For the last time, there is no problem with this. Single ender chests would just show half of your ender chest inventory. Also, by doing that, it just contradicts your first statement as you are basically giving players triple the inventory space for ender chests as they do now. I don't see how that doesn't make the game easier.
True (ok this suggestion is all about making things easier, my mistake) however this is works because I'm sure you know how annoying it is when you want to transfer mountain loads of items to a distant house or settlement. Anyway, when you break ender chests it breaks into obsidian so carrying ender chests isn't the best way to acquire inventory space. I will agree that your idea is quite suitable but we shall see what Mojang brings us.
Dang, many suggestions are about making the game more op. With every update everything is becoming easier and easier. 1.7- clay is now really easy to get, same with flowers and gravel 1.8 - villagers auto farm, crafting recipes for mossy stone(now theres barely rare building blocks for survival out there), enchanting is easier. Eventually I think the game is going to be too easy in a few updates in the future. Sorry, no support.
I agree with you pm_dragon, I hope that Mojang doesn't go too far.
I support this idea however, there is still the problem of how items appear in single ender chests when double ender chests are full. Personally, I think that they should have separate inventories. By saying this I mean that when you open the single ender chest you only see the single ender chest inventory (not the double ender chest inventory) and when you access the double ender chest you only see the double ender chest inventory. Basically double and single ender chests have different inventories.
Well, if we're talking about Minecraft the way it is in, let's say, hard mode, then not really.
This is how it would be if real life was exactly like Minecraft (vanilla):
We would be pretty outdated in technology. Yes, we have a redstone iPhone, no, we cannot slip it into our inventory since it's like, 50 blocks tall. People would be living on separate galaxies (servers) with different gamemodes, gamerules, and plugins. These galaxies would only have three worlds in them. Our regular crime would be pointless since the person just respawns. However, if there's abusive staff on one "server", then that would kind of "kill" the player, but only from that "server" or if it had MCBans, it would be for any other "server" with MCBans. Creepers blowing up your house? Deal with it, that's life. Of course, staff might start some insurance thing or not. You would have hunger to take care of, but not thirst, so water would be pointless in drinking, but yet good for brewing potions.
Well if your account was hacked by someone on a different computer, they would not be able to modify your server list in the first place. This most likely sounds like an arsehole friend or sibling who did this.
I agree, some one in your household would have to alter your server list.
I'm no expert on mods but I think that either you have too many mods or the mods that you have won't work together. Try reinstalling all the mods one at a time and every time check if it works on Minecraft. Only choose the mods that you really want. Good luck.
Just keep going, take a break and go kill some chickens or something. Diamonds are powerful in Minecraft and you have to work to get them. At first I found strip mining the best way to find diamonds and then I tried caving. Caving is a much more adventurous and fun way to mine because you don't get as bored (you should wear some iron armor if you aren't already). Once again, just keep trying. When you do find diamonds, the feeling is wonderful.
Thanks, but honestly I think it looks better in the daytime. Mainly just because that it isn't lit up at all as it's set to perma-day, but also I think the bright materials look best in the day.
Brilliant build. Try a few photos of it lit up during night time, you can turn off mobspawning. I've always thought that elven villages looked better during night time.
This is a wonderfully thought out idea and I love it however, with the Hell Wheat I think that you should have to use something stronger than a golden hoe.
True (ok this suggestion is all about making things easier, my mistake) however this is works because I'm sure you know how annoying it is when you want to transfer mountain loads of items to a distant house or settlement. Anyway, when you break ender chests it breaks into obsidian so carrying ender chests isn't the best way to acquire inventory space. I will agree that your idea is quite suitable but we shall see what Mojang brings us.
I agree with you pm_dragon, I hope that Mojang doesn't go too far.
I support this idea however, there is still the problem of how items appear in single ender chests when double ender chests are full. Personally, I think that they should have separate inventories. By saying this I mean that when you open the single ender chest you only see the single ender chest inventory (not the double ender chest inventory) and when you access the double ender chest you only see the double ender chest inventory. Basically double and single ender chests have different inventories.
Nice description.
I agree, some one in your household would have to alter your server list.
I would say the same.
Fair enough.
I also agree with DarkZeerel, the Netherack fences and stairs would look better if they were made of Nether Bricks.
YOGSCAST Lewis & Simon
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