- Mabvs
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Member for 12 years, 10 months, and 14 days
Last active Mon, Aug, 13 2018 11:02:20
- 283 Total Posts
- 166 Thanks
blakeman1 posted a message on Minecraft 2.0 ServerThey still have 3 versions that you can download with the server files.Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots -
insomniac_lemon posted a message on A quick noob question (I hope)Posted in: Resource Pack DiscussionQuote from mabvs
EDIT: Thank you so much for the headstart and help.
Okay.. so do you know the syntax for the meta data? If I am understanding you right, block35.properties would apply to all wool. So how would I differentiate for 35, 35:1, 35:2 etc to 35:15?
You don't put metadata in the .properties file's name, you put that in the contents of the properties file like this
or for multiple
metadata=1, 3, 5-7
For more info on how to construct a .properties file, consult this file (it's from the MCpatcher thread in "Information for Texture Pack Authors").
EDIT: And block35.properties applies to whatever you make it apply to, it can be anything (well, any metadata for block35). If you don't define metadata, it WILL apply to all wool, but if you define the metadata in the contents it won't (only the metadata you specify), same for all .properties files. To make things easier (such as finding out what it is/editing it later), you can also comment out lines by putting a # before the line like
#red wool carpet texture -
insomniac_lemon posted a message on A quick noob question (I hope)You have to use multiple .properties files for each block. 1 per top, 1 per bottom, and 1 per side. You name it the block#.properties for the 1st one, and then after you add more .properties files, you append it with a letter.Posted in: Resource Pack Discussion
For this it would go as follows:
If you do this for each color of wool, you are going to need quite a few textures and .properties files (as you need to define each with metadata with its own .properties file).... You'd end up with 45 .properties files and 90 images..... (well, from what you've said)....
If any wool should have all this, seems like it would be white and black wool (they are the most common, wanted, and easily acquired), personally, I think I would do this for certain wools, like Black and red would get wallpapers, white, grays, black, red, and blues would get carpeting, and grays would get ceilings, things like that (basically, I'm saying I would make what colors seem most popular to certain furnishings would get those type of options instead of giving all of them every option.... pink ceilings and yellow carpet just seems weird.....) -
RubyCain posted a message on texture pack questionPosted in: Recent Updates and SnapshotsQuote from rock0head132
the texture pack icon is gone. where did it go? May be they have done away with Texture pack options.
The Texture pack option is now under Options
to get to it the procedure is
Options>Texture Packs -
king_tnerb posted a message on Hopper?Posted in: Recent Updates and SnapshotsQuote from cecilhowe
The hopper is one of the most useful blocks added to the game, ever. That's what. It will act as pipes, and also automatically put items in chests. And that is just a basic use...
This. If you want a more detailed description, suck it up and read the wiki. -
user-6243692 posted a message on Sprinting up stairs!Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
That has got to be the most idiotic complaint i've heard. -
redsand posted a message on Do you think minecraft is getting worse?Oh boy! One of these threads again.Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
The 1.5 snapshots are looking incredible. -
Scum posted a message on Anvil Hand Rails!I noticed that Anvils make nice handrails...although they are only really good for straight rails. And a bit dull.. but hey, you can change your texturepack and put rainbows on them if you want.Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
How to make a nice looking corner rail with these:
If you only wanted to use anvils, you could do something like this:
From the right angle, it looks like they're connected:
cecilexplodes posted a message on Invisibility potions? OP or not?Posted in: Recent Updates and SnapshotsQuote from mabvs
What? An April fools joke? That came out in August? And is actually still in the game? Are you MAD???
Yes I am MAD, if MAD means "Mad At Dingdongs who suck so hard at an already crap PVP system that they need to blame their suck on something besides their inability to click faster" then yes, yes I am MAD. Mad At Dingdongs. -
UnknownOne23 posted a message on Who thinks witches in Minecraft is a bad idea?Posted in: Recent Updates and SnapshotsQuote from LameBuilder
Again a hostile mob... how boring. Mojang is too much focussing on action aspects in Minecraft. We will get in addition to existing hostile mobs the zombie infection, wither, wither skeletons, witch. What for? Most people I know play in creative mode or play (most of the time) in peaceful to build calmly without any incident.
If I want to fight mobs, then I play Diablo. If I want to fight players, then I play Counterstrike.
If I really want to get an action game in Minecraft, then I will use some mods - and there are a lot of interesting mods out there. More and more hostile mobs in the base game will bring no benefit.
I wished Mojang would stop adding hostile mobs, but bring more added value for all. Tons of suggestions have been proposed.
They added bats? Thats a passive mob. And its a halloween update. Not a calm spring happy update. So yeah theyre gonna add scary action stuff. If you wanna play action games play diablo/counterstrike. If you want to play building games, play Sims. If you want to play Minecraft, play Minecraft. Minecraft is all of those combined together. - To post a comment, please login.
But imo, no. Would be great for a mod, but not vanilla.
That's all I read. I don't even care what the topic is about. The fact that you would title a thread as such means whatever you say is not worth me reading. Good day sir.
Okay.. I read it.. and the fact that you said
astounds me. Do you even have any idea what 16bit means? It does not have a ****ing thing to do with graphics. Nothing at all. Pixels are not measured in bits.
1) The logs were @Dinnerbone, not @Jeb_.
2) No one is going to "GET RID OF 'EM!" just because you seem to lack the ability to place them properly.
3) IMO, Jeb and Dinnerbone are doing things better and faster that Notch.
4) I love the horizontal logs, makes internal wooden support beams look... better. Way better.
5) Also... what's "complex" about any of the updates? The only thing remotely complex in Minecraft is advanced redstone contraptions.
Not added for adventure. A few other things were, but this was just a gift to all builders.
Except here, over here, another here. Oh, and here. And another one over here. Here too.
I do like the Command Block in the 1.4 snapshots, almost as much as I like the Search Box at the top of every page on the forum.