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    posted a message on Embers To Ashes [Recruiting]
    IGN (In Game Name): Magickftw
    Nickname: Magickftw (Figures.)
    Age: 14
    Reason for Joining: After joining several clans of which were either too immature, too big, or have disbanded, I gave up on clans. I decided to give this clan a shot since it's small and seems to be more mature than most I've seen.
    Preferred Job: Redstone engineering (still learning, however), and Army
    Is it possible to have a special job and a normal job at the same time?
    Apply for Leadership (y or n): Nope.avi
    Skype Name(Free if you don't have one): thechickenisaspy
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on *New* Small Survival Server! (Whitelist) (Protection) (Factions) (PvP Toggle -Default OFF) (McMMO)(Beautiful World!)(Friendly Pe
    Username: Magickftw
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Location: US

    Average Time on Minecraft Per Day (Hours): 1-2 hours at minimum
    Personal Reason for Joining: Small servers seem to be more friendly and have less lag than servers with 100+ slots.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Savage RPG - [1.7] [Custom Bosses with over 250 Unique Abilities!] [Diablo Style Loot] [Dungeons] [Quests] [Classes] [Towns] [Pv
    • Your "IGN" (In Game Name): Magickftw
    • Age: 14
    • Have you voted for Savage Realms at all 3 sites mentioned below?: Yep
    • Any questions/concerns/comments?: I have none.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on Knights Of Imperium [Recruiting]

    IGN: Magickftw
    Age: 14
    Location & Timezone: US, Eastern Time

    About yourself: I've been playing Minecraft ever since Beta 1.3 (March 2011 in short.) I'm experienced in PvP, but two skills that I'm terrible at is building and redstone engineering.

    Desired Position: Scout/Soldier
    Clans (Previous and Current): Future of Warfare and Skybound were my previous clans.
    How active can you be?: At least an hour per day, average playtime is 3 hours

    Clan Suggestions: None
    Anything Else?: Tacos? :Sheep:
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on [TEKKIT][IC/BC/RP] The Future of Warfare. [/TEKKIT] [SERVER UP]
    In Game Name: Magickftw

    Have you ever been banned from a server before?: Never

    Skype: thechickenisaspy

    Steam: Captain Magic

    How active can you be on the server?: I can go on 1-2 hours on a weekday, 2+ hours on weekends. Really depends if I have IRL problems or not.

    What can you do to contribute to the server and community?: I could help out others with their projects, although I don't have much experience with Tekkit, but I'll develop with experience.

    Which jobs would you like?: Soldier and Miner.

    War = good
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on SkyBound - [New] [Recruiting] [Ranks]
    IGN: Magickftw

    Position of Choice: Alchemist

    Skype: thechickenisaspy

    Why do you want to join?: I dislike joining huge clans that have been successful, and want to join small, fun clans.

    Are you in another clan?: I used to be in the Soverign Council.

    How active are you?: A couple of hours on weekdays, 2+ hours on weekends (doesn't count for summer.) Of course, I may have some IRL problems.

    Will you cooperate?: I give 100% cooperation.

    Suggestions?: I like peanuts :P
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on This thread has been closed and will no longer be updated.
    Just another report, 3 ck members went to the tribe and continually killed yogcast_fan43.

    And to add to that, CK went on a rampage at SC members (me).
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on This thread has been closed and will no longer be updated.
    Quote from MuttonChops82

    I will be on tonight. I think that our time zones don't match up because I find the usual players online everynight at the same time.7pm-11pm EST

    I'm on EST as well, but unlike other players, I don't have time in my hands at night.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on This thread has been closed and will no longer be updated.
    I hope you guys could get on whenever you can. I seem to be the only one on most of the time :SSSS:
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    posted a message on This thread has been closed and will no longer be updated.
    1. Have you read the post and agree with how we have our clan structured?
    I read the post and agree to the terms.
    2. Do you understand that breaking the nation rules will result in a Council hearing and you possibly being expelled from the nation?
    I understand.
    3. Have you already submitted an application for Synesthesia?
    I have, and it has been accepted.
    4. What is your in-game name?
    Posted in: Clans
  • 0

    What makes you a good addition to this server?: I generally like to build, have fun with others, and to enjoy PvP battles. I also enjoy helping out others.

    Did you read all of the rules section, understand them, and will you comply with them?: I understand and agree to the rules.

    Have you ever been banned from a server and why?: I was never banned on a server.

    What brought you to this server?: I was planning to join the Sovereign Council, and it has led me here.

    Location: US

    Favorite movie: The Dark Knight

    In game name: Magickftw
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on CONQUEST: A Clan Based PvP Server
    IGN: Magickftw

    Clan association (If applicable): Phoenix Reborn

    How long have you been playing Minecraft: I've been playing since MC 1.3 (11 months ago)

    Time zone: EST, live in Pennsylvania

    Age: 14

    Time spent on Minecraft daily: I usually spend 1-2 hours on school days, maybe 2+ at weekends.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Revolver Mod v1.10.1
    Easy mode seems to have an error:
    java.lang.Exception: Image not found: /Revolver/IBullet.png
    at ModLoader.loadImage(ModLoader.java:953)
    at ModLoader.RegisterAllTextureOverrides(ModLoader.java:1243)
    at ModLoader.OnTick(ModLoader.java:988)
    at EntityRendererProxy.b(EntityRendererProxy.java:16)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:689)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [Oct 8] Coros Mods: ZombieAwareness for 1.10.2 with new improvements
    Quote from Luxander

    Getting an incompatibility with the Miner Zombie Mod (SOMEHOW).

    I install my mods in this order:
    -Zombie Awareness
    -Nightmare Mode
    -Miner Zombie

    And as soon as I install it, I get a problem.
    I don't really understand how that mod could be causing minecraft to crash...

    And if you need an explanation of HOW it crashes, it isn't a blackscreen. It gives me the MOJANG screen for way longer than it should, then it gives a crash report as Minecraft runs for about a half-second before closing itself.

    1) Is your minecraft 1.8?
    2) If it is, then Miner Zombie is outdated. File name says 1.7.3.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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