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    posted a message on Emerald as a Currency
    Why the **** is this a new topis, again? Use the ****ing search feature...
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    posted a message on How do I play the Demo Mode?
    I'll give it a go..

    EDIT with UPDATE: Nope, "User Not Premium"
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.3 Gravel is ugly and upsets my eyes.
    Quote from Blue_Dsc

    Pink Gravel :P
    lol... touche.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.3 Gravel is ugly and upsets my eyes.
    Quote from Upload_Killer

    Nothing holds within the old-factors of Minecraft before 1.8.1 anymore, Jeb has totally obliterated everything. It is so plain and lifeless now, everyone who plays isn't as friendly as pre-1.8.1. Some people say to use MCNostalgia, that is such a shallow statement as Minecraft is much more than just singleplayer. Mojang and the Bukkit team really have dug out everything fun about the game since I have joined.
    1.3 is MUCH better than 1.2.5. "Jeb has totally obliterated everything"? Are you ****ing serious? And what did 1.8.1 have that 1.3 does not?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Large Biome seeds for 1.3
    Quote from Waylon8tor

    Try the seed "Giant Crator" (without the quotation marks) with large biomes.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on The Official 1.4 Discussion Thread
    "Working on small stuffs for 1.4. Zombies infecting villagers, because nothing screams "fun" like a video game zombie apocalypse!" - @Dinnerbone
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Spic Survival Island
    Quote from clusterfact

    That's racist.
    Beat me to it.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on TNT Seed
    Quote from Marink1

    Does someone know a seed which spawns loads of TNT , maybe even the landscape made out of TNT?

    Trolling or stupid? Either way...
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Large Biome seeds for 1.3
    Quote from Mojokojo

    I decided to just go ahead and get the prerelease and start playing on 1.3. I immediately want to start a whole new world. This is going to be my main world for a long time most likely. I want large biomes. I've been told by a few friends that the large biome generation is more exciting. Almost as if they are finally listening to us about the generation. Well, after about an hour of exploring I've been very satisfied. Caves are even different. I haven't said this in a long time about a Minecraft update but... this is great stuff. Fix the lighting errors and it's golden.

    Back on topic -

    My seed for the world I started is unknown sadly. I can't find it or it's hidden until release?

    There isn't anything super special that I see yet. Just nice generation.
    Here are some screenshots.

    Type /seed.
    Quote from canyonheatblast

    does anyone have a seed for a tundra/taiga plains biome? i love snow with less trees and tall grass.
    Well, Large Biome seed '4204ever' (don't ask) has Plains, Taiga and Extreme Hills all fairly close.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Pistons in 1.3?
    Quote from KyoShinda

    I tried a piston hooked to a rapid pulser, seems the same speed. I tried my old piston elevator that pushes you up stairs, that works. Do t-flops still work?

    Edit: my piston elevator takes me up about 11 blocks and then meh..
    T flip-flops are easier now. need 3 wooden pressure plates, a bucket of water in a dispenser and a boat.


    Where d = dispenser, x = wooden pressure plate and o = air. Put a boat on any pressure plate, and that's your signal. Trigger the dispenser, water lifts the boat, the RS signal off. Toggle it again, boat drops, RS is a go once more.

    Quote from BoilingOil

    If it's only the duplication and transmutation bugs and that are truly affected, I couldn't give a flying turd. If you want to create stuff out of thin air, just use a mod like TMI, or use the cheat interface as integrated in 1.3. Because that's what using those bugs came down to anyway: cheating!

    As long as BUDs and the 1-tick sticky-piston tricks remain working, I see no big problems. And otherwise, there's still 1.2.5. Nobody is *forced* to update.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on PC Hardware Poll
    Quote from Gatling_Tech

    than they are using an obsolete CPU ;)

    if your budget for a CPU is $50 than you have a problem.

    don't choose a CPU on the number of cores or GHz, go off of benchmarks.
    Oh, I totally agree.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Large Biome seeds for 1.3
    I found some other biomes with the 'mute' seed. Taiga x-1440 z-2000. Jungle, x-3856 z-1856. I went boating for other saplings, cocoa and whatnot. Also swam back to spawn with 3 sheep following me. That sucked. Took for freaking ever!
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Your Thoughts on Horizontal Block Placement
    I think it should interface like stairs instead of pistons. Or maybe the exact opposite of stairs. If you have your cursor on a top or bottom of a block, it's regular. If you have your cursor on the side of a block, it's sideways. Pistons are more based on where you are in relation to the block where you are putting the piston.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Have you upgraded to minecraft 1.3 yet?
    Quote from Flamingdk

    It is pretty stable although there are chuck errors in single player now and zombies are a bit... derpy.
    Zombies should be a bit derpy. lol.. I know what you mean tho... you can fool them with a little height difference. I actually found a derpy creeper too...
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on PC Hardware Poll
    Quote from Gatling_Tech

    number of cores mean nothing, a four core i5 2500k will always outperform an fx8150 eight core

    i don't know why i even clicked on this thread, i knew it'd be like this...
    Tell that to the poor bastards running single core...
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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