• 2

    posted a message on TechGuy's Modding Tutorials
    Hi. I have a quick question... How do you add a modded item to a recipe?
    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
  • 11

    posted a message on [32x] Rising From Dawn [1.2.5]

    ----- Old Downloads -----
    Version 1.1

    Hello Minecraft Players!
    Today its my Birthday (Feb. 20. 2012) and I've been working on a texture pack for a while now. Its complete but I will make alot of changes to it. I wanted to put this out there on my Birthday because I felt that there's no better time to put it up.
    Keep in mind that this Thread is WIP. Which means I will work on it a lot more.

    ----- Version 1.2 -----
    April. 7. 2012
    Updated to 1.2.5
    Minor Details Added to Items
    ----- Version 1.1 -----
    March. 13. 2012
    Updated to 1.2
    Minor Terrain Changes
    Minor Item Changes
    ----- Version 1.0 -----
    Feb. 20. 2012
    Official Release

    1. Could I Make a Video of this Sexy Pack?
    Yes! But I ask one small tiny thing from you. Could you try and let me know of the video? That way everyone wins. You get more views on your video because I will host it, and I get to know about my fans. But you don't have to.
    2. Can I put this pack on a different website?
    This is hard to answer properly. Yes and No. If you wish to put it on a website, you must let me know. Not Planet Minecraft because I'm going to be putting it on that site soon. Also if I say Yes you may put it on that site, you must put my download link and no adfly or adcraft. You must use my mediafire link. Also, you cannot, under any circumstance say that you created the pack. One last thing. You must have a link directing back at this site.
    3. Can I use some textures from your pack?
    I hate to say this. But I'm sorry. I would if every single texture was made by me. But, if you really want a texture PM me, then Ill tell you who and what pack I got it from, so you could ask them. If the texture that you want is made by me, I would gladly give it to you. But again, PM me if you want a texture. Also if you use one of my textures with my permission, you must Credit me.
    4. Did you steal those Textures?
    God. You have no idea how much I love those comments. It shows that you haven't read the pack. I laugh a lot at those comments. Then I get serious and tell them polity that they haven't read the post.



    DokuCraft - Some Items and Few Terrain
    Summer Fields - Wool, Wild Grass, Testificates
    DMPack - Cobble
    Faithful - Main Base
    Decraftik - Melon

    If you see any other textures used, and is not in the Credits please notify me Via Pm. Thank's. :)
    Also keep in mind that I have gotten permission for all the textures I have used.

    Enjoy the Pack!
    If you really wish to support me you could press the little green .

    FYI. This thread is in a major stage of editing. It should be done sometime soon. Thanks for the support Broski's.
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 1

    posted a message on [32x] Rising From Dawn [1.2.5]
    Added To the OP.
    Also I liked the Video.
    Good Job!
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 2

    posted a message on how to make minecraft mods
    wow does the internet know only how to insult a guy who's asking a decent question?
    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.1] The Early Sunrise [16x]
    Quote from death_ray

    Perfect. Exactly what I was looking for. A smooth pack with not too much or too less detail.

    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 1

    posted a message on TechGuy's Modding Tutorials
    can u do a smelting tut? and like have an example with a random item?
    Posted in: Mapping and Modding Tutorials
  • 29

    posted a message on [1.1] The Early Sunrise [16x]

    By: Doombob123

    By: FreeStyleOMG

    By: ImissMyRealAccount

    Change Log:
    1.0: Added all 1.0 items and terrain.
    Adjusted a Few Particle Errors.


    Can I use some textures from your pack?
    I'm sorry, but you can not use any of my textures because some of them are from different packs. You could however, ask the original creator of the texture.

    Can I make a Texture pack Review?
    Yes! No need to ask. In fact I will even host it up on the OP, just make sure its on the thread so that I can put it up.

    You stole That Texture!
    Sigh. I didn't steal any textures. I have the original creators permission. Please do not wright some thing like you stole that texture on this thread please.

    Do you make mods?
    Yes and No. I am currently learning to make them but I have a lot of things in my hands already.


    Vitrolic_Edge: For Inspiring me to make a texture pack.

    Whiskers: For letting me use some of his textures. His pack is Amazing.

    SpaceBannana: For letting me use some of his textures. He's an amazing person.

    ExtraNoise: His pack was the first pack I've tried. He made an amazing pack.

    Used Texture Pack Textures:

    Good Morning Craft.
    Glossy Pack.
    Quandary Pack.
    Forest Depths.



    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 1

    posted a message on Sonic Ether's Unbelievable Shaders [compatible with Minecraft 1.12.2 via OptiFine]
    Win! I gave you the 50th rep!Why isnt this on the front page yet?
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [16x] [1.1] · • · • · Forest Depths · • · • · [v1.1.1]
    'This is from a real customer not an actor'

    I've been using this product for a long time and thought it was awesome.
    Now I used it again and it is not awesome.
    Its awesomer than awesome.
    The beauty of this pack over whelms me when i play.
    I've been struck by the abstract beauty of it!

    I love you SpaceBannana (no homo)
    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 1

    posted a message on Smart Moving
    this is the best MOD EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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