Now your thinking with portals... I think...(that was bad). This could be very useful when making tough puzzles and when trying to stop griefers. I support and you get a head.
There are many threads that suggest this. Please use search or google. Also, you need to be more specific when making an idea. If you say what can be made from this idea (like bone bows that have longer and straighter shooting range, but do less arrow damage) and put down all of the statistics.
Dungeons that are like sewers? Is there by chance that this idea comes with mutated turtles? I think a possible alternative is that this works like villages. I don't know, but this could be cool. I am thinking that it would also make Mine Craft become a little technologically advanced if this happens too since when you think of cities, you think of tall towers with elevators, a lot of electrically runned things, and whatever else. The day and night cycle on how the city changes is "ify" though. You are walking around and then the city changes and you get stuck in a wall is probably the most deadly. I think the blocks should change their appearance or turn into a new material at night to make a similar effect.
There is always the option of using copper, don't forget that. Copper can conduct electricity. Also use search, there was ideas like crafting slime balls and re stone dust to make sticky red stone dust that can do this. However, that was only one of the many ideas to do just this.
Well, if you sort of approve, may I ask you what should be done to improve the ones that you aren't so sure on? That is what you are supposed to do if something seems off.
I know right? I hate it a whole lot. And some people like to have log floors which looks nice. There should be some that are bigger than others though.
That is what a mod is for. Though, some of these ideas I would like to see in the real game. So, anyone going to suggest any changes or maybe even a block mob idea? I would appreciate it. I think I can help you form the idea if you are not so sure what to think.
Is it just me or isn't there a game where a monkey rolls some barrels at a carpenter who is now a plumber? Yeah, I think if you were to push a barrel on a rail way, it would follow the track. Now, that is fun and all, but has no use. So, I say this, If you like deadly exploding traps, then putting TNT in that barrel is exactly what I am getting at. Most of the barrel ideas I see are all good, but they all miss this out.