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    posted a message on Need to know how to make mods. Experienced modder needed to tell me how to make mods
    Why is this even in the mod section?
    And why are we arguing?
    Guys, let's stop.
    I don't want anyone to cause trouble.
    And don't get smart with me.
    But, i agree with all of you.
    And yes, code academy will soon teach mcpe modding.Ok. What times and days are you wanting to learn?
    I'll send you PM's with sheets to help you & teach you if i can't talk that day/time.
    And i will give you tests after you are done with lessons.
    So, talk to you soon.
    I'm starting to make the first lesson sheet now.
    & the test.
    P.S. please do not cheat. Or it will not be called learing.
    P.P.S. if you don't understand, then feel free to ask any questions.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on [0.8.1] Steve Version 4
    That is sad.
    And dumb to do.
    P.S. this is a easy mod, so why not make a mod like it for yourself?
    Unless if you don't know how.Hay!
    He also liyed! Twice!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Need to know how to make mods. Experienced modder needed to tell me how to make mods
    Im teaching modding at code academy.
    I'm not done yet though.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Need to know how to make mods. Experienced modder needed to tell me how to make mods
    No it is not stupid.
    I'm going to make a book about modding to. (I already started a few days ago)
    And it will show you everything for modding mcpe.
    I agree with them.
    Code academy is a good place to learn, but why not make a book with it all but with even more?
    Code academy does not teach you mcpe functions and how to use them.
    So why not make a book yourself to help people understand mcpe?
    I mean, it's worth a try.
    I am Master of all masters, I am ZERO.
    P.S. everyone is never done learning coding, nobody is.
    P.P.S. i am not a Pro at coding, but at least i know how to.
    And last, so who is with me!?
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on The Ultimate communitie mod!
    Hay budder rice mc, did you know the first coding i learned first was how to make custom items?
    Also, budder rice, want to be partner's?
    We will make the biggest mods in the world! (There are no best mods)
    We'll make super cool mods. Awesome mods. We will make, impossible mods!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on [0.8.1] Steve Version 4
    So, can he pick things up or something?
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on BLOOD SPLATTER (see your victims bleed!)
    That is true.
    How about however far you can see is were it's at!
    And when you leave a place you can't see, then it diapers!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on I Need Help
    Also, are you talking about the Png. File type or the generation terrain file?
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on BLOOD SPLATTER (see your victims bleed!)
    Cool. 3+ for you!
    You used redstone blocks for blood.
    And i think you used quarts for bone shatter.
    That gives me an idea!!!
    Thank you for this idea sir!
    I'm going it to make it rain and snow EVERYWHERE after a amount of ticks!
    And rain.
    I'm going to start after tomorrow because I'll be busy tomorrow.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Need to know how to make mods. Experienced modder needed to tell me how to make mods
    That won't help much.
    You guys want to know hot to code?
    I will give you 4 Options!
    They are all good (but one) and you can do all of them!

    1. I can teach you myself. (I always wanted apprentices) but, i can only teach 3 at most.
    2. Go to code academy.com to learn how to code plugins, and mods! Also all other coding!
    3. Do it Hexdro's way (boring & lame, no offense)
    4. Download my Modder beginner kit & start modding! (Best option)

    Please tell me what options you want to pick so i can help you.
    P.S. i can only help you guys with options 1 and 4.
    P.P.S. i am 13 and i am a modder myself.
    P.P.P.S. i turned 13 2 days ago!Oh ya. I forgot.
    Long_player_123 & admadog_2001 ill teach you guys if you like.
    Also, i can only teach one more.
    So who else needs help?
    Limited time only!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Mod Ideas for Modders!
    Ok, I'll add that.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecarft Pocket Edition Fishing Mod !
    I can fix that sir!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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    posted a message on Mod Ideas for Modders!
    I have a HUGE list of mod idea's me and my friends came up with today.
    Look below:Mods going to make:
    -Basketball mod
    -Name tag mod (put name tags on animal's)
    -Crossbow mod
    -Dirtbike mod
    -Arena mod (like boxing)
    -Assassins creed mod ( hidden blades, guns, and more)
    -Flint block mod
    -Avatars mod
    -All elements mod
    -Huge mobs mod
    -Boat mod
    -Advanced crafting mod
    -Brewing potions mod
    -Enchanting mod
    -Villagers mod
    -Digimon mod
    -Element monsters mod
    -Hostile mobs mod
    -Berry system mod
    -Gum mod
    -Coffee system
    -Redstone mod
    -Vine mod
    -Map mod
    -Book mod
    -More mobs mod
    -Money mod
    -Trading mod
    -Piano mod
    -Jukebox mod
    -Emerald mod
    -Ruby mod
    -over 30 new items mod
    -Ender pearl mod
    -Wilderness mod
    -Medieval mod
    -Element shards mod

    These are my mod idea's.
    And i will make all of these.
    It will take me a long time though.
    So can someone work with me?
    This may be hardcore modding and i love hard codding.
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Discussion
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    posted a message on The Ultimate communitie mod!
    Look at my real mod i made.
    Are you trying to tick me of?
    Also, im not that person. I don't even know who that is.
    & last, that was a competition. I do nt steal mods.
    I'll prove you wrong. You know how?
    Look at my real mod i made a few weeks ago!
    If you don't like me, then don't talk to me.
    So there mister, smart guy.Hay arjay_07, i did somthing like this before and it was jot buggy.
    Also, i will always give credits to the people.
    (Unless if i got there permission that i don't have to give them credit or something like that.)
    Posted in: MCPE: Mod / Tool Help & Requests
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    posted a message on Minecarft Pocket Edition Fishing Mod !
    This is a perfect starter mod.
    This is between hard and easy.
    4 out of 5 stars rate!
    Posted in: MCPE: Mods / Tools
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