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    posted a message on 1.5 Lightpost Idea Question
    You could do this
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 2

    posted a message on Dat memory!
    Stop using the Curse Client...
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on thiefs?
    But imo, no. Would be great for a mod, but not vanilla.
    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 9

    posted a message on We want the SSP mode back again
    Stop saying "we" as if you speak for me as well. "We" don't want 2 versions of the game any more. There are 1000 reasons why the merge had to happen. The fact that your computer sucks should not stand in the way of ANY of those 1000 reasons. Upgrade your PC or downgrade your client.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on dinrb0n nd jEb R ru1niN evrithNg (Why the recent changes are concerning)
    p3pl3 th4t f0rm werdz l1k3 th15 ar3 ru1n1ng th3 f0rum5.
    That's all I read. I don't even care what the topic is about. The fact that you would title a thread as such means whatever you say is not worth me reading. Good day sir.

    Okay.. I read it.. and the fact that you said
    Quote from silentsource

    Again, the newer texture for the item frame sort of looks pseudo-realistic whilist the good ol' painting texture is very simple, but in my opinion much better looking due to its sharpness and compliment towards the pixely 16-bit style of Minecraft.

    astounds me. Do you even have any idea what 16bit means? It does not have a ****ing thing to do with graphics. Nothing at all. Pixels are not measured in bits.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 1

    posted a message on Who thinks witches in Minecraft is a bad idea?
    I love the new stuff. My favorite "holiday" has always been Halloween/Samhain. As long as they don't add a fat kid that kicks you and steals your candy, then all with be good.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on Anyone know how to make a pig jump?
    Would be nice to use the spacebar... seems.. intuitive.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 40

    posted a message on Sideways logs - GET RID OF 'EM!
    5 things
    1) The logs were @Dinnerbone, not @Jeb_.
    2) No one is going to "GET RID OF 'EM!" just because you seem to lack the ability to place them properly.
    3) IMO, Jeb and Dinnerbone are doing things better and faster that Notch.
    4) I love the horizontal logs, makes internal wooden support beams look... better. Way better.
    5) Also... what's "complex" about any of the updates? The only thing remotely complex in Minecraft is advanced redstone contraptions.
    Quote from UnknowGuy200

    1. In wrong section of forum. 2. It was added for adventure mode. It also adds more creative into making bridges and fallen down trees. Don't expect them to get rid of it just for you.
    Not added for adventure. A few other things were, but this was just a gift to all builders.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on -Issue Resolved- (Do not post, please)
    Quote from Path_Of_Pie

    Meh. I"ll be perfectly honest: I doubt this will get fixed, and I am getting quite a bit of resistance of the community. So... this thread is hereby to be ABANDONED.
    lol.. There is nothing to fix. They changed the spawn height. The change the way upper slabs work. Nothing is broken thus cannot be fixed.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 5

    posted a message on Console Command Block

    Yeah, no one else has made a thread about them yet. So here we are.

    Except here, over here, another here. Oh, and here. And another one over here. Here too.
    I do like the Command Block in the 1.4 snapshots, almost as much as I like the Search Box at the top of every page on the forum.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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