• 3

    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    worldmap (and waypoint) options menu crash fixed for 1.16.4. Might backport to 1.16.3 if needed, but TBH I'd really rather just maintain the current version for each major release of Minecraft. Thanks for the report, dumb error on my part

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Misa's Realistic Texture Pack - 1.20.1+ UPDATED ELSEWHERE!
    Quote from Misa»

    In order to gauge what the community would like to see prioritized I've set up a poll to determine the first steps forward on completing the pack.

    Also don't forget to join us on Discord!

    welcome back! Forum wasn't the same without you

    *edit* quoted so your important info wasn't bumped off page by my fluff

    Posted in: Resource Packs
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    new version

    1.10.6 (and 1.9.26 for MC 1.12 - 1.15)

    • config file moved to /config folder. Cache and waypoint data moved out of /mods to /voxelmap folder
    • fix for world map data not saving on exit
    • support for 512x resource packs (assuming Minecraft itself can handle them)
    • fix for entities in minecarts/boats or on non living entities being rendered too high
    • world map cache memory usage reduced ~25%
    • VoxelMap can now handle more than 65536 unique blockstates (basically unlimited)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    bad one snuck through when I enabled unicode letters in waypoint names. Fix uploaded

    1.10.5 (and 1.9.25 for MC 1.12 - 1.15)

    • fix bug causing duplicates of waypoints
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    some new fixes

    1.10.1 (and 1.19.21 for MC 1.15)

    • fix player names on the minimap with high definition resource packs

    1.10.2 (and 1.19.22 for MC 1.15)

    • fix for icons for unknown mobs with non standard models (seems to also fix some icons showing as black squares)

    1.10.3 (and 1.19.23 for MC 1.12-1.15)

    • Can use non-roman characters in waypoint names. (fix to ensure waypoints file is stored with unicode encoding)

    1.10.4 (and 1.19.24 for MC 1.15)

    • fix for donkey, mule, and zombie/skeleton horse icons
    • Forge release for 1.16.1
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    release for 1.16.

    bumped version number


    • Redone much of the icon system to better reflect the shape of mobs. Mobs that use a second layer aren't necessarily all simple rectangles now
    • various things to get ready for 1.16, like being able to have multiple dimensions with the same dimension type
    • big UI refactor

    Some old changelogs that weren't listed here:


    • on the map, sky color shows now (instead of being black all the time)
    • upper slabs and staircases etc correctly show up as non transparent blocks on minimap


    • radar icons no longer occasionally flash when new ones are loaded
    • fixed possible miscoloration of some radar icons
    • blocks with custom models worn on heads are more accurate
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on OptiFine HD (FPS Boost, Dynamic Lights, Shaders and much more)

    there is no optifine 1.16. You can get 1.15 by clicking "Preview versions"

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Nostalgia-Craft
    Quote from ragger»

    Mojang will release a pre-1.14 pack, but this pack needs to contain a lot more textures after 1.14. Basically every texture that is in 1.14 that also was in alpha/beta. For example. NostalgiaCraft needs to include the glass and obsidian texture (which hasn't been changed since alpha/beta, but not textures like end stone or stone bricks because these were introduced after alpha/beta (beta 1.8 doesn't count).

    Could't this pack just be loaded after Programmer Art? That would revert the old blocks' textures to pre 1.14, then this pack could revert the ones that have changed since beta

    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 5

    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    new version


    • Sheep colors (all of them *cough jeb_*)
    • Smoother minimap motion when player is moving at high speed (lerping all the things)
    • fix for squaremap transparency stencil not working correctly with minimap rotation on (primarily of use to resource pack authors)
    • fix for radar being unable to be turned back on after turning it off (1.12)
    • updated packed mixin library (1.12)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    new version for Minecraft 1.14 and up


    • minimize lighting glitches on the world map when teleporting etc.
    • villager icons show different villagers again
    • horse icons show patterns again (and armor) (1.16)
    • radar icons crisper (1.16)

    Quote from Jon»

    If you have a Discord or if you DM me I can walk you through how to reproduce the crash, but for now I've set you a test server in which you can reproduce it. I messaged you the IP.

    You only need Botania (& it's dependency Baubles) to connect, along with VoxelMap on the client (I was using 1.9.11_for_1.12.2).

    I've placed a partially filled mana pool at world spawn, so as soon as you connect you will experience the crash (if not then just fly ~100-200 blocks away and it will crash).

    Upon removing VoxelMap from the client and trying to connect again the issue disappears. Re-add VoxelMap and the crash returns.

    thank you I'll join and check it out if it is still there

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap
    Quote from Jon»

    Thank you so much MamiyaOtaru for the updates :)

    Can we expect any new updates for the 1.12.2 branch?

    1.12.2 had an update along with everything else this week. I couldn't reproduce any crashes with Botania, either on 1.12.2 or Botania's latest (1.14.4 IIRC). If you have a map or server that can reliably reproduce it that would help.

    Hi, so I recently updated from 1.12.2 minecraft with voxelmap to 1.15.2. my worldmap is black when I press M. Help? It is the only mod running with fabric installed.

    Due to Mojang changing blockstates for 1.13, maps from 1.12.2 and earlier are not compatible with 1.13 and up. Voxelmap will have to regenerate the worldmap. If it is doing so from a single player save, it can take a while. You should see it get out a region or two before too long though, so if it just remains black that's a bit of an issue

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    and one more version. 1.16 snapshot, 1.15 for forge.
    Should finally have all the bugs where some blocks turned grey worked out (can now use the grid colormap layout that Optifine allows)


    • made compatible with MCPatcher style colormaps in grid layout (fixes yet another some-blocks-turn-grey bug)
    • initial upload for 1.16 snapshot (fabric version)
    • initial upload for 1.15.2 (forge version)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    new version


      fix for grass turning grey on the map when user encounters snow

      fix for mob heads as helmets not showing on the radar

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap
    Quote from chamisa22»

    Howdy! It's great to get VoxelMap back in 1.15.1. Thanks. But I have a question - why do most of my land biomes show gray, as if they were all the Mountain biome? The beaches do show up, and the trees, but the ground is all gray. Am I not doing some configuration correctly?

    Cheers and thanks,


    nothing you're doing wrong, definitely a bug. One I thought I'd quashed several versions ago but it crops up from time to time. If it's the same one, restarting Minecraft usually fixes it. I'll see if I can kill it for good

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on VoxelMap [1.16.1 to 1.7.10] - a minimap and worldmap

    1.15.1 version released for Fabric

    will look at Botania if I get some time

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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