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    posted a message on Does anyone know when episode 2 is coming out on Wii U?

    I have wondered this as well. I bought it for my son a month ago, and he said there are a lot of episodes out on the other systems. If I would have known this I would not have bought it on the Wii U and grabbed it on the One. I am not going to rebuy the base game though just to get the dlc. Hopefully soon, and if not oh well they lost my money. I am sort of thinking the other episodes may not come honestly, since we have heard nothing and you cannot even buy the season pass or anything.

    Posted in: Minecraft Story Mode
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    posted a message on Minecraft.net says that I do not have the game
    Nah I am having the same problem, and threads are popping up about this a lot so it's obviously some server account issue on their end.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft saying I don't own the game??
    I am having the same issue and just tried changing my skin and it says I have to purchase the game to change it... I bought the game back in alpha(through a CC directly on the site) and am able to login and play through the launcher still?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Microsoft/Mojang Deal Confirmed.
    Quote from Amperz4nd»
    Actually, for me the point is the massive community, I mean, for me, Super Hostile and the entirety of the rest of the free, high quality, user made content section of the forums is more the point than being square, other than the fact that changing the squareness would be a damnfool move regardless.

    Also, if I see a DLC, I'm calling in a hack airstrike from my modder buddies and fixing the issue, at least for myself.

    You know there will be DLC or an expansion in the works now it's only inevitable. Microsoft has to make back that money somehow, and nickle and diming is what most major studios have turned to unfortunately. You can look at any new title like Destiny and see that(Microsoft purposely left content out of the original as it's on the disc right now and turned it into the expansion DLC saying they are "working on it" and it caused an uproar once that leaked). I will be surprised if nothing comes out in the next year or so.

    I just wonder if what was promised during Alpha that if we bought it back then all DLC and expansions would be free will still exist? I bought the game in early alpha and expect them to be free for me and anyone else that did the same, but I am not sure legally that they have to follow that?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Freezing 1.03
    I just bought the game a few days ago and am noticing it freeze on occasion and it is very annoying. The first time it happened it didn't autosave for 30 minutes and then froze, and thus I lost all my items and the first cave that took forever to find. Very frustrating. Me and my son are playing split-screen anytime it has happened.
    Posted in: Legacy Console Support
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    posted a message on DayZ Minecraft - 150000+ Downloads - Now Updating to 1.9
    Quote from HoBoS_TaCo

    Updated to 8.5 and fixed bugs! Apologies for the long wait as I've been very busy with exams. In a few weeks I will have quite a bit more free time to add much more to the mod.

    So did your update today make it work with 1.7? I am confused as the first page still just shows 1.6.4?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on WHO HATES MINECRAFT PS4/PS3/PS VITA?
    Why would anyone be against it? What's your legitimate gripe about it exactly? More than likely updates will remain the same if they are all just ports. If not then they can simply hire more staff with the increased revenue. It's a great thing as it gives more income to Mojang and more accessibility to the game for people. I will get a PS4 eventually and may get it as long as it's not just a port, and actually adds new things. However I wont if not either way it's still a positive thing :P .
    Posted in: MCPS4: Discussion
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    posted a message on [SEVERE] Reached end of Stream - 1.6.1
    Quote from Phyore

    If the error is the following;

    [Server] SEVERE Reached end of stream for /[IP HERE]

    Then it seems to be a bug with Bukkit (Assuming your using Bukkit) Many of us seem to have this problem ^^; You don't have to worry though, it does not affect anything and the server should still function perfectly.

    It's happening me to me and my two friends, we are not able to connect to my server? I am not using any plugins or bukkit.. Worked back a few versions ago as we all played fine and decided to start a new world. Though we are using 1.6.2 and no Hamachi.
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on What console will you be getting?
    Quote from Diplout

    I'll be picking up an Xbox one. It's what my friends will be getting, and I want to be able to play with them.
    I also think Xbox has better exclusives.

    Unfortunately this is probably what will end up happening, as most people will remain oblivious into looking up what they are purchasing and continue to support a greedy morally questionable company that is hurting the consumer as well as businesses. Microsoft taking a huge hit really needs to happen to show companies we wont stand for extreme DRM that really only hurts the average consumer as the console will be cracked as well as the games within a few month's of launch like always.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    Quote from ComradeJohn

    Yeah they'll have to give in. Or PS4 will add in those features post launch.

    PS4 confirmed there wont be such a thing as they realized the backlash Microsoft is getting from announcing that. So one of PS4's biggest selling points will be the fact it doesn't require online, and you can still play used games.

    Seriously wtf was Microsoft thinking here? Used games are one of the biggest reasons to play on a console because of the convenience of going over to a friends house to play co-op and just bringing along your disc. Not to mention how much it will end up hurting locally owned businesses with this crappy model. DRM is getting so ridiculous now almost to the point of unplayable(and actually is unplayable on some games like Might and Magic 5, and Neverwinter 2). I don't know anyone that is actually planning on getting the new xbox at work or out of my friends.
    Posted in: MCX360: Recent & Upcoming Updates
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    posted a message on What console will you be getting?
    If I get one it would be the PS4 because of Microsofts awesome idea to not allow any used games to be played on it. That means no used games, or bringing your disc over to a friends house to play co-op. So it's not only inconvenient it will hurt locally owned businesses as well.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on What happened to the map?
    Quote from KingzofDawn

    Put that map in the crafting table and surround the whole thing with paper. It will upgrade your map. They changed it so you can have even smaller and bigger maps now.

    Oh wow thanks. Not as bad as I thought, and actually seems better nevermind.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on What happened to the map?
    What the heck happened to the map? Last I played it generated as you explored, but now it explores for you and is half the size... maps are nearly pointless now. What was the point of this change? I tended to use them when I went exploring above ground so I could find my way back to my main area. They already cluttered my inventory when I explored far out, but now it will just be ridiculous as well as taking the fun out of exploring.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Xbox One Announced
    Quote from Homem Pigman

    Ever heard of an emulator for current-gen games that work? Me neither.

    The only reason 2013 PCs can emulate games from, say, the PS2 is that current technology is immensely more powerful than the ones we had in 2000. Even so, many modern emulators will still have problems with some of the more advanced PS2 games, such as Shadow of the Colossus. This is the same reason that certain consoles are capable of playing a selection of games from the previous generation. Either the console didn't change enough in architecture from its previous generation, or the game being played is not so demanding that emulation is impossible.

    Emulation isn't simply making a program and bam, software from other machines work. It requires similarity of hardware and significant technological advances. Hardware is also notoriously... painful to emulate properly. There's a reason that even N64 Emulators aren't perfect right now.

    Actually there are emulators for the Wii and the Xbox(original) of course not for the 360/ps3 yet but eventually there will be.

    The PS3 is backwards compatible with most games(the one I have the original fat one) the only reason support was dropped was because they do not want to waste time(money) to keep developing it. It is however very possible. It is actually as simple as writing a program that simulates the engine the games ran on and having hardware strong enough to simulate that engine as well as the current.

    Also I am not sure what 64 emulator you use but the newest version of Project64 runs every game I have wanted to play flawlessly(including actually enhancing graphics on games like OoT with the community graphic project).
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Xbox One Announced
    Quote from Homem Pigman

    What people don't understand is that backwards compatibility isn't a switch console makers decide to turn on or off. It's an inherent feature of the hardware matching or not matching the previous hardware. x86 CPUs don't run powerpc executables, there is not a choice here, they just physically do not do it. You'd have to stuff a whole console inside another which is financially unsustainable for both costumers and developers.

    Ever heard of an emulator?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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