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    posted a message on [UPDATED!] [PvP] Fish VS Meat [2-4 Players] [Played by Bajancandian,Bodil40 and more!]

    Fish VS Meat is a PvP map that can be played with either 2 or 4 players. There will be 2 teams,Team Fish and Team Meat. The players will get to choose to either be on Team Fish or Team Blue. There will be 3 games. The games are :

    In Death Battle,the teams have to fight to the death against each other with the weapons given. There are a few chests scattered around the arena with some useful items. In this game,players from Team Fish can breath underwater and players from Team Meat can run fast on land. Last player standing wins a point for their team. Die 3 Times and you lose this battle.

    In Parkour Battle,the teams have to parkour to the top of a tower. Players from Team Fish will get Fish Balls (snow balls) and players from Team Meat will get Meat Balls (eggs) which they can use to throw at the opposing team to knock them down. The fastest player from the teams wins a point for their team.

    In 5-Layer Sumotori,the teams have to try to knock the opposing team off the battle platform with their weapon of choice. Each weapon has a Knockback I enchant on them. Last player standing wins a point for their team.

    In Bow Spleef,players use their bows to shoot the tnt floor and try to get the other players to fall into the void. Last player standing wins a point for their team.
    That's just basically it! The team that has the most points/wins the most games wins the whole game!

    [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/j6n94g8hiwrajme/FIsh%20VS%20Meat%201.6.zip"]https://www.dropbox....VS Meat 1.6.zip[/url]

    If you find any bugs or have any ideas for other minigames,please leave a comment below!

    If you like the map and want to see more maps like this,follow me on twitter and subscribe to me on youtube! Links to my profiles are listed below.....

    Twitter : [url="https://twitter.com/_XxMCMan132xX_"]https://twitter.com/_XxMCMan132xX_[/url]
    Youtube : [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/XxMCMan132xX"]http://www.youtube.c...er/XxMCMan132xX[/url]

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Epic Jump Map Pocket Edition Series ~EJM V1 & EJM V2 Released~ [27,500+ Downloads!]

    Epic Jump Map is a series of parkour maps for Minecraft PC made by Bodil40. This topic includes a series of parkour maps for minecraft pocket edition with the name of Epic Jump Map for each parkour map but are completely different compared to the PC ones,I just used that name. These parkour maps are very fun to play. Most people take 30 minutes to finish each map. These maps are parkour/adventure maps.

    This is the first Epic Jump Map of this series. This map has successfully reached over 20,000 downloads. This map is in creative mode so if you fall off a block,just fly back to the block you feel from.

    [no longer editing]

    1.MCMan132 : 10:14
    2.NoobCrafter1309 : 13:44
    3.Shieldpotato54y : 14:06
    4.The_sniper_KITTEN : 15:05
    5.BestofMcpe : 15:31
    6.Poomdd2544 : 17:08
    7.Football24x7jr : 18:25
    8.The_dip : 19:27
    9.DraconovaGaming : 23:57
    10.Wenghwa : 24:59
    11.Aqil Luqman : 26:57

    12.AverageGamer613 : 28:16

    13.AceCraftGaming : 29:21
    14.IckyAwsomeness : 31:32
    15.Leafman01 : 31:49
    16.Texasninja : 40:00

    This is the second Epic Jump Map of this series. This map was built on one of MCPEPorts' maps from his map pack. This map is in survival mode and is pretty had in some parts but not too hard because I don't want people to rage quit while playing this :P I built this map with SquidDoesMinecraftPE.

    https://www.dropbox....EJM PE - V2.zip

    If you like this map,please follow me on twitter @_MCMan132_. Also,check out my profile if you want to download my other maps.
    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
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    posted a message on Mystery of the Pumpkin Castle (1.6.3) - From the makers of the Monarch of Madness!

    Amazing map man,had so much fun playing it!
    Keep on making these amazing maps,I will definately download them :D
    Also,I found 190 Soul Gems,here's a screenshot for proof

    Posted in: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on Epic Jump Map Pocket Edition Series ~EJM V1 & EJM V2 Released~ [27,500+ Downloads!]
    Quote from Pfefcraft

    Congrats on releasing the next EJM map McMan
    I like the second one better :)

    Yeah me too,thanks :)
    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
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    posted a message on [HOT TOPIC!] The Teacher minigame [DOWNLOAD LINK INSIDE] [Ported map]
    Quote from x_Twxplaysmc_x

    Amazing port!Good job!i played it with my friends and they were really impressed with the map.On top of that,we had a lot of fun =D
    I clicked the green button too!Btw what does it do?

    Thanks,glad you had fun :)
    The green button just gives me more reputation points.
    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on To THE END
    Some very useful tips :
    1. Post a description of the map.
    2. Post some pics of the map.
    3. Improve the main post.
    4. Make the title more interesting.
    Posted in: MCPE: Maps
  • 1

    posted a message on The United States of America
    U.S.A..........What an original name XD
    Cool jobs though.
    Posted in: MCPE: Clans
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    posted a message on Team Serperior Boot Camp [CAMP OVER]
    Wasn't it supposed to be monday?
    Also,is it 6:30 am or pm?
    Posted in: MCPE: Clans
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    posted a message on Bacca King Minigame [PvP] [Parkour] [Sumotori!] Played by JeromeASF, BajanCanadian, SSundee and HuskyMudkipz!

    Welcome to Bacca King.
    Bacca King is a minigame that can be
    played up to 2-4 players.
    The objective of this minigame is to
    get to the top of the giant jungle tree in the middle.
    You can use the fishing rods given to knock
    players off the giant tree.
    When you reach the top,you have to do a little bit of
    parkour.The first player that gets to the top of the
    tree and finishes the parkour course gets
    Betty.You must use Betty to kill all the other
    players to win the game and become the Bacca King!
    There is also a sumotori arena at the end of the
    map for you to use after you finished the game.

    1) No breaking or placing blocks.
    2) Turn on command blocks.
    3) Play on Peaceful mode.

    Click on download on the top right corner
    and click on download as zip.
    The file will be downloading normally.

    Special thanks to JeromeASF, BajanCanadian, SSundee and HuskyMudkipz for playing this map!

    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Bacca King Minigame [PvP] [Parkour] [Sumotori!] Played by JeromeASF, BajanCanadian, SSundee and HuskyMudkipz!
    Quote from Eaglerex

    Looks Awsome !!! :D
    I will try it tomorrow :D
    But i have no friends to play with :(
    (Minecraft is not populer in my country.. I think about 100 people or less play minecraft in my country :( , and none of my friends play minecraft...)

    Thanks bro,minecraft isn't really popular in my country either :(
    Posted in: Maps
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