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    posted a message on Great magicians counsel (need help on mods or need help with anything on mods? then come here!)
    We, the great magician counsel, will help you with anything on mods.

    Need help on making mods?
    Need help because you have a error in your mod you can't find?
    Want to know how to mod?
    You get errors when trying to patch a mod?

    PM me if you need any help from us.
    We the great magician counsel, have great modders that will research on any of this if need help.
    Coming soon: Our mod research team!
    Join the great magician counsel and join our mod research team!

    Also, coming soon, our great mod helper pack!
    This will be updated a lot because block launcher updates frequently.
    This will show mcpe gamers how to mod!

    Not a modder?
    Or, wqnt to pre-order our great mod helper pack and get it sooner?
    Then leave your skype, name, and You need to give us 7 G's.
    P.S. to earn G's, you need to make a few maps or one map and post link in this forum & we will see how hard you worked on it and we will give you 1-50 G's depending on how great it is, how hard you worked on it, and what extra things you added on it.
    We will PM how much G's you have if you earn some.
    P.P.S. we will have a HUGE data base of all of this to keep track of it.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on The great mcpe magicians mods! (NOT W.I.P.)
    Hay guys!
    Me (zero), and budderice have been working on some mods together lately!
    We got a few done. But, we are never done making mods for you wonderfull people.
    So, hear they are:

    Big mods
    Latest: V1.0

    V1.1 (coming soon)
    -Will be adding can change into more things!
    -potions ware off
    -can only use potions once
    -can tap anywhere to use potions

    Must know about mod:
    You can only use potions if you tap them on dirt, not grass.
    And do /potions to get all of them.

    https://www.dropbox....ft mod) V1.0.js

    Mini mods
    Tap a full glass with torch to become a snowman. Walk all over to make snow!
    To turn it off, just simply do it again.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/ahgdhtmoenhgkz7/Be snow man.js

    Simpley, tap any mob with a dirt to ride them!
    function attackHook(attacker, victim)
    { preventDefault();


    1.Our mod helper for all is coming soon!
    So get ready un-teached modders! (People who don't know how to mod)

    2.Our great mcpe (PC edition) mod is coming out in about 1-7 days.

    3. Someone might soon join the great magicians!
    There is one slot left for someone to join the great magicians!
    So tell us now if you want to join! (Must know modding to join)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on The great mcpe magicians! (Hiddencraft mod) [Disguising]
    Zero: "Hay budderice guess what we just finished?"
    Budderice: "Wh..at...(tired)"
    Zero: "a shapeshifting..."
    Budderice: "shut-up! I'm trying to sleep"
    Zero: "..."
    Budderice: "ok, I'm up. Lets, post it!"
    Zero: "yay!"
    Budderice: "hello audience, we are here to post something that will make you disappear because we are MAGICIANS."
    Zero: "disappear with a tap on the ground! But, you need the potion! Um, budderice..."
    Budderice: "what..."
    Zero : "how do you get the potions again?"
    Budderice: "um, do /potions"
    Zero: "oh yay. Ok. Then you will get 12 potions that will change you into 12 things!"
    Zero: "so come on and download it now!"
    Budderice: "also, tell us what we should update on it. The only thing we are updating is that the ability wares off"

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/06d9rt9rhnihnis/The great mcpe magicians (hiddencraft mod) V1.0.jsBugs:

    Can only tap it on dirt not grass:
    Budderice: "It won't work!!!"
    Zero: "That's because you need to tap potion on dirt."
    Budderice: "oh, i knew that."
    Zero: "we are making it were you can tap anywhere to make it work! That part is already done but, that Version has not been released yet."
    Everyone: "WHY NOT?"
    Budderice: "Because we are still updating things in that Version"

    Bugs (END)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on The great magicians from mcpe! [W.I.P.]
    Zero: "Hello, fellow modders/mcpe players. We want to give you a warm welcome."
    Budderice: "And hope to see if you like our mods"
    Zero: "We present, a list of mods we will make, mods that are magical, mods that are impossible, mods, that are from, THE GREAT MAGICIANS!"

    Zero: "we will add mods like never before seen or made!"
    Budderice: "we will make mods from the deep ends of hell, to the sky high heaven's"
    Zero: "they will be are best ever, why? Because we, budderice and me, have teamed up!"
    Zero: "here is a list, of only SOME mods we are going to make"
    Mods going to make:
    -Basketball mod
    -Name tag mod (put name tags on animal's)
    -Crossbow mod
    -Dirtbike mod
    -Arena mod (like boxing)
    -Assassins creed mod ( hidden blades, guns, and more)
    -Flint block mod
    -Avatars mod
    -All elements mod
    -Huge mobs mod
    -Boat mod
    -Advanced crafting mod
    -Brewing potions mod
    -Enchanting mod
    -Villagers mod
    -Digimon mod
    -Element monsters mod
    -Hostile mobs mod
    -Berry system mod
    -Gum mod
    -Coffee system
    -Redstone mod
    -Vine mod
    -Map mod
    -Book mod
    -More mobs mod
    -Money mod
    -Trading mod
    -Piano mod
    -Jukebox mod
    -Emerald mod
    -Ruby mod
    -over 30 new items mod
    -Ender pearl mod
    -Wilderness mod
    -Medieval mod
    -Element shards mod
    Much more!

    Budderice: "How am i going to do even just that?!"
    Zero: "by us joing force's and scripting at same time!"
    Boring voice: "To be continued!"
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on The Ultimate communitie mod!
    Hay budder rice mc, did you know the first coding i learned first was how to make custom items?
    Also, budder rice, want to be partner's?
    We will make the biggest mods in the world! (There are no best mods)
    We'll make super cool mods. Awesome mods. We will make, impossible mods!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on The Ultimate communitie mod!
    Look at my real mod i made.
    Are you trying to tick me of?
    Also, im not that person. I don't even know who that is.
    & last, that was a competition. I do nt steal mods.
    I'll prove you wrong. You know how?
    Look at my real mod i made a few weeks ago!
    If you don't like me, then don't talk to me.
    So there mister, smart guy.Hay arjay_07, i did somthing like this before and it was jot buggy.
    Also, i will always give credits to the people.
    (Unless if i got there permission that i don't have to give them credit or something like that.)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on The Ultimate communitie mod!
    Welcome to the ultimate community mod!

    But, it's not finished!

    So i need your help so i can help you with a awesome mod.
    It will take team work, Powerfull modding, and most of all, Hope.

    But, i need all of you people to post your mods here and say i have permission to use it.
    It needs to be from minecraft.
    Like a redstone mod.

    Please post any mods that relate to minecraft.
    When we have enough, i will combine them to make a mod called, "mcpe (MC edition)"
    This will have nearly everything from minecraft!

    So please help me help you now!
    If have * next to mod name, then thats just what you can add for extra.
    Here is a list of what we need for the mod:
    Potions, fishing, redstone, all MC blocks, boats, all MC food, MC block data like command block mod, Neather portal, etc

    Helpers so far:
    Budder rice MC-about 15 new blocks!
    Help us now!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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