It was a tough call but I just felt as if I was alone on PPNS, very few people shared my views and every post was an uphill battle. While it was fun at times, it was also very stressful. I lurk there every now and then but I decided to make my new home in the more minecrafty (real word) parts of the forum, so do not think of me as gone forever
Turns out I made a somewhat return. Not going to be an active again, but I will not be hiding. PPNS just has this addictive nature about it. It is so much fun reading about other views and testing your debating skills.
I am on Friday-Saturday-Sunday as I have no classes those days. If you are wondering why I just vanished in the middle of a debate the rest of the week, more than likely I have class or studying. If you remind me on the weekend, I will be glad to continue where we left off. My memory is bad so I do need to be reminded.
When I see the PPNS section's last post in the top seven threads were mine, I realise that I spent too much time debating. I finally found something more addicting than TV Tropes.