Question: Is it OK to redistribute the image files (as in, submit them to a website that archives video game textures/sprites)?
Technically speaking, they are a part of game and thus it is just as illegal.
And considering that these sprites are changing pretty often (something new gets added every few weeks), I think it would be safe to assume that they'll be outdated pretty quickly.
Then again, I don't think anyone here can stop you from that, so you can either do it anyway (ignorant approach), or ask Mojang staff for permission (nice approach, and a correct one, though I don't think you have a high chance of succeeding unless you are good at asking).
You couldn't be farther from the truth. Only the .jar files are non-distributable. The textures can be freely distributed to create new texture packs, so long as no monetary gain is involved.
This is my skin, and i would like it resized so i could make it my avatar and possibly put my name on it.. I dont have photoshop so if anyone does could they please resize it? and if you would like to just PM me :wink.gif:
this is the image- thx guys!
I don't understand, It appears to ba about the right size as is... Any more tweaking could be done in the simplest program, MSpaint of al things is capable of cropping this to whatever size you need.
I think you have to be very careful with the tower thing... There are plenty of "natural" materials that may nonetheless be placed deliberately. A park in the middle of a city could be interpreted as natural and therefore open for expansion of an unknown dungeon. Even buildings made from smooth stone could have that problem. I would add a rule that new rooms can't expand into areas which contain blocks that have any amount of light in them. And it shouldn't be able to build a tower unless the nearest man-made block is at least 100 blocks away.
The only real reason you would want a skateboard is to be able to move faster, in which case you can replace the word skateboard with anything else that would be an excuse to move faster, like equippable Speed Boots or something.
I wasn't criticizing your grammar, which was more or less fine, I was correcting your usage of certain terms and concepts.
Also, these weapons are hardly modern in nature. We aren't talking about laser guided, tube launched HEAT rounds here. We are discussing the use of paper mortars, much like the ones used in ancient China.
I make a guy that's one block tall. Now he can fit almost anywhere. Or make him giant, Now he lags the server with all the calculations it has to make.
Or, "hey look! I just made a anthropomorphic phallus!"
You couldn't be farther from the truth. Only the .jar files are non-distributable. The textures can be freely distributed to create new texture packs, so long as no monetary gain is involved.
I don't understand, It appears to ba about the right size as is... Any more tweaking could be done in the simplest program, MSpaint of al things is capable of cropping this to whatever size you need.
Hail young one! For I am a grizzled veteran since the winter of '09!
Those sneaky bastards snuck through the perimeter of the Kragg valley FOB. We barely survived, but we sure showed them!
YES!!! Attack of the mole people!
I believe we are limiting recruitment right now as we have a boatload of inactive people.
Pfft, amateur...
However, he did say that he was going to include friendly mob villages with the potential for "quests".
No, that doesn't mean that you can suggest ramps. They already exist in a mod.
Zombies = yes
RPG elements = confirmed
FF styled magic = never
Also, the gore suggestion likely stems from the video "the last minecart". (which was awesome by the way)
Only a few megabytes, not all that terribly much really.
I wasn't criticizing your grammar, which was more or less fine, I was correcting your usage of certain terms and concepts.
Also, these weapons are hardly modern in nature. We aren't talking about laser guided, tube launched HEAT rounds here. We are discussing the use of paper mortars, much like the ones used in ancient China.
Like this...
What you are thinking of is a mortar. A launcher isn't "launched" it "launches". Also, bazookas aren't rocket propelled. Their projectiles are.
Not to mention the kind of rocket we are discussing here is a single-shot disposable rocket tube, similar to modern fireworks.
Or, "hey look! I just made a anthropomorphic phallus!"