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    posted a message on MORE ENCHANTMENTS MOD
    Wow, so I'm all for giving to anyone in need at all times but to hold progress on the updating of this mod (Your wording in your spoiler tags makes it seem like you haven't even started) is pretty shameful.

    Let's face it. A low percentage of people will donate to this. Most have no job or money being just youngsters that have this held over their heads now.

    And who knows how long it'll be till the goal is reached? Couldn't wait for this mod to come out for the new version but after this, I'll pass.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Dragon Cave Thread
    Quote from Grinngo »
    So I'm new to this but it seems pretty fun. ; o; How does it work exactly?

    Keep posting with that sig and within a few days your egg should hatch into a hatchling. If you see any message indicating your egg/hatchling is sickened, hit actions and then hide and wait about a day till your dragon is better.

    Thems the basics, at least...
    Posted in: Forum Games
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