the server is going through a change in hosting, it will be useless to do anything because the backup for the new host has already been taken. so what i'm saying is anything you do on the server from here to the host change will NOT be saved. im sorry
Minecraft Username: Magickftw
Favorite thing about Minecraft: Building stuff, and exploring caves
Do you plan on staying with the clan: Yes, if it goes well.
How did you hear about the clan: I was browsing for new clans.
Do you promise to show honor towards our clan: YES!
Application Name - Magickftw
IGN (In-Game Name) -Magickftw
Age (Not required) - 13
Do you have steam? if so what is your username on it (Not required) - None
What rank do you want - Mod, but I'll start off with guest.
What job do you want - Miner or Builder sounds fine to meh.
Do you understand the rules - Mhmm
Why us - Currently looking for a new clan, the others I've joined were disbanded.
Past Experiences - I was a Mod in my friends server.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is already one.... its
Damn! I found a load of
Is the server up yet?
Favorite thing about Minecraft: Building stuff, and exploring caves
Do you plan on staying with the clan: Yes, if it goes well.
How did you hear about the clan: I was browsing for new clans.
Do you promise to show honor towards our clan: YES!
Yea, I did...
IGN (In-Game Name) -Magickftw
Age (Not required) - 13
Do you have steam? if so what is your username on it (Not required) - None
What rank do you want - Mod, but I'll start off with guest.
What job do you want - Miner or Builder sounds fine to meh.
Do you understand the rules - Mhmm
Why us - Currently looking for a new clan, the others I've joined were disbanded.
Past Experiences - I was a Mod in my friends server.
Tried 4 of them. They worked before.
Is DSL good enough?
Then 2 minutes later, "Connection Lost. Timed Out."
Thanks =P
But can you give me a brief description of what I'm suppose to do?
Ign: Magickftw
Clan: Peacemakers of Minecraftia
Thank you.
EDIT: My bad, I didn't post in that thread.