    [4/28/2012 7:01:00 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Unban mythxblood
    [4/28/2012 7:01:08 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: and i'll invite your little bro
    [4/28/2012 7:01:16 PM] wumbledorf: fine
    [4/28/2012 7:01:55 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: why do your bro wanna join -.-
    [4/28/2012 7:02:16 PM] wumbledorf: hes unbanned
    [4/28/2012 7:02:18 PM] wumbledorf: he admires you
    [4/28/2012 7:02:21 PM] wumbledorf: now invite him
    [4/28/2012 7:02:33 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: lol...
    [4/28/2012 7:02:51 PM] wumbledorf: now
    [4/28/2012 7:03:03 PM] wumbledorf: his ign is sirmeowcat
    [4/28/2012 7:03:35 PM] wumbledorf: NOW
    [4/28/2012 7:03:41 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: will he steal anything..
    [4/28/2012 7:03:46 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: like god swords and all that
    [4/28/2012 7:03:49 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: :(
    [4/28/2012 7:03:52 PM] wumbledorf: no if he does i will ****ing beat the living **** out of him
    [4/28/2012 7:04:51 PM] wumbledorf: come on
    [4/28/2012 7:04:55 PM] wumbledorf: invite him
    [4/28/2012 7:05:01 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: i did
    [4/28/2012 7:05:58 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: hes ****ing annoying
    [4/28/2012 7:06:06 PM] wumbledorf: i know he is
    [4/28/2012 7:06:23 PM] wumbledorf: just tell him hes cool and he will stop dieing for attention
    [4/28/2012 7:07:22 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: how old is he..
    [4/28/2012 7:07:34 PM] wumbledorf: 8
    [4/28/2012 7:07:47 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Whats my reward for this torture?
    [4/28/2012 7:08:03 PM] wumbledorf: nothing your just being nice to him
    [4/28/2012 7:08:21 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: CANT HE JOIN ANOTHER FACTION
    [4/28/2012 7:08:32 PM] wumbledorf: no
    [4/28/2012 7:09:25 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: we're going to another server.. I cant stand this kid
    [4/28/2012 7:10:30 PM] wumbledorf: youve been trolled
    [4/28/2012 7:10:42 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: Actually, we blocked it =3
    [4/28/2012 7:10:57 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: I've tricked you that we're going to another server.
    [4/28/2012 7:11:03 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: So you can leave.
    [4/28/2012 7:11:22 PM] wumbledorf: jew!
    [4/29/2012 3:26:39 PM] ๖ۣۜMike: answer
    Quote from molestingracoons

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on WUMBLE FACTION PVP[Lag-Free][24x7][mcmmo][iconomy][factions][no-whitelist]
    Real Life Name - Mike

    IGN - Masashi12

    Age - 13

    When did you join?
    Two days ago.

    When did you make this post?
    April 26, 2012

    Why do you want staff?
    I'd like to build a better spawn or area. There are MANY glitches in the shop which I would like to fix. I will try my best to stop all of the rule breakers and hackers.

    Do you deserve it?
    Well, I've been a mod, admin, and owner on a few server. The server I used to own, Legend Craft. It was hard to handle with all the hackers. So I've decided to be a normal player until now.

    What time zone are you in?
    Eastern Time Zone

    Rank applying for?
    Moderator or Admin

    Personal Notes
    - I often ask people if they need help.
    - I'm often online when many other staff are not.
    - I've taught server members how to apply for certain ranks.
    - I have taught people how to use Skype, Teamspeak, and how to play Minecraft.
    - I'm extremely active.
    - I only play on the Wumble server.
    - I have Skype and Teamspeak, add me. Zhemasashi
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on WUMBLE FACTION PVP[Lag-Free][24x7][mcmmo][iconomy][factions][no-whitelist]
    Just invited my friend to the server, coolster1001
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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