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    posted a message on I need people to join my city
    My gamertag is ManiaK649
    Posted in: MCX360: Servers
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    posted a message on The Epic Ducks YouTube Clan [Events] [Ranks] [Building]
    Name: ManiaK649
    Age: 13, turning 14 on September
    Mic: Yes
    Timezone: Western, California time
    How long have you played Minecraft Xbox 360: Since it came out
    What are you good at: Mining and keeping gaurd ill try anything, I suck at redstone
    Are you active? how many hours a week can you play: yes im active I can play from 4.30am -9:30 and almost all day on school vacation
    Why do you want to join: I just wanna play with people and also have fun
    What can you do to better the clan: not really sure at the time
    Posted in: MCX360: Clans
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