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    posted a message on Mabinogi Mod
    I am planning to create a mod that imitates the Mabinogi skill system. Mabinogi is an MMORPG that incorporates life skills along with a dynamic combat system (which means even a newbie can solo a boss mob with good enough skill). Link - http://mabinogi.nexon.net/
    I will add tons of new skills, from life skill ([Cooking], [Tailoring],...) to combat skills (stun and knockback system, improved *jk :rolleyes: * [Archery], [Lance], ...).
    Life skills will change the way many actions work, for example, [chopping wood] and [bow crafting] success rate will increase based on [carpentry] rank.
    There will be minigames associated with some life skills ([Cooking], [Fishing], [Wine making],...)
    Cool status effects might be added: [Frozen] [Blinded] [Sleep]...
    Combat system might be more similar to pso2's (I can't really promise this since overhauling the combat system is some serious work).
    Mabi thread: http://mabinogi.nexon.net/Community/forums#/showthread.php?1346182-Mabinogi-Mod-for-Minecraft&nxid=10

    *note: I like to add square brackets between skill names because of my light novel reading habits, I'll stop if you don't like it.
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on [Forge]Floating Islands Dimension... SOLVED!
    I remember that minecraft used to have the "heaven dimension" but Notch dumped the idea. The dimension also had flying island, I think the old code is still there so that you can check the generation code.

    Check this: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Sky_Dimension
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on No Cubes 1.0 | Realistic graphics
    I think it would be much more beneficial if you could make the project open source so that me and a bajillion other programmers can join and help you with this awesome project!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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