Guardian Legend does kick ass. As did Blaster Master. My 1st PC game was Hugos House of Horrors. Also started on the 2600. I always liked Adventure and Pitfall on that system.
I didn't get serious about PC gaming until Wolf3d. Since then... **** consoles. I have the 360 for Skate 2 and 3, but other than that... ****'em.
Also keep in mind HL2's realtime physics simulations. However, the ability for mobs to change tactics is actually extremely simple since the Source Engine uses a fuzzy node pathing system. Mobs know they want to go from point A to point B, so they walk from the nearest node to the next in order to find their path. This is why you cannot dynamically change the terrain in a Source Engine game. Mobs can take path nodes around obstacles, but that is about it.
Copters are almost 100% scripted in HL2, including the expansion Episodes.
True, comparing is rather silly, considering this is like comparing coffee to Orange Boxes (think about that pun a bit...)...
...But if I can point out one more thing: HL2 is not compiled to machine code. The Source Engine is compiled to machine code, but the actually game is built entirely from interpreted scripts.
I could not agree more. Minecraft ate my life. xD
lol.. that was pretty good. Had you said Java to Orange Boxes I might have shat a little xD
HL2 isn't keeping track of thousands of per-tick calculations, it uses premade finite maps instead of procedurally generated, infinite maps, and a lot of the creatures follow invisible paths painted onto the maps, they aren't actually finding their own path most of the time.
The tick thing, while true, is moot. While Minecraft is tracking "ticks", it IS tracking lighting that is dynamic enough to cast shadows off objects I move about in game. Also, some of the combine do follow preset paths, but also react and change tactics depending on my position and how many of them are left ("Outbreak! Outbreak") Also, don't forget the copters following you.
Don't get me wrong, I think it is silly to compare the games side by side. My basic gist was that you get what you get when developing in Java. When HL2 is compiled down to machine code, of course it's going to be faster. But when you have to talk to an interpreter, it slows **** down. A lot.
well it took me about two days but i finally found cows and lured them to my house... its more of the fact that its a pain in the ass. And i still think its a dumb change even now that i have my cow supply and what not
Dude, I once SWAM 3500 blocks with wheat in hand to bring 3 sheep to my mushroom biome (actually, a small grassy island right next to the mushroom biome) so I could have wool. One of the sheep didn't make it. Was it a pain in the ass? Oh yeah. But you know what? After the remaining 2 got there safely, I bread them. Now I have like 10 sheep of every color. And you know what replaced the feeling of the task being a pain in the ass? Pride.
tl;dr That game can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but nothing worth having isn't worth a bit of struggle.
I don't trade much, but yes.. 1.3 is amazing. I can't wait for 1.4 though, not just for the API, but the lighting fixes and all the new crap that @Dinnerbone keeps inciting us with. <3 da Mojang
I agree completely. I might also point out that just about every other major game today, i.e. Halo 2 and above, all Source Engine games (HL2, Portal, TF2, G-Mod...) uses this same single-user local server design. The code for a TF2 client is based off the code for a TF2 dedicated server. When people say that Minecraft is slow or laggy, I challenge them to try one of these other games and report their results. They never do.
Well, I never cared much for Halo, but I am a die hard Half-Life fan. I get 10x the performance in HL2 than I do Minecraft. And HL2 features mobs that are a lot smarter and the game looks 10000% better. However, HL2 is not made in Java. So MC is what it is. And I love it.
Well, it is a version specific issue in that 1.3 switched to a new skin server pool. The new skin server pool is an Amazon server pool... not sure about the old one. The old one appears to work fine, but the new one hasn't worked right yet. It's flaky, works one run, then fails the next, and can serve up out of date skins as well.
Ahh. So Amazon needs to fix their **** then! I think they should implement an option to tweak the server in which you get skins. Like say you play on two servers. One is not normal run of the mill server.. cool your normal skin would work fine (mine is Hannibal Lecther) . But the other is an RP based server where Dr. Lechter would not fit, so you upload a skin to their server and when you log in, you get that skin instead. Kind of like what's going on with the texture packs. Furthermore, you should be able to put a skin file in a local folder (like the way we do with texture packs) for SSP.
This would take a HUGE load of of the current skin servers...
The cool thing about Mojang is that, while automatic updating and patching through internet is becoming the norm, they are the only (that I know) who gives the player the choice to update or not. Everybody else not only don't ask you, but probably do it behind your back without informing you of anything... and probably are also against any form of modding.
Exactly. While modding is common, they do force updates upon you. Services like Steam and the crap that EA has are great for that. Any many of the "updates" are for DRM, another evil that Mojang has steered clear of.
Don't insult people just because they don't understand Minecrafts backward system of handling updates. Its insane to expect to update all these plugins constantly. Yeah yeah, I know. "We'll get a mod API in 1.4". Been hearing this for a year now, and pretty sure once we get it, all its going to accomplish is allow mods to be used without tampering with the existing .jar. Personally, I don't even hold my breath for even the 1.4 promise. "Oops sorry, we were busy on making armored cats; API in 1.5".
Whoops, I ran on a tangent and right off a cliff.
Backwards system? It's not backwards. Releasing updated mods before the updated version of the game comes out is impossible. And remember, Mojang does not, has not, and will not make any mods. If they release an update that breaks a vanilla game.. you can *****. If they release an update, and you install it before your mods are updated, expecting it to work just like it did before you updated, you should just keep to yourself and stop polluting the forums with your extra chromosomes.
I didn't get serious about PC gaming until Wolf3d. Since then... **** consoles. I have the 360 for Skate 2 and 3, but other than that... ****'em.
Don't get me wrong, I think it is silly to compare the games side by side. My basic gist was that you get what you get when developing in Java. When HL2 is compiled down to machine code, of course it's going to be faster. But when you have to talk to an interpreter, it slows **** down. A lot.
tl;dr That game can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but nothing worth having isn't worth a bit of struggle.
This would take a HUGE load of of the current skin servers...