Everything works, but when I start the game, the texture pack I fix has become the default one, replacing the original texture. Thank goodness for the unpatch button, but can someone help with this?
It's supposed to do this, it has in all previous versions. So far there's been no way to patch texture packs that are selected in game, only to replace the default (+ modifications/fixes)
Well, thats dumb, I was hoping to patch them all, then I could enjoy custom water and such whenever I want.
I think I know how to improve this map, but it would require quite some work. Maybe get some fans to help you out with it. Empire city: improve it very simply. Where it suddenly ends to a big ol lake, make a sort of abandoned pier with semi sunken boats. And where It suddenly ends to reveal untouched world, maybe build into the hills, sort of like nature has begun too retake over the city. Then you can just leave the rest as nature after a while. Obviously, add some more reasons to explore the city, like hidden Items and more notes, maybe some journal entries as to how the world ended, and what happened to Capital city. And add some branching paths with more items/story/risks, or the easier/less items/story. :tongue.gif: I can help, but we should probably use MC edit, and we would need a server to do it on.
Everything works, but when I start the game, the texture pack I fix has become the default one, replacing the original texture. Thank goodness for the unpatch button, but can someone help with this?
Well, thats dumb, I was hoping to patch them all, then I could enjoy custom water and such whenever I want.