• 0

    posted a message on DrZhark's Mo' Creatures (mod suggestion thread)
    Description:Tamed with fairy amulet
    Plays Tricks on player

    types:Water,Grass and Rainbow(rare)
    Water:Little Pond At Mesa
    Grass:Mesa Plateau
    rainbow:Super Fast can be found anywhereDrayad:Snake

    medusa:Found in Labrinth

    Posted in: Mods Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on CraftGuide v1.7.1.1
    um u do know that forge has updated to 1.7.2 so u should update
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Fossils and Archeology Revival Legacy Thread
    This need to be updated :(
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Vocaloid mod maybe?
    u are NOT Kaito i don't see why anyone would think u are Kaito stop roleplaying on the forum if u aren't te person but the idea of the vocaloid mod is good
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on ENCHANTING PLUS
    This is so much better than vanilla enchanting
    thank u soooooooo much
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on [1.6.2] [SMP] [Forge] Better Farming [v3.4.0]
    Quote from iBlackShadow

    Better Farming

    Apple Trees
    apple trees can be planted on dirt and grass blocks, apple trees have 6 growing stages and need a light level of 9 or higher to grow, when fully grown apple trees drop apples over time. Can be found on forest biomes.
    Orange Trees
    orange trees can be planted on dirt and grass blocks, orange trees have 6 growing stages and need a light level of 9 or higher to grow, when fully grown orange trees drop oranges over time. Can be found on forest biomes.
    Lemon Trees
    lemon trees can be planted on dirt and grass blocks, lemon trees have 6 growing stages and need a light level of 9 or higher to grow, when fully grown lemon trees drop lemons over time. Can be found on forest biomes.
    Mint Plants
    mint plant can be planted on farmland only, mint plants have 6 growing stages when fully grown they drop mint and some mint seeds.
    Nether Flowers
    nether flowers can be planted on soulsand only, they have 6 growing stages and drop blaze powder and some seeds when fully grown. They can be found on the nether.
    the rake is a tool similar to the hoe but can only be used on grass, when you use the rake on a grass block it turn it into dirt an have a chance of droping a seed(apple seeds,Orange seeds,lemon seeds,cocoa seeds, mint seeds, melon seeds and pumpking seeds), the better the rake the better chance of getting seeds(gold has the higher chance).
    Chocolate bar
    chocolate bar its a food item that heals 2 hunger.
    mint chocolate bar
    its the same that chocolate bar but instead of hunger it heal 2 hearts and max stack size is 16.
    Chocolate Candy
    heals 1 hunger instantly(no animation).
    Milk Bottle
    obtained by right clicling a cow with an empty bottle, milk bottles cures poison.
    Mint Tea
    heals 4 Hearts and have a max stack size of 16.
    Cold Chocolate Bottle
    heals 2 hunger.
    Hot Chocolate Bottle
    heals 3 hunger.
    heals 1 hunger.
    heals 1 hunger.
    Apple Juice
    heals 2 hunger.
    Orange Juice
    heals 2 hunger.
    heals 3 hunger.
    Golden Orange
    heals 2 hunger and gives Strength for 30 seconds.
    Golden Lemon
    heals 2 hunger and gives Water Breathing for 30 seconds.
    scares animals within 5 blocks.
    configurable bonemeal behavior
    on the config file you can turn on/off bonemeal from working on the mod plants(bonemealGrow)
    how it works instant grow or per stages grow(instantGrow), 0 means off and 1 means on.
    Fruit Leaves Decay
    when a fruit tree drops a fruit his leaves have a 1/3 chances of becoming a normal leave that dont drop fuits, this feature is on by default but you can turn it off on the config file(leaveDecay).
    Configurable terrain generation
    you can disable trees and nether flowers generation on the config file.
    Configurable Fruit Drop Rate
    you can change fruit drop rates using the config file(higher number = slower drop rate).
    Note: you can change ids using the BF.cfg file on the config folder (Server Config is on the config folder on the server directory).

    Apple Seeds

    Orange Seeds

    Lemon Seeds

    Apple Juice

    Orange Juice


    Chocolate Bar

    Mint Chocolate Bar

    Chocolate Candy

    Cold Chocolate Bottle

    Hot Cholate Bottle

    Raw Mint Tea

    Mint Tea

    Wooden Rake

    Stone Rake

    Iron Rake

    Gold Rake

    Diamond Rake

    Golden Orange

    Golden Lemon



    Apple Trees

    Orange Trees

    Lemon Trees

    Mint Plants

    Nether Flowers



    German mod Review + Installation by KosimoLP

    Mod Review by HorsecrazyMC

    Mod Review by 2011MinecraftMan

    Mod Review by Half- Heart- Productions
    Old Videos

    Mod Review by Tomask912

    How to install and spotlight by SCMowns

    How to install(Mac) and spotlight by Cinna

    Mod Review by Phobic_Bus

    How to Install by GameDrainUK


    -3.4.0 Forge Universal adfly
    Older Versions

    Minecraft 1.5.1
    -3.3.2 Forge Universal adfly
    -3.3.1 Forge Universal adfly
    Minecraft 1.5
    -3.2.1 Forge Universal adfly
    -3.2.0 Forge Universal adfly
    Minecraft 1.4.7
    -3.1.1 Forge Universal adfly
    -3.1.0 Forge Universal adfly
    -3.0.0 Forge Universal adfly
    Minecraft 1.2.5
    -2.4.0 Client adfly box
    -2.4.0 Server adfly box
    -2.4.0 Client Forge adfly box
    -2.4.0 Server Forge adfly box
    -2.4.0 Bukkit mcportcentral
    -2.3.1 Client adfly box
    -2.3.1 Server adfly box
    -2.3.1 Client Forge adfly box
    -2.3.1 Server Forge adfly box
    -2.3.1 Bukkit Dropbox
    -2.3.0 Client adfly box
    -2.3.0 Server adfly box
    -2.3.0 Client Forge adfly box
    -2.3.0 Server Forge adfly box
    Minecraft 1.2.4
    -2.2.0 Client adfly box
    -2.2.0 Server adfly box
    -2.2.0 Client Forge adfly box
    -2.2.0 Server Forge adfly box
    Minecraft 1.2.3
    -2.1.0 Client adfly box
    -2.1.0 Server adfly box
    -2.1.0 Client Forge adfly box
    -2.1.0 Server Forge adfly box
    Minecraft 1.0.0
    -2.0.3 Client Forge adfly mediafire
    -2.0.3 Server Forge adfly mediafire
    -2.0.2 Client adfly mediafire
    -2.0.2 Server adfly mediafire
    -2.0.1 adfly mediafire
    -2.0.0 adfly mediafire
    -1.1.0 mediafire
    -1.0.0 mediafire
    How to Install

    -First you need to install Forge
    -then put the .zip on the mods folder.
    -install Forge
    -then put the .zip on the mods folder.

    -updated to 1.6.2
    -added a creative tab for this mod items/blocks
    -fixed bonemeal.
    -now un-grown fruit tree saplings drop 1 seed.
    -now right-clicking tall grass with tree seeds will plant the tree.
    -fixed infinite fruits bug.
    -fixed server crash.
    -now you can change rake drops using the config file.
    -Updated to 1.5.1
    -Bonemeal works properly now
    -now leaves always drop fruits when destroyed
    -now mint drops atleast 1 seed
    -player swing his hand when a tree, mint or nether flower is planted
    -creative pick block works properly now
    -leaves dont break instantly anymore
    -Fixed rake textures.
    -Updated to Minecraft 1.5
    -added Biome Colors to leaves(of by default you can turn it on using the config file).
    -now you can change fruit drop rates using the config file
    -now you can disable fruit to seeds recipes, making the rake more important tool.
    -fixed trees growth rate.
    -fixed right clicking cows.
    -thirst mod compatibility(drinks heal your thirst bar).
    -added nether flower
    -updated to minecraft 1.4.7
    -removed cocoa trees.
    -improved configuration file(it will remove the old config file, you might want to make a copy).
    -now you can change hunger values using the cofig file
    -you can turn off tree generation on the config file
    -you can disable the rake on the config file
    -added a scarecrow that scares animals within 5 blocks
    -added golden lemon
    -added golden orange
    -minor bugfixes
    -ExtrabiomesXL compatibility.
    -leaves no longer use biome colors.
    -forge version uses forge bonemeal handler.
    -some minor bugfixes.
    -1.2.5 compatible
    -fixed cocoa leaves textures on fast graphics.
    -1.2.4 compatible
    -fixed destroying leaves crashing the game.
    -1.2.3 compatible
    -Fancy Graphics Compatibility
    -MC Forge Compatible
    -now you need Forge.
    -removed the update key
    -change the server config directory(now the config file is in the same directory as the
    -now drinks use the drink animation
    -now you get back glass bottles from drinks
    -Change lemon,lemonade,lemon seeds and lemon leaves textures(now they are yellow)
    -now milk bottles cures poison
    -now you will see an in-game message when a new version is available
    -now you need ModLoaderMP
    -SMP support
    -now the trees can be found on forest biomes.
    -added trees decay(can be turned off).
    -added orange tree
    -added orange
    -added orange juice
    -added lemon tree
    -added lemon
    -added lemonade
    -added apple juice
    -change apple leaves texture
    -fixed leaves sound
    -added Chocolate Candy
    -added Milk Bottle
    -added hot and cold Chocolate Bottle
    -added Mint Tea
    -change the Mint Chocolate Bar texture.
    -now bonemeal works on the mod plants(toggleable on the config file)
    -first realease

    Banner By AvoadorasProductions



    this needs to be updated its a very cool mod
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Mo' Creatures Server [1.7.10]
    i think i will join
    Posted in: PC Servers
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