Hi, This pack is a project I started a while ago, and recently picked up again due to my sudden explosion of free time due to you-know-what. So, allow me to introduce my very first resource pack, called Splotchez! I'd say it's about 65-70% done, but that percentage is slowly climbing.
I suppose if I'm gonna be talking about a resource pack, I gotta show some screenshots to go along with it
Some nice taiga hills
A rather rare biome junction
The nether
The end
You can download it here, although, as stated before, it's incomplete
hi sleep
Hi, This pack is a project I started a while ago, and recently picked up again due to my sudden explosion of free time due to you-know-what. So, allow me to introduce my very first resource pack, called Splotchez! I'd say it's about 65-70% done, but that percentage is slowly climbing.
I suppose if I'm gonna be talking about a resource pack, I gotta show some screenshots to go along with it
Some nice taiga hills
A rather rare biome junction
The nether
The end
You can download it here, although, as stated before, it's incomplete
Criticism is welcomed (even if it's bad!)
completely forgot I ever created this account, wow!
1. MinecrafTemple
2. Yes
3. Friends
4. Yes, they're awesome!