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    posted a message on Request/idea for mod
    Quote from iownu7887

    Can anyone make an auto parkour mod?

    Maybe not so much as a hack, but possibly something that will assist you in doing parkour in minecraft?

    That could mean alot, Do you mean building or playing? Cause if it's playing i'm sure that would be considered cheating in most parkour maps, Building would be good for some starting out on them but either way you need to give more info.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on A mod idea.
    Glad you like the ideas! The mod idea started as a mod idea for more buildable mobs, Hence the golems and gargoyal near the top, Then it progressed alot more and ended up takeing at least three hours to write! I have no modding skill and am not very good whith textures but i hope that somebody makes it!

    Wow, I bumped myself whithout meaning to! O_O

    Also, If you make the models and need textures give a texture map in your post i might be able to texture them, Then i could post the textures here.
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Caverns Mod Idea/Request
    I like the idea, I hope somebody makes it. :smile.gif:
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on 12w06a Snapshot Out For Testing!
    LISTEN PLEASE!Zombies can't break open doors, Place a door sideways so it's open when closes and closed when open, Zombies can't break it!
    Posted in: Minecraft News
  • 1

    posted a message on A mod idea.
    I got a large idea for a mod, I can't make it myself but wanted to share my ideas, Please look at them. WARNING! There is ALOT of words here!

    Clay Golem:Clay golems would be made by stacking soul clay,(Made by crafting a clay block whith soul sand.)Clay golems would have three commands, You could tell them to stay or follow by right clicking, To tell them to wander just right click whith a clay lump, Clay golems would spawn a clay lump every three minutes, Clay golems can also hold items in their hands and if they are holding a block when wandering they might set it on the ground, Clay golems would do one heart to mobs attacking the player and have five hearts. They drop soul clay when killed and walk just as fast as the player.

    Gargoyal:To make a gargoyal you must craft it, These would be the recipes for the parts.

    Gargoyal Arm


    O stands for obsidian

    Gargoyal Wing

    L O
    O O O
    L O

    L stands for lapis dye, O stands for obsidian.

    Gargoyal Body

    O O O
    O D O
    O O O

    O is obsidian, D is diamond.

    Gargoyal Head

    O O O
    D O D
    O O O

    O is obsidian, D is diamond.

    Gargoyal Legs:

    O O O
    O O
    O O

    O is obsidian.

    Gargoyal Foot

    O O
    O O O

    O is obsidian.

    Unanimated Gargoyal:

    W H W
    A C A
    F L F

    H is the head, W is the wing, C is the chest, F is the foot, L is the legs

    Whith the unanimated one you can place it as a statue, To animate it you have to right click on the statue whith a soul gem.

    D D D
    D S D
    D D D

    D is diamond, S is soul sand.

    The animated gargoyal is a powerful guardian who will patrol or follow the player, Almost invincible the gargoyal has fifty hearts and has the defense of full diamond armor, Immune to fire and explosions and able to fly when chasing something they won't take fall damage and will patrol around a set area,They do three hearts damage, If killed they crumble into a dull soul gem and nine obsidian shards, These could be used to make a stone transformer, The stone transformer can turn smooth stone into a shard of magma by melting it whith intense heat, The shards can make molten rock, Molten rock will damage any mob walking on it, The rock will provide enough heat to instantly cook animals that step on it.

    Stone Golem:

    Made by putting a soulsand block between two stone blocks, The stone golem will follow and protect the player or stand sentry against mobs, The golems have ten hearts and the defense of gold armor, They do two hearts and are 75 percent as fast as the player.

    Iron Golem:Same as stone golem except twice as strong and only half the players speed, Made by stacking three iron on each other.

    Gold Golem:The gold golem is similar to iron and stone golems but has five hearts and does the damage of a enderman, They are 25 percent faster then the player.

    Lapis Golem:One of the most powerful golems the lapis has the speed of a iron golem and the strength of an iron, They can stay or follow the player and won't attack unless they take damage, They act as walking chests and have the inventory of a doublechest.

    Diamond Golem:The most durable of the golems diamond golems diamond golems are four times as powerful as stone but only as fast as iron, Diamond golems can be told to patrol or stand sentry, Spiders flee when they notice diamond golems, To reduce the uberness of them they won't follow the player.

    Molten Golem:The most powerful golems they attack by grabbing mobs and throwing them, They have the health of the player and no defense, They are made by stacking three molten rock and have the speed of a zombie.

    Yeti:Yetis spawn normally and are neutral to aggressive, They are uncommon and drop yeti hides when killed, Bigger ones have twenty health move at the speed of a zombie and are neutral, Smaller ones have ten hearts and move at the speed of the player and are aggressive, Bigger ones drop 1-4 hides and smaller ones drop 0-3 hides, They both do 1-2 damage.

    Salamander:Salamanders spawn rarly in deserts and uncommon in the nether, They breath fire doing one heart damage and setting their target on fire and have seven hearts, They drop salamander fangs and are neutral.

    Ghost:Ghosts spawn rarly in the end and common in the overworld at the darkest light level, They do two damage and are neutral and often fly up to the player and a make sound like a creeper about to explode and when attacked make ghast sounds, They fly and spawn at level 32.

    Mummy:Mummys spawn from mummy spawners and are just reskinned zombies that lower the player's damage when they attack.

    Skeletal Warriors:Skeletons in chain armor and and iron swords that spawn from skeleton warrior spawners and rarly ride spiders, They can also spawn normally and when riding spiders and spawned from their own spawners the spiders are cave spiders, They have the health of a skeleton and the armor of chain armor, They do the damage of an iron swords and drop chain armor and iron swords when killed.

    Pheonix:They are peaceful and killing them gives pheonix feathers, They have the same health and speed as a chicken and 1% of the time drop feathers of relife, These feathers if surrounding a soul gem in the crafting area will make a resurection amulet, These amulets if carried will allow you to revive on hardcore mode but will disappear afterwards, The feathers make fire arrows, Pheonix are breedable whith soul wheat, This is the soul wheat recipe.

    W W W
    W S W
    W W W

    W is wheat, S is soul sand.

    Goblins:Sometimes neutral but mainly aggressive goblins will spawn in huts, Neutral ones will trade whith the player and will expand their village, Aggressive ones will attack anything not a goblin they find, All drop leather at first and neutral ones will drop diffrent armor as they progress, They also progress through weapons and neutral ones will build, They all are like the player on damage health and speed.

    Aggressive Golems:Only spawning from spawners these golems are mainly normal types but some such as sand and ice golems are unique, Sand ones have three hearts and do two hearts damage, They also move twice as fast as the player and drop sand. Ice ones have one heart and move at the same speed as the player but freeze the player 85 percent of the time and do 1 heart damage, Tree ones are slow but do four hearts damage and have eight hearts, They drop blocks according to their types.

    Sandstorms:Sandstorms have three hearts and do two damage, They move two times faster then the player and leave a trail of dropped sand,They knock the player away when they attack and drop soulsand.

    Those are the monsters, Now for the armor!

    Yeti Hide Armor:Sturdy armor twice as good as normal leather armor that has the durability of iron, It is made of yeti hides.

    Molten Armor:Immunity to fire and lava as well as the armor and durability of iron this is made of molten rock.

    Another way to make chain:Crafting single iron ingots gives nine iron nuggets per ingot, Smelting these makes iron rings which can be used in making chain armor.

    Ancient Armor:Better then diamond these relics were made by an ancient civilization and can be found whithin various ruins.

    Enderscale Armor:When slain the enderdragon would drop enough scales to make a whole set of armor, This armor is better then any other armor but make endermen attack you on sight when worn.

    Now comes the tools and weapons.

    Salamander Fang Tools:Between diamond and iron these are gotten from salamander fangs and are fragile, Not recomended.

    Molten Tools:Some of the best tools these also set struck mobs on fire making them good for defense as well, They are as good as iron but as durable as diamond and are made from molten rock.

    Ancient Tools:The best tools in the game these are found in various ruins.

    Ruin Finder:Similar to the compass this points to the nearest ancient ruin, Crafted like this.

    O G O
    G R G
    O G O

    G is gold, R is redstone, O is obsidian.

    Extractor:Takes out the ores of a ore block leaveing stone in it's place, Crafted like this.

    O is obsidian, D is diamond.

    Ancient Sword:Just a sword of the ancient tools type.

    Salamander Fang Sword:Just a sword of the salamander fang tools type.

    Molten Sword:Like the tools.

    Bow And Tool Hybrids:Found in ancient ruins these act as tools and bows, Excellent for unexpected encounters.

    Sword And Tool Hybrids:Just a sword version of the bow and tool hybrids.

    Now are the new blocks.

    Marble:Found in some of the ancient ruins marble blocks are only for building, They are as explosion proof as obsidian.

    Obsidian Bricks:Crafted whith obsidian and found in ancient ruins these are only for building.

    Colored Sandstone:Found in pyramids these sandstone blocks are for building.

    Molten Rock:See Grargoyal Mob.

    Enderbrick:Found in the ancient ruins in the end.

    Stonewood:Found in some of the ancient ruins stonewood is growable, Stonewood leaves are grey and wood is grey.

    Solid Water:Just a normal block that looks like water and is found in ancient ruins.

    Ancient Chests:Can only be opened if you had a ruin key, Each ruin has it's own key and that key opens any ancient chest in there.

    Now are the structures.

    Pyramids:One type of ancient ruin this has mummy spawners in it, Traps also generate and the boss is a ancient mummy.

    Ancient Mummy:Ancient Mummy is the boss of the pyramid dungeon, He summons mummys and does four hearts damage, It has 35 hearts, It is very slow and five blocks tall, It drops the pyramid key.

    Nether Pyramids:Blaze spawners are in these dungeons, The boss is the Flame Spirit.

    Flame Spirit:The flame spirit is the boss of the nether pyramids, It looks like a ghast except whith magma stones around it, It blasts four fire balls at you and has 1 heart, The fire does two hearts each and can be bounced back, The flame spirit can be killed by eliminating it's stones then bouncing it's fire balls at it and then shooting it whith a blizzard arrow(Found from the flame guardian.), It drops the inferno key and keeps summoning ghasts and blazes.

    Flame Guardian:This is a large fire mummy guarding the door to the flame spirit, It drops the blizzard arrow.

    Marble Ruins:These are made of marble and are diffrent shapes, The boss is the Immortal King.

    Immortal King:The immortal king is the boss of the marble ruins, He has 55 hearts and starts whith a shield that prevents damage, To destroy it bounce his lightning bolts back at him, They will destroy the shield and allow him to be damaged, He regains it every five minutes though and it must be eliminated again, He summons skeletal warriors and does low damage, His lightning does the effects of normal lightning, When his shield is gone he crouches down and is stunned, His sword does one heart and when killed you must battle his ghost.

    Immortal King's Ghost:This ghost has twenty hearts and spawns when the immortal king dies, It blasts you whith lightning and flies, It drops the Marble Key and can only be hurt whith gold.

    Sunken City:Appears underwater, The boss is the Kraken

    Kraken:The kraken is a massive squid, It is the sunken city boss and has 100 health, It's tenticles are diffrent mobs which come out of holes, They do one heart each,They also have ten hearts each, The kraken then bursts through the fake marbel wall where you must attack it's face as it breaths water at you, The water does one heart each, The key to the kraken is to last against it's huge health amount, It drops the aqua key.

    Desert Ruins:Mummys also spawn here, The boss is the sand scorpion.

    Sand Scorpion:The sand scorpion is the desert city boss,It starts off as two claws and a tail in the sand, The claws have ten hearts and the tail has twenty, Then the scorpion comes out whith sixty five hearts, The tail does half a heart and poisons, The claws do one heart, The scorpion will bite doing two hearts and drops the sand key.

    Tundra Ruins:Spawns in the tundra biome and the boss is the behemoths.

    Behemoth:There are two behemoths in the tundra ruins, Both are together and have thirty five hearts each, They do two hearts each when they attack, One of them drops the snow key.

    Oaken Ruins:Found in forest biomes these consist of a number of ironwood trees, The boss is the treant.

    Treant:The treant regens health every minute and if it misses when attacking it falls down stunned, During this time the treant will send roots to attack the player, It has fifty hearts and can be hurt by fire arrows and diamond axes, It is the oaken ruins boss and does two hearts when it attack, It drops the ironwood key.

    Ender Ruins:These only spawn in the end and only after you return from killing the dragon, The boss is the ender wurm.

    Ender Wurm:The ender wurm is the hardest boss, It does five hearts damage when it attacks and has 100 hearts, It can also summon ender bats and endermen, It is the ender ruins boss and drops the ender key as well as it's egg, It can only be fought if you ride a tamed enderdragon.

    Ender Bat:These annoying bats are summoned by the ender wurm, They do one heart damage and have one heart each.

    Now come the assorted stuff.

    Tamed Ender Dragon:If you get the egg from the ender dragon you can return and it hatches, Then you can ride the dragon around the end, However it is needed for the fight against the wurm so don't hatch it until you start the fight.

    Tamed Ender Wurm:The egg of the ender wurm can be hatched once every other boss is defeated except the nether dragon, Another dimension is added as well and the wurm's egg will hatch once you arrive, The fire spirit returns whith another of it's kind at the top of the volcano, Killing them causes the nether dragon to spawn.

    Nether Dragon:The nether dragon is the strongest boss, Once it attacks your ender dragon flys down to help, In the combat you must use both the wurm and the dragon, At first the nether dragon will attack on the ground where you must use the wurm to reach it's head, Then the dragon's molten coating is thrown off and it soars into the sky where you must combat it whith the enderdragon, The nether dragon at first uses it's claws to do three hearts damage to you and it's breath to set you on fire, Then it attacks like the enderdragon did except breathing fire to set you on fire, Killing it gives the egg of the nether drake, The egg will hatch once in the overworld and you get a powerful flying dragon type creature, The nether dragon has 75 hearts at first but then has 100.

    Nether Drake:The nether drake is a strong ally whith fifty hearts and can be ridden, It is gotten once you slay the nether dragon.

    Heart Of The Nether:The nether dragon's demension, It is reached by crafting the keys from the diffrent bosses into key blocks then putting them together in a nether portal shape, The portal will activate.

    Ideas Thought Of Later:

    Underground City:Large area underground whith a ruined city in it, The boss is the Tunnel Worm.

    Tunnel Worm:The boss of the underground city, The tunnel worm can burrow through dirt which seals behind it and has 75 hearts, It can do 3 hearts and drops wormskin when killed, Enough wormskin is dropped to make a full set of armor, It is hurt when hit in it's mouth.

    Wormskin Armor:As good as diamond and as durable as ancient, Made from wormskin.

    Wormskin:Wormskin is dropped from the tunnel worm, It is used to make armor.

    Nether Lurker:Spawning in the nether and dropping iron nuggets the nether lurker is a bony beast, It wanders at the players speed, If it spots the player it starts to use the texture of the blocks it's around except darker, It then move 25 percent the speed of the player until it's ten blocks away, It then leaps doing three hearts, It can also swipe at the player doing one heart and has eight hearts, They are said to be cursed miners who where slain by the flame spirit but this is just a myth, They also spawn in the nether dragon's dimension.

    Can anybody make this or at least some of it as a mod? If so i would use it always and recommend it, If you like the ideas then please bump the thread.

    Also, Can somebody make a banner for this?
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Golems
    I know we already have snow golems, But these are a completly diffrent idea, Golems would spawn depending on their rarity and have diffrent strengths, The most common are the dirt golems.

    These are the dirt golem stats.

    Health:10(Five hearts.)

    They have three attacks, Here are the attacks and their damage.

    Normal Attack:Normal attack would be like a zombies, It would do 2 damage(1 heart.)
    Rush:Rush would only be used if the player was at least ten blocks away, The golem would charge at the player going twice as fast as the player and stopping if it encounters blocks or takes damage, Rushing would do 1 damage per three blocks it went.
    Hurling:Dirt golems could pick up dirt blocks and hurl them at the player, If the block missed it would be placed wher it landed, If it hit the player would lose a heart.

    Dirt golems would drop one soul sand and two dirt blocks when killed, Rebuilding one whith these blocks would be possible, Otherwise you could just find dirt and soulsand to make one yourself.

    This is the layout for building.


    Wher D is there is dirt, S is soulsand.

    Dirt golems would be neutral.

    Cobble Golem:Cobble golems would only help the player build, They would not spawn normally and could be made by changing the dirt in the dirt golem layout to cobble, They would be builders, You could give them orders by right clicking, Then a window would pop up.

    The window would have five commands, Info can be found down further.

    Follow:The golem follows.

    Stay:The golem stays.

    Inventory:Opens the golems inventory, It will take blocks and use them to build.

    Free Build:The golem will randomly build things whith it's inventory wandering around, Don't expect it to build much.

    Build:The golem will head to the nearest build lines(Explained later.)and build whithin them useing it's inventory, This can be done if you don't want to build it yourself, However the golem would use random blocks, For example the golem might use a diamond block if it was carrying it rather then a obsidian, It starts whith whatever block is has the most of.

    Cobble golems would have as much health as the player and do no damage. They are passive.

    Water Golems:They would dropt nothing but leave a water source block where they die, They can be carried in a bucket and have one heart, Passive and rare they would wander around, They turn lava to obsidian as they walk and can walk on water like it was normal blocks.

    Fire Golem:Fire golems spawn in the nether and are aggressive, Blocks they walk on set on fire and they would drop the fire item.

    More comeing soon!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Minicraft - Mining Made Easy, Deceptively Engaging Concept
    I like it!
    Gonna see about making some lanterns.

    Zombie killed me just as i went down the stairs, One right on the stairs.

    "You died! Awww!"

    Me:*goes into minecraft and watches my automated zombie killing machine.*

    Gonna try again.

    Maybe they could add shields, Then maybe you could make mini-lanterns which would be holdable as a shield and light up half as good as a lantern.
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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    posted a message on 12w06a Snapshot Out For Testing!
    If you want to make a door zombies won't break then make it so your door will close when opened and open when closed, The zombies can't break opened doors.

    If you want to make a door zombies won't break then make it so your door will close when opened and open when closed, The zombies can't break opened doors.

    Lol, Why did i double post?

    By the way, I forgot my password for my Mantacruise account so i made this one.

    Also, Anybody kmow a way to easily find ocelots in jungles?
    Posted in: Minecraft News
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