Well, is always local to the machine.. so if the 2nd PC is trying to connect to, then it will try and connect to itself. Find a way to change the was the server (PC 1, host) addresses localhost. is a generic, but there should be a way for it to pas at least the LAN IP instead.
It's going like this
Minecraft: Hey, he want's to start a LAN game, what the local IP?
MC: Okay. *Creates*
So linux has to say 192.168.???.??? instead...This would have to be done in the LAN config, possibly in the DHCP settings.
Ugh... All the Alpha & Beta simpletons... It hurts my eyes.
You know what? Rant all you want. Every last one of you. Say Jeb took the game to hell, say he broke it, say he filled it with useless crap. And guess what - nobody cares. Because the majority of Minecrafters like the change.
Minecraft is an EVOLVING game. Sitting in a mountain hut sniping mobs no longer cuts it for some people. With all the new changes, just think of all the cool new stuff you can build! But that's the problem. As I remember reading in this thread (or a similar rant) the things you can do in Minecraft are limited only by your imagination. So if you want to stay in said mountain hut and snipe mobs with a machine gun bow, by all means, revert to Beta 1.3 or so and do it. You won't be missed, I can guarantee that.
Meanwhile, the rest of us will be building awesome castles and crap and using the new updates to their fullest. You stay in you mountain hut and don't bother us with your whining.
The mod would have been automatically removed when I deleted the bin folder. When redownloaded, the bin folder would have contained only the stock Minecraft files.
Oh, you did that...
Maybe the mod corrupted the save? Have you tried a new world?
We cannot link directly a 1.3.1 file, but I am given to understand MC Nostalgia will allow you to "downgrade". As far as the issue itself goes, I wish I could help. I haven't even updated yet, as I am waiting for bukkit.
A side note, I would like to comment you on your post. The majority of the people here would have been like "This update sucks", "**** jeb" "you ruined my life", "You should wait for mods", "1.3.2 made my laundry make me itch" or other similar crap. So thank you for being intelligent and decent. It's appreciated.
I think we should have a "Rant" section of the forums for poeple to post rants so that other poeple don't have to see a topic that interests them and turns out to be a rant rather than what they really expected when they clickled on that topic when they can't stand seeing rants....
im talking about the block that you place on top of a pyramid that gives you boosted stats and everything.. thats pvp based and mind your language i didnt disrespect you so you have no need to dis respect me.
That block can be used for MANY things, such as adventure maps, healing stations in SMP/SSP... like most things in minecraft, the limit of it's potential is only the players imagination. And yes, you DID disrespect me. You disrespected the entire community...
no what im saying is when he pretty much gave single player the option to be multiplayer he killed alot of mods because they are intended for client side only not others
Dude, the merge NEEDED to happen. And the makers of mods LOVE IT! And when the 1.4 API comes out, we will love it even more...
I have updated my minecraft 1.3.2 but noticed that the beacon block and the command block is missing! (I know you are meant to use the commands for the command block, but that is what I did!) Why is this? It was in the snapshot...?
You mean the bug fixing patch for 1.3.1 does not have the new 1.4 features that are in the 1.4 snapshots??!!?
When did Jeb ever remove emerald?
It's going like this
Minecraft: Hey, he want's to start a LAN game, what the local IP?
MC: Okay. *Creates*
So linux has to say 192.168.???.??? instead...This would have to be done in the LAN config, possibly in the DHCP settings.
Oh, you did that...
Maybe the mod corrupted the save? Have you tried a new world?
A side note, I would like to comment you on your post. The majority of the people here would have been like "This update sucks", "**** jeb" "you ruined my life", "You should wait for mods", "1.3.2 made my laundry make me itch" or other similar crap. So thank you for being intelligent and decent. It's appreciated.
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