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    posted a message on [1.6.X/1.5.2/Others]Pam's Mods - Feb 9th (I'm Back!)
    Would the modified version of earthcraft have the old ores as well? or will it just be the colored stone?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)
    I said I was having trouble with the download earlier; I switched from using chrome to firefox and it worked perfectly with firefox.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)
    Hmmm, having trouble with the download as well, it keeps telling me my access is denied when I hit the download button :/

    Any way; congrats on 200,000~! You really deserve it!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.x][SMP][Forge] Mystic Mods -- Looking For A New Developer
    Quote from oitsjustjose

    I'm on 600 and am having no issues, are you using the standard terrain or any terrain modifying mods? A modlist would be quite helpful

    Never mind, I just found a bunch, but it was all in caves between y90 and y70, I was searching in deep caves before. What exactly is verdite's spawn height?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.x][SMP][Forge] Mystic Mods -- Looking For A New Developer
    Quote from oitsjustjose

    Works fine for me, I'm sorry you're experiencing issues though! Perhaps try increasing the rarity via the config option?

    I tried that too actually. I'll see if there is a newer version of forge, I'm using 600 right now.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.x][SMP][Forge] Mystic Mods -- Looking For A New Developer
    By the by, I'm using mystic ores with 1.5.1 and verdite dose not seem to be generating.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.x][SMP][Forge] Mystic Mods -- Looking For A New Developer
    Could you inform me how to make the reinforced mythril bricks and the other blocks like them?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Primitive Mobs v1.1beta - Last Updated 01/01/2018 - 1.12 beta version available!
    For some reason, whenever I have this mod installed everything works fine for the first in game day, but after a few days all mobs completely stop spawning, but when I remove primitive mobs everything returns to normal. I am running this with a few other mods, two of which I know should be compatible(extra biomes & atmos mobs) , and a few others I can't see causing any problems, so I'll run this by its self and see if the same thing happens.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)
    Found a bit of a bug in the latest version; the copper bucket eats lava source blocks when trying to scoop them up. Just so ya know, I'm running this along side other mods, so you might wanna check your self.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dungeon Mobs (reference to new thread in last post)
    So how often can expect to see the dungeon mobs appearing? So far I have explored two large caves, one in creative and another in a previously made survival world, and I haven't seen a thing. I suspect they might just be rare do to their power or one of the mods I have installed is interfering, but the only one that comes to mind is better world generation.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)
    Quote from terra_ff6

    could it be possible to make an alternative texture for silver ore? If not then can you at least tell me how to edit the silver ore image? Because Simpleores Silver and IC2 Tin look very similar. Rather hard to tell them apart.

    I can help ya, I do this a lot for texture pack compatibility. Any way, quite simple; go to your mods folder and open up the simple ores mod. In side it you will see a folder called simple ores, open that and inside you'll need to fine the terrain file which has the image of all the ores and storage blocks, click to it to look at the terrain. Once you've opened the simple ores folder do not close it, or you won't be able to save properly. On the same window you are viewing the terrain find a tab called open, click it and select paint. The terrain should now be open in MS paint where you can edit it as you see fit. Once you're done changing it just click save and minimize paint there should be a small window asking if you want to save changes to the terrain, click yes and you're done.

    Hopefully that helps, it really is a lot easier than that wall of text makes it out to be =)
    Also if you're going to be altering textures a lot I suggest you download pain.net. It's basically paints bigger brother and has a lot of useful tools and options, it's also free last I checked.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)
    Weird no ones mentioned it, but copper isn't giving experience when smelted. Is it just me?

    Also, I'm curious why you made mythril blue when their are already two other blue ores in vanilla. Granted, diamond is cyan and lapis has a different texture, but still i seems like giving it a unique color, purple in particular, would have been the more obvious choice.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on AleXndrTheGr8st's Mods (SimpleCore API, SimpleOres, Fusion, Netherrocks)
    This is easily one of the best ore mods I've used; keeps the vanilla feel and doesn't add an overwhelming amount of stuff.

    I do have a few suggestions though; Copper shears would be wonderful, there have been a few times where I was stuck killing dozens of spiders for string because I had only one sheep and no iron, not to big of a deal, but it would defiantly be nice.

    Also, doing a big project that needs a lot of water/lava it saves time to make a bunch or extra buckets, but when it's finished I'm stuck with 7 buckets I'm never going to need that have an armor suit's worth of metal locked up in them, so a way to turn them back into ingots would be fantastic.

    Finally; since this is an ore mod, I think the tedium of mining coal could be addressed. A vein of 30 coal takes ages to mine and I often find myself ignoring it as a result. What would be better is having veins of roughly 10 coal ore with each ore dropping three coal. You would still get the same amount of coal, but save a lot of time.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.X/1.5.2/Others]Pam's Mods - Feb 9th (I'm Back!)
    Quote from MatrexsVigil

    Making it cost more coal might make more sense. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I admit to not using it myself very much. =)

    Can charcoal still be used in place of coal when making steel? If it is, I think it would help with re-balancing steel if that feature were taken out. Uping the coal cost wouldn't matter to much if it's being a limited resource and the effort needed to find and gather it could all be worked around by just having a tree farm and cooking up charcoal.

    Bringing the cost up to the max of 8 coal would make a full steel tool set cost 72 coal and the armor a massive 192 so that's 264 coal for a complete steel getup;that's a lot of coal otherwise needed for smelting and torches early on. Since there's between 15 and 30 coal per vein it would take around 9 to 18 veins of coal to get all that. Maybe 6 or 7 coal for some steel might be a bit better.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.6.X/1.5.2/Others]Pam's Mods - Feb 9th (I'm Back!)
    Hey pam, just wanna say I've been avoiding the steel in earthcraft because it feels overpowered for its low cost since it's just iron and a bit of coal. It's very easy to get early in the game and outclasses cobalt and bronze making those tool tiers seem a bit pointless. I'm sure you had reason for making it such, and I might have missed something since I haven't touched the stuff, but I think it needs to be made more expensive somehow. Maybe increase the coal cost, or add another ore for it be made into an alloy with?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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