So I log into MC on 5/31/14 (friday) and it says Seecret Friday Update! I know what they mean and we havent had one in A LONG time. There usually a new item or somethin' But I need your help!
First of all look at the yellow bouncy letters on the title screen, does it say "Seecret Friday Update"?
Second, have you found out what it is! If you have post below?!
Skype username/Do you have a MIC?: truisticframe (No Mic)
Past experience:
About 9 other servers, all fell out because of bad owners or some other malarky I dont want to get into.
What are your strongest abilities:
Well, all staff abilities, respecting perms, respecting rules, respecting higher staff ranks. Also dealing with problems such as breaking rules, hacking. I have a good way of talking with people. I am very social and know how to get a conversation going easily. Which means I can stop fights faster. I have lots of abilities.
What are your weaknesses?:
None, other then when theres like 12 people all breaking at once. I like to call it an uproar. and its usually about overthrowing a rule.
How active will you be?:
Very. I spend well, about all of my time on my PC so I can be on alot
Can you code?*If so what plugins*:
Sadly I can not code. But I am an ok beginner when it comes to making textures and art.
I started MC in 2012 with a crappy computer that gave me 3 FPS. I love gaming, Have since 2008. When I first started playing video games on consoles. Before that I played pokemon on a DS and other games on a PSP. Not much else besides I play minecraft all day every day (sometimes its not an exxageration, Well most of the time)
What position would you like to applying for?
What is RP to you?
Fun, and work. RP is fun, yet at the same time it requires knowlege of whatever the RP is based off of. Such as colonial times. I recently was moderating on a server based on that.
Define Meta-Gaming:
Define Power-Gaming:
Interacting with games.
What are your experience with Role Play in Minecraft and in general?
On a scale of one to 10 id' have to say 9.
What is your duty on Gods Among Us? Explain.
Keep the server clean of hackers, and rule breakers in general. as well as to sort out problems and keep the community well. Not to mention help the owner/owners with something if they are unable to get online. I take things seriously when it comes to anything like this.
You understand your job is to ensure the BEST possible RP experience and to NOT just apply for a rank on the server?
Yes, I understand fully. Whats the point in even being on an RP server if your not keeping it RP.
You understand that anyones building not following the lore/buildcode must be removed?
Yes. I hate it whenever someone goes on a themed server and builds something not relating to that theme. (EX: Medieval server: Modern Build)
You also understand that random killing and killing not in a RP fashion is a punishable crime? Yes I had to deal with that many times while working on the colonial RP server. One player killed another player with no RP reason him/her was given a warning. If he/she did it again she would be banned and told to appeal.
You can punish players accordingly based upon their actions?
Depends on what there actions are. Hacking=Ban General Rule Breaking can = anything depending on what rule broken. And sometimes why.
You also understand that you will be required to make a playercard when the server launches?Yes. I can easily get one.
Anything else you would like to add?
Nothing other than I love RP/RPG and hope to see you on the server eventually!
Why do you prefer playing in a small community?: Small communities offer lots of fun for players. They make you able to actually know the people who play. You can meet people and make friends, They are really nice to play. It gives a chance for everyone to do something and have fun. Isnt that what video games such as minecraft are made for? To have fun. We all deserve a nice community of people to play with and this is a chance to do so. I mean, look at what this game has become. Servers that have 1000 people on them because they offer Minigames to play. Thats horrible. If I had a server it would be straight out survival with some plugins and special aspects of course.
What is your favourite aspect of playing on a server with a vanilla-like gameplay?: Vanilla is original. Its from where MC was based. Its why we are here. Now all of minecraft is: Chocalate, its not even vanilla. Yeah, people say chocalate is delicous (I do to) but is chocalate original? No chocalate was the 2nd flavor! Lol, using ice cream flavors to represent minecraft. its logic.
Tell us something about yourself: I am a 15 year old MC player who found this game in 2012 when he was 13 (Notice that odd mix of 1st and 3rd person) I love this game and it is in my top 3 video games which isnt really a top 3 cause theres only 2. I am a genious when it comes to numbers! As you can see I am pretty goofy and come up with cheasy jokes because lets face it. Cheasy jokes are the funniest.
Why should we accept you: You should Accept me because I can bring laughter and fun to the community. I also havent counted these words so god help me its 200... I am just there to bring fun and build to the community. Oh yeah, I am a really good builder. Um...shouldve added that earlier.
Hope you took time to read this.
Hey, my name is truistic, but you can call me tru.
I have been looking for a server kinda like Hermitcraft/Mindcrack, It is a cool way to play. It has to have a decent amount of players (over 6) that actively play. Also its in 1.7.9 because snapshots are laggy like crap.
Now I am not demanding anything, Lol. But thats all id like.
And no I am not saying id like to have someone pay for it and me be the owner, I am looking to play on it LOL. I have had a slight mixup in the past with this
* Available hours: on average i'd say about over 4 but summer is coming up so maybe 8-9
* Why you deserve this position: Well I have been staff on many other servers and got to head-admin on at-least 2, admin on all others and my most recent server closed as of the day I am posting this. If you need any proof I can send it over skype, overall I think I am very good with social skills and am very good with handling problems such as fights, hacking, and ban appeals. I think I would do good as a staff member for your server
* Past experience with servers: Tons, as you may have read above on a 1-10 scale my anwser is a 9
* Past experience with RPG: Lots, played normal RPG games such as Skyrim and Fallout. I have been staff on a medieval RPG server before. Overall I have a nice experience with RPG's.
Plugin knowledge: Other than commands, I have none
Are you a good builder: Yes Are you a technical or social person: Social, Yet I am not gonna say I am %100 social.
I got a question That hasn't been answered on the OP.
Does realms allow plugins or something like that?
There should be a money system. Cause I wanna set up a cool little shop for everyone.
No realms currently is under developement, there is no plugins yet, if I wanted to see any plugins it would be the warp plugin
I did, weird.
EDIT: My realm apparently has to be "activated", meaning a bit of wait time for invites. I'll be saving a notepad.txt of all the names. Sorry for the inconvience guys. However you all will be added once it's active. Feel free to post more replies!
First of all look at the yellow bouncy letters on the title screen, does it say "Seecret Friday Update"?
Second, have you found out what it is! If you have post below?!
Where are you from?: Southeast US
Why do you prefer playing in a small community?: Small communities offer lots of fun for players. They make you able to actually know the people who play. You can meet people and make friends, They are really nice to play. It gives a chance for everyone to do something and have fun. Isnt that what video games such as minecraft are made for? To have fun. We all deserve a nice community of people to play with and this is a chance to do so. I mean, look at what this game has become. Servers that have 1000 people on them because they offer Minigames to play. Thats horrible. If I had a server it would be straight out survival with some plugins and special aspects of course.
What is your favourite aspect of playing on a server with a vanilla-like gameplay?: Vanilla is original. Its from where MC was based. Its why we are here. Now all of minecraft is: Chocalate, its not even vanilla. Yeah, people say chocalate is delicous (I do to) but is chocalate original? No chocalate was the 2nd flavor! Lol, using ice cream flavors to represent minecraft. its logic.
Tell us something about yourself: I am a 15 year old MC player who found this game in 2012 when he was 13 (Notice that odd mix of 1st and 3rd person) I love this game and it is in my top 3 video games which isnt really a top 3 cause theres only 2. I am a genious when it comes to numbers! As you can see I am pretty goofy and come up with cheasy jokes because lets face it. Cheasy jokes are the funniest.
Why should we accept you: You should Accept me because I can bring laughter and fun to the community. I also havent counted these words so god help me its 200... I am just there to bring fun and build to the community. Oh yeah, I am a really good builder. Um...shouldve added that earlier.
Hope you took time to read this.
Thank you,
I have been looking for a server kinda like Hermitcraft/Mindcrack, It is a cool way to play. It has to have a decent amount of players (over 6) that actively play. Also its in 1.7.9 because snapshots are laggy like crap.
Now I am not demanding anything, Lol. But thats all id like.
And no I am not saying id like to have someone pay for it and me be the owner, I am looking to play on it LOL. I have had a slight mixup in the past with this
-Shaded (if possible)
-Brown/Blonde Hair
-Tan skin
-Short sleaves (still able to see on screen in 1st person)
Thats what I would like on my skin!
If you can make this it would be greatly appreciated.
* Skype ID (PM if desired): TruisticFrame
* IGN: truisticframe
* Available hours: on average i'd say about over 4 but summer is coming up so maybe 8-9
* Why you deserve this position: Well I have been staff on many other servers and got to head-admin on at-least 2, admin on all others and my most recent server closed as of the day I am posting this. If you need any proof I can send it over skype, overall I think I am very good with social skills and am very good with handling problems such as fights, hacking, and ban appeals. I think I would do good as a staff member for your server
* Past experience with servers: Tons, as you may have read above on a 1-10 scale my anwser is a 9
* Past experience with RPG: Lots, played normal RPG games such as Skyrim and Fallout. I have been staff on a medieval RPG server before. Overall I have a nice experience with RPG's.
Plugin knowledge: Other than commands, I have none
Are you a good builder: Yes
Are you a technical or social person: Social, Yet I am not gonna say I am %100 social.
btw remember my IGN: truisticframe
Hope to see you on!