This mod has stolen art, the original art for one of the HUD's is a pumpkin blur by ReddytheCat. The link to the original art is here
I'm not really sure if this counts as tech support but anyway.
About 10 minutes ago I went to login to Minecraft, but the login failed and I got the message "unable to connect to" So I went and checked my internet connection, all good, I double, triple and quadruple checked my password was right, changed my password and tried that one and still nothing. I also tried to play in browser, still nothing. Can someone please tell me why this is happening?
I was playing online just fine about 30-60 minutes ago if that helps
Great work, probably the most well done map I've ever played, I'm loving it so far. However, not sure if this is a bug, or I'm just failing.
But, (not sure if this is a spoiler or not, but just in case)
I'm stuck in the sewer area with all the magma cubes and I can't get out, and when I die, I just spawn in the top entrance pipe and fall down again. How do I get out?
You may remember these from the survival board a while ago, well I always found those limited as most of them were done legit. And none of them had a storyline. So I'm going to start one with a storyline that will have special events of my choosing happening (extra sheep, damage, sudden babies etc etc).
Before I start the story, here is how you play and how you play .
What we have here are two sheep, plain, white, nameless, characterless, everything-less. It is up to you guys, the Minecraft Forums Forum Games Community what happens with these sheep, you will end up deciding these two sheep's fate, if they breed, what they're enclosure looks like. It's all up to you.
1. Nothing to harm the sheep, any suggestions that could injure the sheep or in any way harm them will be ignored.
2. Be creative! This story is up to you, the more creative it is, the more fun it is for everyone.
3. Have fun!
Anyway, thats enough rules, so without further ado...
The Tale of The Sheep!
"Gather round kids, Have I ever told you the story of the sheep?"
"No grandpa, tell us tell us!"
"Ok then, there once were two sheep, they just suddenly existed, out of nowhere. They had no names, no colour, no family, no nothing"
"But grandpa, how can two sheep just appear?"
"No one knows my boy, no one knows, they just did. Now they didn't know it at the time, but these two sheep would go on to be the two greatest animals, they're enclosure would be expanded, they would gather slaves, have farms, build an empire of sheep. But that took time, and we'll get to that later. For now we'll start at the beginning..."
The puzzles were very well done, interesting, clever, hard but not so hard they make me rage quit and delete the world. My final score was 59 gold nuggets, then I broke out of the house and killed a ton of cows, hacked in an enchantment table, used the XP from the cows to upgrade my sword and ran around one-shotting all the cows. I also found a quite fun Mini-Game using a fishing rod and bow and arrow.
Using creative, fly up some distance, then cast your fishing rod and hit a cow. Then pull it up into the air and try to shoot it with the bow before it lands.
Anyway, my score. I ended up with 59 gold nuggets, and I was searching EVERYWHERE! Congrats to the two who got all 64. (Sorry for posting a link, for some reason the forums likes not letting me upload pictures in some boards :/)
So, I've pretty much been playing non-stop for about a year and I'm now up to level 9001, story 13 chapter 37. I'm doing Smeagols quest, where you have to deliver him 100 stacks of fish and The ring. I've made it through the chamber of secrets and I'm now on The Grid. But my question is, how on earth do you beat The **** and Cthulhu. I've tried using Yoda's light saber, Freddie Krugers Glove and even Captain Jacks Pirate hat. What else do I need!?!?
Thanks, I too feel stupid *facepalm*
About 10 minutes ago I went to login to Minecraft, but the login failed and I got the message "unable to connect to" So I went and checked my internet connection, all good, I double, triple and quadruple checked my password was right, changed my password and tried that one and still nothing. I also tried to play in browser, still nothing. Can someone please tell me why this is happening?
I was playing online just fine about 30-60 minutes ago if that helps
But, (not sure if this is a spoiler or not, but just in case)
Well why not?
Before I start the story, here is how you play and how you play .
What we have here are two sheep, plain, white, nameless, characterless, everything-less. It is up to you guys, the Minecraft Forums Forum Games Community what happens with these sheep, you will end up deciding these two sheep's fate, if they breed, what they're enclosure looks like. It's all up to you.
1. Nothing to harm the sheep, any suggestions that could injure the sheep or in any way harm them will be ignored.
2. Be creative! This story is up to you, the more creative it is, the more fun it is for everyone.
3. Have fun!
Anyway, thats enough rules, so without further ado...
"Gather round kids, Have I ever told you the story of the sheep?"
"No grandpa, tell us tell us!"
"Ok then, there once were two sheep, they just suddenly existed, out of nowhere. They had no names, no colour, no family, no nothing"
"But grandpa, how can two sheep just appear?"
"No one knows my boy, no one knows, they just did. Now they didn't know it at the time, but these two sheep would go on to be the two greatest animals, they're enclosure would be expanded, they would gather slaves, have farms, build an empire of sheep. But that took time, and we'll get to that later. For now we'll start at the beginning..."
The puzzles were very well done, interesting, clever, hard but not so hard they make me rage quit and delete the world. My final score was 59 gold nuggets, then I broke out of the house and killed a ton of cows, hacked in an enchantment table, used the XP from the cows to upgrade my sword and ran around one-shotting all the cows. I also found a quite fun Mini-Game using a fishing rod and bow and arrow.
Using creative, fly up some distance, then cast your fishing rod and hit a cow. Then pull it up into the air and try to shoot it with the bow before it lands.
Anyway, my score. I ended up with 59 gold nuggets, and I was searching EVERYWHERE! Congrats to the two who got all 64. (Sorry for posting a link, for some reason the forums likes not letting me upload pictures in some boards :/)
Overall I give this map and 8.5/10 Great Work!
Sorry for rambling on, I'll stop now