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    posted a message on Diamond Touch Mod!
    I can make this.
    This would take me a few min. To make.
    But, this is like easiest starter mod ever.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on W.I.P BOOK MOD
    I found out how to make a book mod already.
    I just need to take some of the name tags on pets mod and ask if i can modify it to make it a book mod.
    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on pocket economics
    From the great wizard, Zero.
    Comes a epic, money spending, bank robbing, super jobs, come a mod like no other.
    A mod, that can keep you land safe.
    A mod, that were you can buy any item in the game.
    A mod, that has the biggest economic system, in the world!

    Inspired by the creator's of the economy plugin.
    Comes a Whole economic system with over 350 items you can buy or sell!
    This mod will come 2014 june, 1
    Or, it may be earlier!
    (This mod will have nearly everything from the economy plugin or most of it!)
    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on The Ultimate communitie mod!
    Welcome to the ultimate community mod!

    But, it's not finished!

    So i need your help so i can help you with a awesome mod.
    It will take team work, Powerfull modding, and most of all, Hope.

    But, i need all of you people to post your mods here and say i have permission to use it.
    It needs to be from minecraft.
    Like a redstone mod.

    Please post any mods that relate to minecraft.
    When we have enough, i will combine them to make a mod called, "mcpe (MC edition)"
    This will have nearly everything from minecraft!

    So please help me help you now!
    If have * next to mod name, then thats just what you can add for extra.
    Here is a list of what we need for the mod:
    Potions, fishing, redstone, all MC blocks, boats, all MC food, MC block data like command block mod, Neather portal, etc

    Helpers so far:
    Budder rice MC-about 15 new blocks!
    Help us now!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Master-zero's magic mod!
    The tutorial map shows you everything in it and coming updates.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Master-zero's magic mod!
    Welcome fellow citizens.
    I am here to show you a cool mod.
    And here it is!

    Latest: Master mod

    Special thank to:
    Mr.Arm-Redstone data

    There is high security on this zip file for the mod.
    Because people try to take my codes.
    Password is: Master

    Also, the mod comes with tutorial world!
    Please make a video about my mod with tutorial map.
    Thank you!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Pocket mods, maps, textures, and servers!
    System shuting down!
    Forum code: 378
    Admins please delete this forum.
    Thank you!
    Shutting down!
    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Pocket mods, maps, textures, and servers!
    I was told by a admin that if it's a your mcpe website, then it can be posted.
    Only if it's about mcpe.
    I'll fix that link right away.
    I think i posted my gaming site not my mcpe site.
    I'll fix that NOW!I fixed link.
    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Potions mod! 5 potions! Updated to blocklauncher 1.6.9!
    This is good starter mod.
    Check out my potion mod.
    It adds a potion were you can drink "sprint 30" will make you sprint for only 30 sec.
    And a potion that will let you fly and be invincible for only 30 sec.
    I will post this potion mod later.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on How Do You Set New Crafting Recipes (?)
    It's this:
    ModPE.addCraftRecipe(item id, amount, damage, [id to make it, amount making, damage]
    Note: The creator of this has mixed most od the Mcpe's ID's.
    Like sugar id is sugar cane.
    I do not like this a bit because it messes up my Mods.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Team of modders for ModPE Mega builds. Apply here.
    Joey lapp

    What is D/O/B?


    I've mod for about 2 years.

    I will not show my skype for certain reasons.I am very good at modding.
    You ask me to mod anything. And I'll mod it! (Anything but infinite worlds).
    I am also a ok map maker.
    Maps take so long to make.
    For me, mods are more easier.
    And, thats it.
    Posted in: MCPE: Clans
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    posted a message on Custom Blocks! (MCPE mod scripts) UPDATED TO 2.0! EVEN MORE BLOCKS!
    Set the enchant GUI on the enchantment table.
    But, i do not know whats going to happen so i will test it myself.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on [0.8.1] Zombie Mod - Add 12 new Meelee Weapons on your Game!
    you should add a video.
    or i can do that if you want.
    do you want me to?
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Pocket mods, maps, textures, and servers!
    Admins, please put this in mod section. Not W.I.P section. Thank you!

    3 maps almost done!
    Plus, 2 mods almost done!
    They will be posted 3/19/14-3/21/14
    The maps and mods have been canceled due to working on redstone mod.

    Also, Me and Crazy4Redstone have teamed up to Make the best redstone mod in the WORLD!
    It will include pressure plates, trip wire, Dispenser, Powered rails (maybe), New redstone, Etc
    And the best part is it doesn't need a texture pack!
    And last, Crazy4Redstone has made a redstone mod but we are going to edit it.
    We, Pocket. Corp will make it the best! [Crazy4Redstone has made this mod %100 by him self.
    We are just adding much more to it.]
    So special thank to crazy4Redstone!
    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Pocket mods, maps, textures, and servers!
    System shutting down!
    Posted in: MCPE: WIP Mods / Tools
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