Download Link:
Single Player Version (Recommended) - Version 1.8 (December 15, 2013)
2 Player Version - 2P Version 1.8 (December 15, 2013)
In light of the heart-breaking news that this forum will be completely archived, please visit these links for continued support and information on my Minecraft maps.
Diversity 3 Discord Server - where you can reach me personally
Diversity 3 on Planet Minecraft
Diversity 2 on Planet Minecraft
Diversity on Planet Minecraft
QMAGNET's Test Map on Planet Minecraft
Complex on Planet Minecraft
Thank you for all the years of player involvement and downloading my maps. Diversity is the second most viewed map on this forum and Diversity 2 is the 4th most viewed map here. It's been a pleasure entertaining you. This forum is ending but I am not.
There is no need to respond to this thread any longer. Please visit one of the links above for any help. Cheers!
This map is NOT compatible with Minecraft 1.8. 1.8 refers to the version of map update. Please downgrade your Minecraft version to 1.7.4
The dictionary defines the term "complex" as "consisting of interconnected or interwoven parts" and "composed of two or more units". Complex, the Minecraft map, is intended to be a single player adventure that sets the player in the midst of a large multi-dimensional maze, rooms are connected together from each of the four walls, as well as above and below. The player starts with intentionally very little direction. The game adjusts the settings as the player advances. The player must navigate throughout the Complex, room by room in search of the Answer.
1. Difficulty - Easy
2. Mode - Adventure
3. Render Distance - Far (if possible)
4. Don't break anything
I have included a 2 player version. Complex is completely intended for single player. The 2 Player Version will work but it is not recommended. This map is not compatible with Bukkit. If you do desire to play Complex with a friend, you MUST read the READ ME file included in the download file.
Beginning Spawn point should be X 189, Y 61, Z -489
Known Bugs:
Please report bugs on this thread
Complex v1.7
Missing blocks in hidden ceiling area
Complex v1.6
TelepOREtation puzzle glitchy in 2 Player Version
Complex v1.5
Server command block text is getting cut off. This is a Minecraft bug that needs to be fixed by Mojang..
Broken piston joke dead end possibly inescapable
Finale detail mixed up
Complex v1.4
Possibility of no escape in "Make you feel blue?" and "Off Limits" dead ends
Multiplayer start area spawning mobs
Complex v1.3
Gap above TelepOREtation room from floor above
Complex v1.2
Blocks missing from wall of Recommended Spawn Set Room
Chest item in 5 Water Pillar room unattainable
Complex v1.1
"Patience" Puzzle not working
Clouds travel through Complex
Some blocks, pressure plates, ladders missing
Complex v1.0 (Original Release)
Sign in the room with the 4 lava pillars should read:
X -63
Y 161
Z -460

Estimated Completion Time:
1 - 5 hours. Because Complex is a little more open than linear, it's possible to have a variety of time lengths. The player decides which paths to take and that will alter the end time. Reports have come back to me that the total time was around 4 to 5 hours, but if you are logical enough, it's possible to complete the map between 1 and 2 hours.
Additional Notes:
"Yeah yeah, another Minecraft maze..."
Rest easy, my friends, this is not an ordinary "maze". Visually, it's quite unique. The end reveals an original, untold story in the world of Minecraft. But the mystery is vague. All that is told is:
And the only way to the key, is to enter the Complex."
This is my first adventure map. This project took me about 2 weeks to construct.
"COMPLEX" is a Puzzle/Maze/Adventure that will work in 1.7.4.
There are elements of Parkour, but do not worry if you hate jumping, all Parkour is OPTIONAL.
Complex is intended for single player only. But I have created a 2 player version that you can play with a friend if desired. Please read the READ ME file in the download file.
Hints (only look if absolutely necessary):
Okay, this trap is impossible!
Who is Jesper and why do I have no Code?
What does the TV/Computer code mean?
What do these giant letters and numbers mean?
What is "Ode to Emma"?
How do I get behind the cage wall?
I'm not understanding this XX-XX-XX thing.
What is the Spark for?
So what are these PsychOrbs for?
I found the Key. Now where do I go?
These hints are absolutely no help to me. I'm about to give up. Just tell me.
The Complex is essentially a 5x5x5 blocks of rooms, with some rooms missing.
You need to read all the books and keep them.
Once you find an exit doorway out of a corner room which leads to a tall ladder on some blue wool, take the ladder until you go into a room connected to it with a cage wall. In this section there is a redstone torch which I called "Spark".
There is a code here that has a number, letter and hyphen, three times - this indicates the book titles. There is some text in asterisks. When all the phrases are put together, it says "Place the SPARK above the PAIN in my personal HELL".
Now you have to go to the room that has fire and spells "HELL". It's one of the corners.
There is a book in here with the first page that reads "the PAIN". Also, if you open the chest, the chest inventory says "the PAIN". Place the redstone torch above the chest, just below the H.
You teleport behind the cage wall, where you can grab some ender pearls. Now go to the coordinates written in the book. They lead you to an alcove above the Zombie Pigman room. Whip an ender pearl into that alcove and now you can get the Emerald Key.
The clue says "From Whence You Came", and you are looking for an Emerald Block. There is ONLY one room in the entire map that has Emerald Blocks. It is at the very beginning room, with the 4 buttons, the one you drop through. Use an ender pearl is get back up there and place the Emerald Key on an emerald block (anywhere). Enjoy the end.
UID Scoreboard (Top 20):
1. Raecchi - 64 UIDs
1. SnoShoe - 64 UIDs
3. StarScythe7 - 62 UIDs
4. Anistuffs - 60 UIDs
4. mrcamoturtle - 60 UIDs
6. jespertheend - 59 UIDs
6. Darkshape45 - 59 UIDs
8. Dragonmark - 58 UIDs
9. romibi - 57 UIDs
10. DualCitizen - 55 UIDs
11. Sklobington - 54 UIDs
12. Captainraddy - 53 UIDs
13. jackkennedy98 - 52 UIDs
14. Thalizar - 51 UIDs
14. Zackattack5796 - 51 UIDs
14. AGuyYouDoNotKnow - 51 UIDs
14. Deadly419 - 51 UIDs
18. Kyte314 - 50 UIDs
18. HurricaneDude7 - 50 UIDs
18. PinkyH - 50 UIDs
Take a screenshot of your total UIDs when you reach the finale and post it here. I will keep the top scores posted.
Update Log:
- Missing blocks in hidden ceiling area filled
- Removed authors from books to incorporate mystery
- Command block text remade to display from Complex
05/26/13 - Released version 1.7 for Single Player and 2 Player Version
- Replaced all levers outside of Complex with Redstone Blocks to discourage griefing
- Biome layout redone Beach/Sky to possibly prevent squid spawning
- Added puzzle to diamond house
- TelepOREtation puzzle fixed for 2 Player Version
- Changed Emerald TelepOREtation to Lapis TelepOREtation
- Watermelons changed to apples
- Book titles changed to assist in final result
- Some puzzles made a bit easier to find UID
- Trapped chest hallway puzzle made harder
- Water columns made more difficult to stay on
- Better prize for successfully jumping Chest parkour
- Changed "The Wall" reference
- Various other minor tweaks and spelling fixes
05/11/13 - Released version 1.6 for Single Player and 2 Player Version
- Adjusted command block text to read properly in 2 Player Version
- Fixed "broken piston dead end" so player cannot get stuck
- Finale adjusted from mixed up visual
- Fixed some book text
04/27/13 - Released version 1.5 for Single Player and 2 Player Version
- Adjusted Multiplayer start area to remove mob spawning
- More TP commands altered to fit 2 player better
- Fixed 2 dead end areas that could possibly have no escape
- Fixed spelling of "Version" on 2 Player READ NOW book
04/21/13 - Released version 1.4 for Single Player and 2 Player Version
- Filled gap above TelepOREtation chest
- Some TP commands altered to fit 2 player better
- Added S.B.M.
04/20/13 - Released version 1.3 for Single Player and 2 Player Version
- 2 Player Spawn Point added
- fixed one room with Recommended Spawn button missing blocks.
- fixed chest in 5 water pillar room to open
04/19/13 - Release version 1.2
- fixed clouds issue
- fixed "Patience" puzzle
- placed various missing ladders, blocks, pressure plates
- Book E11 changed to Book 11E
- Book 3E - spelling mistake on "neglected" fixed. Some text altered.
- Lava Wading room made symmetrical.
04/18/13 - Released version 1.1
- fixed wrong coordinate in 4 pillar lava room
04/16/13 - Released version 1.0
Ratings: - 9/10
rsmalec - 18/20
VII - 16/20
Special Thanks:
A very huge thank you to Jesper the End and Jobexi for beta testing my map. Many changes were made based on their recommendations.
Featured Let's Play: Lost Connection - Complex v1.7
Other Let's Plays
VashTS240 - Complex v1.6
DualCitizen - Complex v1.5
Grim Panda - Complex v1.2
Anistuffs - Complex v1.2
rsmalec - Complex v1.1
VII - Complex v1.0
Thalizar - Complex v1.0
Jobexi - Complex BETA
Please report any bugs, missing blocks or even spelling mistakes you find by sending me a personal message. Thanks. I hope you enjoy the map!
2.NoobCrafter1309 : 13:44
3.Shieldpotato54y : 14:06
4.The_sniper_KITTEN : 15:05
5.BestofMcpe : 15:31
6.Poomdd2544 : 17:08
7.Football24x7jr : 18:25
8.The_dip : 19:27
9.DraconovaGaming : 23:57
10.Wenghwa : 24:59
11.Aqil Luqman : 26:57
12.AverageGamer613 : 28:16
13.AceCraftGaming : 29:21
14.IckyAwsomeness : 31:32
15.Leafman01 : 31:49
16.Texasninja : 40:00
If you like this map,please follow me on twitter @_MCMan132_. Also,check out my profile if you want to download my other maps.
Yeah me too,thanks
Thanks,glad you had fun
The green button just gives me more reputation points.
1. Post a description of the map.
2. Post some pics of the map.
3. Improve the main post.
4. Make the title more interesting.
Cool jobs though.
Wasn't it supposed to be monday?
Also,is it 6:30 am or pm?
Thanks bro,minecraft isn't really popular in my country either