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    posted a message on Game Breaking Glitch? How to fix?
    ok. Navigate to your .minecraft folder, and find the "saves" folder, in there, look for the folder with your world name on it, and copy it. You'll have to compress it to a .zip before you can upload it to mediafire and post it on the forums.
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Game Breaking Glitch? How to fix?
    looks like a horrible case of lag... If your playing a server, that would be the problem. Buutt, on single player, it is probably your computer cracking up, post your system specs?
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on [1.5][WIP]AussieCraft - All things Australian in Minecraft! SMP Compatible
    Quote from GuyInASuit

    I think this will be the best aussie mod by aussies

    I agree, considering that it was made by people who live there. :P
    Posted in: WIP Mods
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    posted a message on AVG detecting threat in steam?
    This morning as i loaded up steam, there appeared to be an update. So i just let it update there, but halfway through it, AVG came up saying that the file: natteypeprobe.dll was infected with a trojan horse. Every time it detected that, steam had to close down and restart the download, so this file must be important. I couldn't scan the file through what the AVG website reccomended to test false-positive, as it was locked and could only be accessed by administrator (which i currently am not, don't ask why.) So if anyone could provide some insight into this, i would greatly appreciate it.
    Posted in: Hardware & Software Support
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    posted a message on TimeTraveler: Real Time Travel Inside of Minecraft! Go to Your Past!

    I would like to know when this mod will be done.

    I fixed it for you. If you were reading, hopefully today... (Weekend)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on How is Nodus legal?
    Quote from TVflea

    By your criteria, wouldn't stuff like FTB be illegal as well?

    The way it works is, If you actually distribute the .jar, it is illegal. But what FTB does is locally (notice how i said locally) copies your .jar, and then downloads the mods from a hosting site, and automatically installs the mods. When you distribute it over the internet, then its illegal.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on [RESOLVED] Server does not bind to port, no errors given
    Well. Make sure nothing else occupies said ports. Open your firewall (I use a SUSE distro, so i can open TCP port from YAST, i dunno what you would use.) Make sure you are opening a TCP port, and not anything else, also open port on router (unless you've already done that)
    Posted in: Server Support and Administration
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    posted a message on Modding errors
    Quote from doomslayer89

    So are you saying that i have to but a book of tutorials?
    Ill go buy it tmrw...
    Not at all! What i'm saying is that watching youtube won't actually teach you how to do it. Reading a tutorial (online or by book) will tell you the basics of programming, Java, etc.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Modding errors
    Learn Java.
    There are plenty of tutorials, that, if you read them ( i said read them) will do you good.
    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on n00bs?
    Once you realise that big boxes with glass in them is not the only way to build a house, you tend not to be seen as a noob anymore.
    Posted in: Discussion
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