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    posted a message on Destroy The Godmodder 0rigins

    @The_Nonexistant_Tazz: The "his" is referring to the stick. As in the stick would have had his mass scattered except the same thing is done to UserZero because of the power of similes.

    Also yes, i think I joined the first DTG before GM's health was below 95.

    I don my boots of shin-obliteration (they deal maximum pain to shins), then start kicking Herobrine in the shins from all points of history at once. I then feed him to the InfiniKitten, the amalgamation of all kittens that will have ever existed, second in power only to the OmniBee. The simultaneous feeling of pain and adorableness (that is a feeling, saying otherwise will get you fed to the InfiniKitten) overwhelms Herobrine's mind and leaves him with the intellectual capability of a carrot. Then I taunt Herobrine by stealing his nose.



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    posted a message on Destroy The Godmodder 0rigins

    I declare my allegiance to the Anti-UserZero Faction.

    Then, using the power of similes, I break UserZero like a stick, that upon being broken, explodes with the force of a googoolplex Tsar Bombs, which then proceeds to be eaten by an angry beaver, and following that has his mass scattered across all points of space and time to achieve maximum entropy.

    I then start summoning a terrible horror from the deptzs of the internet:



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    posted a message on Destroy The Godmodder 0rigins

    As I enter the battlefield, a choir of a thousand lamps starts morsing a hymn detailing my glory.

    After that, I whack Herobrine with a sign on which is written:"You can not grasp the true form."

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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    "Yeah blah blah. Look, I can teleport and you don't but you have an army, so we are even. I am just here to get paper and ink." There was a roar.
    "And who are those creeps?" Asked Tangential the leader of the fungus zombies, pointing at a horde of extremely eldritch looking creatures.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    That was unexpected. Instead of paper, Tangential was greeted by an army of walking mushrooms and zombies, a particularly overlordish looking one sitting on an undead horse asking who he was.

    "Tangential Thoughtlong, Enderman and better than thou. And you seem like you and your companions were on the way to a lane karaoke party but lost the way and instead went pillaging villages until you died from self-righteousness, then got up and merrily continued. By the way, zombie armies are outdated. Use ninjas instead. Better yet, zombie ninjas."

    He then mockingly bowed, lifting his hat.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    Quote from sc1020

    ((Hey MadScientist, want our characters to meet up? It'd be pretty easy. Immortum comes into the village that night and meets ur character.))

    ((Guess so :) ))
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    "Booo!" Tangential Thoughtlong teleported directly before a farmer.

    The villager jumped. "AAAAAAHH ENDERMAN NONONONONONONO. Wait, you don't eat us. Why am I afraid then?!"

    Tangential just grabbed its neck. "Hi nosey, I thought I should come along, say hello, WRECK YOUR HOUSES!" The rest of the villagers were now gathering around the two.

    "No," pleaded the first villager "our houses are our only defense against the zombies." His face was pale.

    Tangential grinned. "Oh, there is an easy way to fix that. You give me paper and ink, so that I don't deconstruct your village. Sounds like a deal?"

    "Yesyesyesyesyes!!!!1" agreed every villager heartily.

    Tangential dropped the farmer. "Well then. I will return at midnight. I will then see a stack of paper handed to me, and ink enough to paint two stacks of paper nightblack."

    "Yes, but why so much ink?" Asked a priest.

    "Oh why, so I can graffiti your houses. See you peabrains at midnight!" He laughed and teleported away in a shower of sparks.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    ((i do remember :). And thanks for accepting me!))

    Tangential sat on the beach, his legs crossed and his head resting on his hands. He watched the moon glide over the sky. He preferred sunrises, but the moon was enough to distract him. Afterall, there is not a lot of things that are worse than the static noise that is The sky of The End, where his fellow Endermen lived with their backwards thinking about oh so glorious dragons.
    Before him were drawn a plenty of cubes into the sand. And that was the problem. Cubes, everything was made out of rectangles and lines. The ground, the stars, the grass. Surely, there must be a shape, he thought, that was not such astraight line. He had pondered over the possibility of such things the whole day, and his legs were stiff, so he decided to take a walk. So he set forth walking around the beach, and into the forest. He remebered that there was a village nearby. There, he could threaten the imbeciles into giving him paper and ink or otherwise awakening his unholy wrath.

    The thought made him laugh. Such silly noses.
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    posted a message on Life as a Mob (Minecraft RP) [Always Accepting]
    Name : Tangential Thoughtlong
    Mob : Enderman
    Bio : Some Endermen like runing around scaring villagers, and then there is Tangential Thoughtlong. He likes painting, watching sunrises and is obsessed with geometry. Being an Enderman, he has this weakness for water and stuff,and although he has an exceptionally analytical mind, he gets bored easily and sits back trying to draw circles in the sand. He also wears a monocle and a top hat, and he feels superior to other Endermen because he thinks of him as a Genius (which he is). He views such things as fighting as below him, but if he must defend himself, HE WILL SLICE 'N DICE WITH A 4 METRE SCYTHE. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. He will still sneer at you if you run up to him with some sword and teleport spam you dizzy, then mock you for your pathetic intelligence.
    Posted in: Forum Roleplaying
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    posted a message on New youtube comments ):
    I wouldn't be way angry about this if G+ wasn't constantly locked in some Asian Alphabet for me.

    But because it is...

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Destroy the Godmodder 2: Operator!
    I join as a Heavy with Brass Beast, ordinary Shotgun and Ordinary Fists.
    I start firing a the Brass Beast at the HHH.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Which Mob Is Hardest To Kill?
    It's dem Baby Zombie Pigmen, cuz dey be tiny and dey be runnin' at yo face with yo golden sword and dey be comin' in groups y' know?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on The Above Avatar Takes the Last Slice of Pizza...
    I will call upon you the power of The Void. The Void does not forgive. The Void does not forget. The Void will take vengeance. Hear me ? VENGEANCE.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Destroy the Godmodder 2: Operator!

    Casting Omniplane.

    I summon Extremely Eldritch Energy and throw it at The Hulkmodder.
    Posted in: Forum Games
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