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    posted a message on Epic Technic Pack Seed!
    Loving this seed :) TY man. Upvote for you sir.
    Posted in: Seeds
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    posted a message on Why people don't like the witch.
    Quote from Pikminsi

    I think witches shouldn't be in minecraft because i don't feel they are creative enough. Sure, there are zombies, skeletons, and spiders but that doesn't mean they should add more stereotypical things to the game. Plus, any controversy will just cause tons of problems and anger towards Mojang. Witches just seem weird to me.
    Actually, if the rage became wide spread, it may make it to the media. And there really is no such thing as bad publicity. I mean, just look at Chick-fil-A....
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Who thinks witches in Minecraft is a bad idea?
    Quote from Skelator424

    Harry Potter.

    Google will give you plenty of other examples, but that one was so obvious I didn't think you needed me to spell it out for you in my last post.
    Exactly. A few others too? The Craft, Practical Magic, Witches of Eastwick, Haxan: Witchcraft Through The Ages, oo.. Remember Suspira?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on We want the SSP mode back again
    Stop saying "we" as if you speak for me as well. "We" don't want 2 versions of the game any more. There are 1000 reasons why the merge had to happen. The fact that your computer sucks should not stand in the way of ANY of those 1000 reasons. Upgrade your PC or downgrade your client.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Who thinks witches in Minecraft is a bad idea?
    I love the new stuff. My favorite "holiday" has always been Halloween/Samhain. As long as they don't add a fat kid that kicks you and steals your candy, then all with be good.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Updates Ruining Server Gameplay... PLZ READ
    OP, you should your internet privileges. There is no "market value" in minecraft. I understand you are talking about online play where economy plugins can be used, but Mojang does not have any control of your server. Any decent admin configures plugins adaptively to accommodate new changes. Also, you bringing up Notch (as well as being "fresh out of the water") make me question the validity of your claim to be a "vet" of the game, as you certainly don't keep up with what's going on. Also, maybe you should log out for a bit and grab a dictionary... using word such as "anitiative" only serve to hurt your cause. Anyway.. if you aren't having fun on your server, try another. My server lacks any economy, and my players are happy.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Console Command Block
    Quote from Rcjetflyer2

    Quote from cadika_orade

    Please demonstrate your very creative redstone build that somehow changes the character's gamemode.

    A sign that says "please change difficulty to easy"
    You do understand that gamemode options are Creative, Survival and Adventure, and not Easy, Normal, Hard and Hard Core, right? And signs are neither redstone powered nor emails to an admin.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Firework cannon anyone? And other suggestions.
    Why dafuq did this get minecarted here and not suggestions?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on -Issue Resolved- (Do not post, please)
    Quote from Path_Of_Pie

    Meh. I"ll be perfectly honest: I doubt this will get fixed, and I am getting quite a bit of resistance of the community. So... this thread is hereby to be ABANDONED.
    lol.. There is nothing to fix. They changed the spawn height. The change the way upper slabs work. Nothing is broken thus cannot be fixed.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Console Command Block

    Yeah, no one else has made a thread about them yet. So here we are.

    Except here, over here, another here. Oh, and here. And another one over here. Here too.
    I do like the Command Block in the 1.4 snapshots, almost as much as I like the Search Box at the top of every page on the forum.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on -Issue Resolved- (Do not post, please)
    Quote from Path_Of_Pie

    I am NOT looking for "Just change ur floor" or "Just deal with it". This IS a problem and it must be addressed.

    Okay, let's address it.

    Slimes are spawning and ****ing up your ****.

    Change your floor.

    There. Addressed. (Now deal with it!) :Notch:
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Zombie Steal doors now?
    Somebody please photoshop this zombie head with trollface.jpg
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Any way to add cheat option to older maps?
    Quote from lonePixelMiner

    This isnt a permanant fix, but for those who can't or dont want to edit their world file, with the new "open to lan" option, if you choose to open to lan, it will ask if you want cheats on or off for other players. Choose to have them on, and it will turn them on for you too... The downside, (or upside as some people may feel) is that after quiting and reopening your world, cheats will be off again.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Please Bring Back Singleplayer In 1.4!
    Quote from Mixy97

    Same here when I see "Just play 1.2.5" posts.
    They are NEVER going to undo the merge, so yeah.. play 1.2.5 or move on with your life.
    Quote from asferot

    I dont know about the merge... But facts are clear as the blue sky of summer. with dual core CPU and 2.5 Gb of ram I am getting multiplayer lag in my single player game.

    I'm sorry but this is on BS level.

    On this PC I can run a World of Warcraft server and play at the same time with no problems. And dont try to tell me that minecraft is heavier than WoW server + client running at the same time.
    Actually.. yes it is. Mainly due to the fact that neither WoW, it's "server" (that you are illegally running), the MySQL DB that the server requires or Apache are running Java. I ran a private server AND client on my Athlon 2200+ with 2 gigs of ram and it ran smooth.. so don't act like WoW and a little server are CPU intensive.

    People need to understand that if you want Minecraft to run smoother, you need to make Java let it. Don't get me wrong, I wish Minecraft was written in C++ and then compiled down to machine code, but alas it's not, and there is nothing I can do about it. So I allocate more RAM to Java, then tell Minecraft to make use of said RAM, and viola... very little lag. The is still the occasional stutter... but it is like a 1/4 second pause every 5 or 10 minutes.

    Now, chunk loading on the other hand.. well.. I do hope they fix that soon.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Please Bring Back Singleplayer In 1.4!
    Man.. I read posts like this and I wanna slap somebody. Just play 1.2.5 and go away.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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