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    posted a message on Carpenter's Blocks

    Looks to still be up on the Carpenter's Blocks website linked in the OP.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Armor Chroma 1.3 - For a more colorful armor bar!
    Quote from Censoredkills»

    download isnt working

    It works fine for me. Try here, maybe.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [TiC] Flipped Shovel Textures
    Quote from Unknow0059»

    Do you have new versions? I'm actually looking for something compatible with Enigmatica 2.

    Nope, the latest version is the one in the thread. It would be simple(albeit tedious) to make your own version. You'd have to open up your Tinker's Construct archive, find the textures for the shovels, and use an image editor to rotate each one 90° counter-clockwise. Make sure to get every shovel part for each material - handles, heads, and modifiers. If there are mods like PlusTiC that add new materials, make sure to do the same for those mods.

    Nowadays, you may be able to save your results as a resource pack instead of replacing all the files in the mod. Would probably be easier. Good luck!

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [TiC] Flipped Shovel Textures
    Quote from Unknow0059»

    The videos in the thread have nothing to do with the topic.

    Huh... I posted those videos well after making this thread. And, they were also supposed to be unlisted. Strange, don't know why it isn't linking to the original anymore. I guess it doesn't matter that much, the versions of TiC/ExtraTiC I made this for are extremely outdated.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [RESOLVED] OpenAL Failed to Initialize - Minecraft starts in Silent Mode

    Finally, a working solution. Thank you so much for coming back to post it after figuring out your problem. I was getting very tired of hearing "oh press the magic sound reset button!" or "well even though we use unreliable libraries it's not our fault and therefore not a bug play 1.13 pls".

    Sorry, I know it's kind of an old post but when all else failed, finally there was a solution involving where to get functioning, up-to-date libraries like my logs hinted at me needing all along. I certainly wouldn't have found them where they were.

    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on NYVARLD - Over 100 New Structures!
    Quote from Spookyhappyfun»

    And 1.13 is released! Plus, I found what I think will be a great new seed with all biomes and almost all structures included in about 2k blocks from spawn. I think I might make it a large biome world to make it even bigger and give more room to maneuver and build and explore. So, definitely much larger than Nyvarld ever was.

    We'll see what happens. I've got a lot of projects going on nowadays, but I might have the chance to start working on this a bit this weekend.

    Here are some possible tools that can go above and beyond NEI for adding even more flavor to your structures. You just have to wait them to update, and their authors seem pretty active at the moment:
    Mapmaker's Gadgets

    Infinity Item Editor

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Carpenter's Blocks
    Quote from Zervanic»

    Are there any reports on the stability of the 1.12.2 alpha version? Really loved this mod back in the day and would like to add it to my modpack, but not if it has serious (corruption or otherwise) issues. I can live with lighting issues, but if there are reports about it breaking worlds etc, I'd rather way obviously.

    Thanks for your effort in updating this mod either way!

    I haven't heard of it breaking worlds or anything, but it doesn't work for anyone running Optifine. Causes the blocks to look like a garbled mess. And also, I think the only things the 1.12.2 alpha version adds are the general carpenter's block and any of the slabs you make by using a hammer on it.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Loot Slash Conquer -- Action-RPG mod inspired by Hack/Mine --

    An exciting and expansive-looking project!

    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from Lycanite»

    As of the latest 1.19.5.X updates Aegis will let you access chests and break glowstone and other special blocks if you have at least +1 reputation with the village. You can do this by making at least one trade with a Villager.

    This won't be enough - I had a good six Aegis spawn around my house(only one door and a handful of chests to qualify it as so) and proceed to "protect" the belongings therein. Had I not logged off and disabled them immediately they probably would have diced me up and spawnkilled me endlessly in my own safehouse. All the while overall spawns had been set to 45% of the usual, I dare not think about how boned someone on default settings would be trying to stay alive in their own house.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from pakos2835»

    ok. so its unrealizeable
    yea. if 1.12.2 become stable version, all mods chokolate q, Advent of Ascension, Ars Magicka, etc finally relocate to 1.12.2,
    i saw that process, when joining mc at 2014, 1.6.4 --->1.7.10

    but if jumps on versions continue further, 1.7.10 save own main status...
    and what in this case?

    At that point it's just up to people to decide whether or not they're going to leave old, abandoned mods behind. The author for Chocolate Quest, although he has a tendency to go on long hiatuses, has never gone on one this long that I remember of. It's been years at this point since he was last heard from, I think. Honestly, some newer, cleaner dungeon-focused mods(ToroQuest and Dungeon Tactics are some good 1.12.2 Chocolate Quest fill-ins, I'd say) would probably be for the better. Chocolate Quest tended to have crashing issues, most of its 1.7.10 components were only partially implemented, wasn't translated very well, etc...
    The author of Advent of Ascension has more or less stated that he doesn't intend on updating his mod beyond 1.7.10, either, as he is working on other projects and the mod is just so massive that it would be excruciating for him to balance work and updating that. I doubt anyone looking to take the helm and update themselves would have any easier a time, assuming he'd give the go-ahead for them to release an update for him in the first place. This is another case where, in my opinion, it may be for the best for Advent to be abandoned. Sadly, I don't know of any 1.12 mods that have the RPG-focus of Advent, but the whole mod is like an inch-deep ocean. Sure, you've got ten dimensions and 8,000 mobs or whatever, but what does it matter if every mob has the same behavior, same footstep sounds, no head tracking, all knockback resistant, no intelligent pathing, limbs clipping into the ground, no farmable passive mobs, no neutrals... Dimensions all tend to be a single biome and all of like five different kinds of blocks spread throughout the whole thing, with the only craftable things being ores... You get the point, I could write a book on all the problems I have with Advent, which is sad because at the same time, I still like it. Good dimension mods should be more like a deep lake. Not necessarily extremely expansive, but what they do have is deep and fleshed out. Examples for 1.12 would be The Erebus, Twilight Forest, The Betweenlands, and Aether II has just started releasing 1.12 versions as well.
    Anyway, my point was before I started losing my mind about Advent - at some point you'll just have to make a choice whether you want to live tweaking 1.7.10 into oblivion now that new content for it has basically come to a halt, or if you want to drop some old staple mods and start exploring the expanse of options you have in 1.12 and above. It's been like this since I started playing Minecraft. I lost a lot of mods leaving 1.2.5, avoided all of 1.3 because of that, in fact. Did the same with 1.4 and 1.6, skipping over 1.5 in favor of 1.4 until I realized everything good was in 1.6.4. Stayed in 1.6.4 forever, then did the same with 1.7.10.... Again, you get the point. It's up to how long it takes for you to go crazy trying to stick to a bygone version of the game.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!

    Oh, and regarding this issue from a while back(forgot to follow up on it originally, sorry):

    Quote from Manan6619»

    My buddy and I are having an issue with the latest version of Lycanites on our 1.12.2 server where our screens turn completely black upon approaching any Lycanite we've found. Is anyone else familiar with this?

    Quote from Lycanite»

    Hmm strange, I've never heard this problem from anyone before, what other mods are you running? Also what GPU?

    Quote from Manan6619»

    With some investigation, I believe I've narrowed it down to the BetterPvP mod. Specifically, its Entity Info(think DamageIndicators) feature - when the entity info would normally pop up on my screen, the whole screen goes black, or sometimes other weird graphical issues will happen instead such as the sun turning black, or part of the chatbox turning black. This is on an AMD Radeon RX 480. My buddy has the same issue, using an NVIDIA GeForce GT 755M. He says looking at one of your mobs with ToroHealth, a similar mod, causes the same issue. This is on Lycanites, and doesn't happen with any vanilla mobs or mobs from other mods. It can happen with just Lycanites and BetterPvP installed, with no other mods.

    Quote from Lycanite»

    Could you try it with the latest build, there was a strange rendering issue related to the new alpha blending I've been experimenting with that has been now fixed which could be related. I use an AMD Radeon RX 580 myself so can pretty much rule out GPU related issues.

    It had in fact turned out whatever you fixed was likely the cause, because in the version I downloaded a few days ago I no longer have the issue.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Lycanites Mobs - Strange and Deadly Creatures!
    Quote from Geethebluesky»

    Hello Lycanite, quick question regarding Gorgomites and Calpods:

    Are there any old-people settings to change the number of these awful (but kinda cute) critters that are called upon by existing critters, or at least tweak the speed at which they call for reinforcements?! It took maybe 30 minutes for this old lady to rid herself of an infestation :D

    In the Lycanites Mobs config, you could try changing the Gorgomte Swarm Limit setting that's in the desertmobs-general.cfg file, and seeing if that culls the herd a little bit.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Gravestone mod

    So, minus the "breathlessness" debuff, which is cool, it seems to me like the vanilla Drowned mobs will be more-or-less like a more interesting implementation of your Drowned. Perhaps if you want to stay in the business of the water mobs, you could try making an underwater skeleton-type enemy? If you want to get really fancy, you could try to take some elements from the vanilla drowned by having vanilla skeletons turn into one of these new Sea Skeletons upon drowning. Sea Skeletons could take some pointers from your original Drowned mob by staying underwater rather than swimming, and shooting arrows that apply your breathlessness debuff. To go after them, you'd have to take the risk of breathlessness while also diving to attack! I'd say if you were to implement that idea, they ought to have a chance of dropping some arrows or other weapons that let you attack your own enemies with the breathlessness debuff.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Gravestone mod

    So I couldn't find any page detailing what the drowned in your mod are like, and I haven't fought very many of them. I'd go in-game and check myself, but I can't at the moment. So I'd like to ask - exactly how similar are your drowned to the ones that are intended to be in vanilla? If they are significantly different, perhaps keep them and rename them. If maybe you find yourself liking the ones in vanilla better(if, for example, you feel like they are like yours except do new, interesting things), consider removing your own but adding any unique loot yours originally had to the new ones in vanilla Minecraft.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Music Choices - Gives you more options for your music - Now in 1.8!
    Quote from o0Julia0o»

    ah o.k., nice - thx. And the music switches if i am underwater. So if i go underwater, come up, go underwater all the time the music starts again and again - even if only go up for 1 second and 1 second under water?

    Probably - if a certain song type in that mod is bothering you like that, I'd suggest disabling it and only having the more major song types play.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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