hMOD is not updated yet, until then we cannot update the server.
I shut down the server and attempted an update hack that didnt work.
I restored the server to its previous state and will leave it as is until hmod is updated.
WARNING: hMOD may not update because of an upcoming bukkit release, in that event, we all may be waiting a while cause no non-vanilla servers will run.
server will run on old version until this happens. ask around to get the old version jar.
Sorry for the server downtime. It looks like this is the same timeframe as yesterday. We're contacting the hosting company to see if its something they unintentionally did.
we are reprogramming a mod that introduced a bug into the warring system, afterwards, wars will only start when both nations agree to war, not just one.
In the first hour I played this Fohmyn guy comes and takes all the iron ore me and my friend mined. He keeps returning every so often to slay us and "Collect our ore". The first time he killed me was INSIDE a cave by the way. I left for a day to cool off, next day I mined some diamonds and Iron and antgarci kills me in the spawn town. I said okay.. and tried again. Built myself full iron equipment and went mining. Fohmyn guy finds me in a cave AGAIN and kills me again. Seriously this guy cheats, finding me in caves.
Enjoy your "fair gameplay" guys. -sarcasm- This is a ******** server. One step out of spawn will get you killed. I wouldn't recommend this server to those searching for new ones.
Scrixx, i watched Fohmyn kill you once when i was roaming the server, he doesn't cheat, nobody on the server cheats because we catch them very quickly.
Again, this is a PvP server, if you don't want to get killed and kill others, go play on a vanilla larp server.
I shut down the server and attempted an update hack that didnt work.
I restored the server to its previous state and will leave it as is until hmod is updated.
WARNING: hMOD may not update because of an upcoming bukkit release, in that event, we all may be waiting a while cause no non-vanilla servers will run.
server will run on old version until this happens. ask around to get the old version jar.
fixed issue with towny over placement of signs in enemy towns.
This is a PvP server. End of discussion
However, the bugs you mentioned are known to us and we will fix sign placement in enemy towns when we are able to incorporate bukkit.
Full *****.
Nuff Said
get back on and rock!
It was showing as online in the console, so we never were warned it went down. Some new bug with notch's server software..
Anyhow, get back in and play!
Also, server has been full most of tonight, that may have been why you could not get on.
Row, see the curch pews for how the commands work
use /town ? /claim ? and /nation ? for help.
the town's blocks are protected from non-town members.
Scrixx, i watched Fohmyn kill you once when i was roaming the server, he doesn't cheat, nobody on the server cheats because we catch them very quickly.
Again, this is a PvP server, if you don't want to get killed and kill others, go play on a vanilla larp server.
it is a FULL PvP server, expect to loose the things you get, and expect to get things from others in the same fashion.
Use /kit starter to help you out.