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    posted a message on New Temple?!
    Quote from TacoLemonBurrito

    Well sorry that i dont o-e I have never seen it before and I wanted it clarified i never got 1.3.1 i had 1.2.5 then i got 1.3.2
    It's cool. We'll take the time to read that release notes and pass the information along to you. Do you have an email we could send the information directly to? That way you wouldn't even have to bother with the forums either, since reading the release notes that came with the update is already asking too much of you. Just let us know what we can do to make your life easier.

    Also, what is "o-e"?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Downgrade version? -> 1.2.5v
    Yes. Look for MCNostalgia.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Light box! ~Using new work in progress block for something different!
    Quote from GorgeousTaylor

    I just thought of a cool idea for the beacon block. I noticed that there is a point during the day when the sun is in the direct path of the beam, and there is a point during the night when the same thing happens to the moon. Perhaps, if you stood in the beam when either of these events happened, you would be teleported to a special place? A la Super Mario 64? Better than another portal, in my opinion...
    Mind = Blown. This would be kick ass. Furthermore,. two places.. one for the sun phase and another for the moon's.

    I hope someone makes a mod for this thing that allows horizontal placement. Would be BA in adventure maps as a "pointer" of sorts. Then combine that with the sun somehow and - viola! - Indiana Jones Staff Headpiece Thingy showing the way to a hidden city.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Suddenly, pigs!
    Quote from Fryems

    You can already Saddle pigs....
    You can already get off them and the saddle stays on them. You don't lose the saddle

    But, one thing you can't do is control them.

    Also how does the screenshot at the top demonstrate controlling them. its just a guy sitting on a pig using a saddle....?? where is the control. This is already in the game... it was in pre 1.8...
    Carrot. On a stick. Move the stick and the carrot shall follow. Pig will follow carrot. Thus, stick movement controls pig.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Should This Be Called Full Release?
    So what they should do, is save all the updates, leave the game alone as it is now. Then in a year, release a expansion pack with all the new features and charge us more money. That way they can be like the other developers you people are wanting to compare them to.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Should This Be Called Full Release?
    Quote from versusthemayor

    Most games have add-ons. They come as big upgrades so the devs can lump together a few features and charge more for players to stay up to date on their game. Essentially, think of 1.1 through 1.25 or whatever they end at as the first "add-on." Obviously 2.0.0 will be the game after said add-on.

    So many people don't know the Blizzard method of game updates >_>
    You have a good point there. Games like WoW and a few others do release incremental updates that not only fix bugs, but add new content as well.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Should This Be Called Full Release?
    Quote from Youssarian

    With the release of the latest snapshots, we're seeing ever more blocks and mobs added. The game doesn't seem to be getting improved insofar as what already exists; it seems to just be getting new stuff, plus some bugfixes. This doesn't seem like a game that should be called a "full release."

    This game hasn't even been in full release for a year, and we're already at 1.3.2. From the experience and research I've done on other games, there usually aren't such large quantities of added stuff after the game has left beta. It doesn't feel like Minecraft should be called a fully released game. It still seems like it's in beta.
    It is a fully released game. Comparing it to other games is foolish imho. Other games, when they go gold, are done. You get what you got and that's it (except for mods if available). Minecraft has taken a new approach in that the gold game continues to evolve. It would be like if valve said.. okay, here are some phosphorous rounds for the shotgun in HL2. Of course Valve does not do this, but Minecraft does. And for that, I am extremely grateful. Punishing the game, it's developers and yes, even the players, by calling it "beta" because the developers keep giving us more options and fun things to do, seems, well, kind of assholeish.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 12w34a Item Frame Bug!
    No bug, @Dinnerbone tax lol
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Carrots and potatoes!
    Quote from ArrogantLobster

    I wouldn't mind Jeb adding more hunger bars but it would make all the foods that are ingredients to bigger meals useless. I don't know thats just my opinion :)
    Hmm... what if the stews just added more stamina, so that you'd eat less/sprint more?
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Carrots and potatoes!
    I wonder if they will implement any health benefits for east well rounded meals. I see lots of possibilities with all the new variety. Or like King Korihor said.. stews. Some beef, carrots and diced potatoes in a crock pot (or furnace lol).. good eats.

    EDIT.. if they did implement stews, they should add more hunger bar than the ingredients would individually... so a steak, a potato and a carrot should for sure full up the hunger bar.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Possible Bugs In 12w34a
    Quote from Kalaster

    Plus, there is a bug where if you hold a stack of an item, say steak, and right click an item frame; ALL of the steak goes into the item frame. Then you destroy the item frame, and only one steak comes out.
    That's the 63 steak surcharge. New economy feature lol
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on no me gusta hard mode fire >:-(
    Quote from redstone1337

    ... Hard mode fire is no amount of skill can prevent. ...

    Stone defenses? Too bad they aren't offering any new that you can put round your house that are made out of stone.. oh, wait...
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on 1st ! (at least i hope so)
    This thread was started 1 hour and 36 minutes earlier. Looking at the 1st page before posting FTW!
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on New Snapshot Features
    From HERE
    • Added item frames
    • Added cobblestone walls (yes, mossy too)
    • Maps now align to a grid, making it easier to create adjacent maps. Maps can also be cloned
    • Stairs now auto-arrange into corners. This is a test and may change based on feedback
    • Mobs can travel through portals
    • Leather clothes can be dyed
    • Removed the “wip block” from the creative menu
    • Added two new crops and associated items
    • F3+P will toggle the auto-pause when the window loses focus (it’s for debugging, mainly)
    • F3+H will toggle detailed item descriptions (also for debugging)
    • Added arrow-sensitive wooden buttons
    • Trapdoors can be placed in top-most position (based on cross-hair aim)
    The frames and stone walls are great.
    The auto-arrangement of stairs? Hell yeah!
    Mobs traveling through portals... cool(ish). Time for some defense building...
    Leather dyed, ... meh
    New crops.. intrigued.
    Arrow sensitive buttons??!!? **** Yeah!
    Trapdoors being able to be place in top of block is wonderful. I hate having to have a block for the trap door in the center of a room.

    In short.. VERY looking forward to 1.4!
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on I am Loving the 1.32(1.3) Updates!
    Quote from ChristopherSHPRD

    The Large Biomes feature is a nice addition, but I don't use it: I always spawn in a jungle biome and spend hours looking for oak forests.

    I like the new structures, specially the desert temple: I always avoid it's traps and get some very valuable items. :)

    I love the XP while mining and stuff: Helps me to be able to enchant my items faster.

    I have never found an emerald ore, ever. They're so rare. Then you pay 7 emeralds for some goddamn cookies. I don't like it.
    lol.. you had some bad luck with the biomes. Some good extreme hills try '4204ever' or 'Creeper's Revenge' as seed. For some mooshroomage, try 'mute'. Also, emeralds are only found in extreme hills.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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