minecraft.net is hosted on separate servers from the authentication servers, so being able to connect to the site tells you nothing. Its an internet service. Sometimes the internet has a hiccup, nothing anyone can do about it.
If anything blame amazon, I'm fairly certain they use amazon for hosting. They used to anyways.
No. Every time the authentication servers are down, so is minecraft.net (at least that's been my experience). But either way, it's up most of the time. I do have a cracked launcher for when ****'s down, so I can still OP my server.
INB4 cracked game pirate h4x.. calm down Peaches. I AM a premium member. I paid for the game. I just use it when I can't log in so I can keep Mabvs vs. Player... Needed for my whitelist and ops.txt
I use them for home security from mobs. Mobs hits it, it starts a clock and raises a piston "cell". The clocks drives dispenser guns, 2 note blocks and flashes a redstone lamp.
Seed (Case-sensitive): Sanka you dead? (or -418429296 according to /seed)
Spawn at the edge between jungle and desert (should be coord. x -148, y 71, z 92), Pyramid/Desert Temple and a desert village within eyesight..
I found one jungle temple at coords. x -312, y 80, z -394, might be more. At least one more Desert Temples and village in addition to the ones at spawn. (didn't think to write down the coords) I found them due south of spawn, nearly at the edge of the desert in that direction.
Extrem Hills is found, I want to say east, of the jungle and temple (or east-southeast) Swamp to the west and forest to the soutwest.
No pics though, sorry.
And remember to pick Large Biomes. (It should go without saying, considdering the topic, but best remind the reader anyhow )
As I understand it, I thought ender chests were not supposed to be used as regular chests. If you die, you got the 5 min to recover stuff from the chest or it's gone. I'd assume the same went for logging out. I may be wrong..
I didn't get the "demo" option, just the old "play offline". Maybe because I have logged in with my premium account prior. Maybe it needs to be a fresh install?
INB4 cracked game pirate h4x.. calm down Peaches. I AM a premium member. I paid for the game. I just use it when I can't log in so I can keep Mabvs vs. Player... Needed for my whitelist and ops.txt
Cool mod though. And it was explained enough.
I'm sure the 14:53:38 is the time (bout 5 minutes ago)
Both great seeds. Keep'em coming!